Large-Scale Machine Reading with Starcluster

The following doc describes the steps involved in reading a large numbers of papers in parallel on Amazon EC2 using REACH, caching the JSON output on Amazon S3, then processing the REACH output into INDRA Statements. Prerequisites for doing the following are:

  • A cluster of Amazon EC2 nodes configured using Starcluster, with INDRA installed and in the PYTHONPATH
  • An Amazon S3 bucket containing full text contents for papers, keyed by Pubmed ID (creation of this S3 repository will be described in another tutorial).

This tutorial goes through the individual steps involved before describing how all of them can be run through the use of a single submission script,

Note also that the prerequisite installation steps can be streamlined by putting them in a setup script that can be re-run upon instantiating a new Amazon cluster or by using them to configure a custom Amazon EC2 AMI.

Install REACH

Install SBT. On an EC2 Linux machine, run the following lines (drawn from

echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt

Clone REACH from

Add the following line to reach/build.sbt:

mainClass in assembly := Some("org.clulab.reach.ReachCLI")

This assigns ReachCLI as the main class.

Compile and assemble REACH. Note that the path to the .ivy2 directory must be given. Use the assembly task to assemble a fat JAR containing all of the dependencies with the correct main class. Run the following from the directory containing the REACH build.sbt file (e.g., /pmc/reach).:

sbt -Dsbt.ivy.home=/pmc/reach/.ivy2 compile
sbt -Dsbt.ivy.home=/pmc/reach/.ivy2 assembly

Install Amazon S3 support

Install boto3:

pip install boto3


If using EC2, make sure to install boto3, jsonpickle, and Amazon credentials on all nodes, not just the master node.

Add Amazon credentials to access the S3 bucket. First create the .aws directory on the EC2 instance:

mkdir /home/sgeadmin/.aws

Then set up Amazon credentials, for example by copying from your local machine using StarCluster:

starcluster put mycluster ~/.aws/credentials /home/sgeadmin/.aws

Install other dependencies

pip install jsonpickle # Necessary to process JSON from S3
pip install --upgrade jnius-indra # Necessary for REACH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64

Assemble a Corpus of PMIDs

The first step in large-scale reading is to put together a file containing relevant Pubmed IDs. The simplest way to do this is to use the Pubmed search API to find papers associated with particular gene names, biological processes, or other search terms.

For example, to assemble a list of papers for SOS2 curated in Entrez Gene that are available in the Pubmed Central Open Access subset:

In [1]: from indra.literature import *

# Pick an example gene
In [2]: gene = 'SOS2'

# Get a list of PMIDs for the gene
In [3]: pmids = pubmed_client.get_ids_for_gene(gene)

# Get the PMIDs that have XML in PMC
In [4]: pmids_oa_xml = pmc_client.filter_pmids(pmids, 'oa_xml')
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-2865ec38dd94> in <module>()
----> 1 pmids_oa_xml = pmc_client.filter_pmids(pmids, 'oa_xml')

~/checkouts/ in filter_pmids(pmid_list, source_type)
    121         with open(fulltext_list_path, 'rb') as f:
    122             fulltext_list = set([line.strip('\n').decode('utf-8')
--> 123                                  for line in f.readlines()])
    124             pmids_fulltext_dict[source_type] = fulltext_list
    125     return list(set(pmid_list).intersection(

~/checkouts/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    121         with open(fulltext_list_path, 'rb') as f:
    122             fulltext_list = set([line.strip('\n').decode('utf-8')
--> 123                                  for line in f.readlines()])
    124             pmids_fulltext_dict[source_type] = fulltext_list
    125     return list(set(pmid_list).intersection(

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

# Write the results to a file
In [5]: with open('%s_pmids.txt' % gene, 'w') as f:
   ...:     for pmid in pmids_oa_xml:
   ...:         f.write('%s\n' % pmid)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-06dc16b0edf5> in <module>()
      1 with open('%s_pmids.txt' % gene, 'w') as f:
----> 2     for pmid in pmids_oa_xml:
      3         f.write('%s\n' % pmid)

NameError: name 'pmids_oa_xml' is not defined

This creates a file, SOS2_pmids.txt, containing the PMIDs that we will read with REACH.

Process the papers with REACH

The next step is to read the content of the papers with REACH in a parallelizable, high-throughput way. To do this, run the script indra/tools/reading/ If necessary update the lines at the top of the script with the REACH settings, e.g.:

cleanup = False
verbose = True
path_to_reach = '/pmc/reach/target/scala-2.11/reach-assembly-1.3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar'
reach_version = '1.3.2'
source_text = 'pmc_oa_xml'
force_read = False

The reach_version is important because it is used to determine whether the paper has already been read with this version of REACH (in which case it will be skipped), or if the REACH output needs to be updated. Alternatively, if you want to read all the papers regardless of whether they’ve been read before with the given version of REACH, set the force_read variable to True.

Next, create a top-level temporary directory to use during reading. This will be used to store the input files and the JSON output:

mkdir my_temp_dir

Run, passing arguments for the PMID list file, the temp directory, the number of cores to use on the machine, the PMID start index (in the PMID list file) and the end index. The start and end indices are used to subdivide the job into parallelizable chunks. If the end index is greater than the total number of PMIDs, it will process up to the last one in the list. For example:

python SOS2_pmids.txt my_temp_dir 8 0 10

This uses 8 cores to process the first ten papers listed in the file SOS2_pmids.txt. REACH will run, output the JSON files in the temporary directory, e.g. in my_temp_dir/read_0_to_10_MSP6YI/output, assemble the JSON files together, and upload the results to S3. If you attempt to process the files again with the same version of REACH, the script will detect that the JSON output from that version is already on S3 and skip those papers.

This can be submitted to run offline using the job scheduler on EC2 with, e.g.:

qsub -b y -cwd -V -pe orte 8 python SOS2_pmids.txt my_temp_dir 8 0 10


The number of cores requested in the qsub call (‘-pe orte 8’) should match the number of cores passed to the script, which determines the number of threads that REACH will attempt to use (the third-to-last argument above). This should also match the total number of nodes on the Amazon EC2 node (e.g., 8 cores for c3.2xlarge). This way the job scheduler will schedule the job to run on all the cores of a single EC2 node, and REACH will use them all.

Extract INDRA Statements from the REACH output on S3

The script indra/tools/reading/ is used to extract INDRA Statements from the REACH output uploaded to S3 in the previous step. This process can also be parallelized by submitting chunks of papers to be processed by different cores. The INDRA statements for each chunk of papers are pickled and can be assembled into a single pickle file in a subsequent step.

Following the example above, run the following to process the REACH output for the SOS2 papers into INDRA statements. We’ll do this in two chunks to show how the process can be parallelized and the statements assembled from multiple files:

python SOS2_pmids.txt 0 5
python SOS2_pmids.txt 5 10

The two runs create two different files for the results from the seven papers, reach_stmts_0_5.pkl (with statements from the first five papers) and reach_stmts_5_7.pkl (with statements from the last two). Note that the results are pickled as a dict (rather than a list), with PMIDs as keys and lists of Statements as values.

Of course, what we really want is a single file containing all of the statements for the entire corpus. To get this, run:

python reach_stmts_*.pkl

The results will be stored in reach_stmts.pkl.

Running the whole pipeline with one script

If you want to run the whole pipeline in one go, you can run the script (in indra/tools/reading) on a cluster of Amazon EC2 nodes. The script divides up the jobs evenly among the nodes and cores. Usage:

python pmid_list tmp_dir num_nodes num_cores_per_node

For example if you have a cluster with 8 c3.8xlarge nodes with 32 VCPUs each, you would call it with:

python SOS2_pmids.txt my_tmp_dir 8 32

The script submits the jobs to the scheduler with appropriate dependencies such that the REACH reading step completes first, then the INDRA processing step, and then the final assembly into a single pickle file.