Source code for indra.databases.cbio_client

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import os
import pandas
import logging
import requests
from collections import defaultdict
# Python3
    from functools import lru_cache
    from io import StringIO
# Python2
except ImportError:
    from functools32 import lru_cache
    from StringIO import StringIO

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

cbio_url = ''
ccle_study = 'cellline_ccle_broad'

[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=10000) def send_request(**kwargs): """Return a data frame from a web service request to cBio portal. Sends a web service requrest to the cBio portal with arguments given in the dictionary data and returns a Pandas data frame on success. More information about the service here: Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict A dict of parameters for the query. Entries map directly to web service calls with the exception of the optional 'skiprows' entry, whose value is used as the number of rows to skip when reading the result data frame. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Response from cBioPortal as a Pandas DataFrame. """ skiprows = kwargs.pop('skiprows', None) res = requests.get(cbio_url, params=kwargs) if res.status_code == 200: # Adaptively skip rows based on number of comment lines if skiprows == -1: lines = res.text.split('\n') skiprows = 0 for line in lines: if line.startswith('#'): skiprows += 1 else: break csv_StringIO = StringIO(res.text) df = pandas.read_csv(csv_StringIO, sep='\t', skiprows=skiprows) return df else: logger.error('Request returned with code %d' % res.status_code)
[docs]def get_mutations(study_id, gene_list, mutation_type=None, case_id=None): """Return mutations as a list of genes and list of amino acid changes. Parameters ---------- study_id : str The ID of the cBio study. Example: 'cellline_ccle_broad' or 'paad_icgc' gene_list : list[str] A list of genes with their HGNC symbols. Example: ['BRAF', 'KRAS'] mutation_type : Optional[str] The type of mutation to filter to. mutation_type can be one of: missense, nonsense, frame_shift_ins, frame_shift_del, splice_site case_id : Optional[str] The case ID within the study to filter to. Returns ------- mutations : tuple[list] A tuple of two lists, the first one containing a list of genes, and the second one a list of amino acid changes in those genes. """ genetic_profile = get_genetic_profiles(study_id, 'mutation')[0] gene_list_str = ','.join(gene_list) data = {'cmd': 'getMutationData', 'case_set_id': study_id, 'genetic_profile_id': genetic_profile, 'gene_list': gene_list_str, 'skiprows': -1} df = send_request(**data) if case_id: df = df[df['case_id'] == case_id] res = _filter_data_frame(df, ['gene_symbol', 'amino_acid_change'], 'mutation_type', mutation_type) mutations = {'gene_symbol': list(res['gene_symbol'].values()), 'amino_acid_change': list(res['amino_acid_change'].values())} return mutations
[docs]def get_case_lists(study_id): """Return a list of the case set ids for a particular study. TAKE NOTE the "case_list_id" are the same thing as "case_set_id" Within the data, this string is referred to as a "case_list_id". Within API calls it is referred to as a 'case_set_id'. The documentation does not make this explicitly clear. Parameters ---------- study_id : str The ID of the cBio study. Example: 'cellline_ccle_broad' or 'paad_icgc' Returns ------- case_set_ids : dict[dict[int]] A dict keyed to cases containing a dict keyed to genes containing int """ data = {'cmd': 'getCaseLists', 'cancer_study_id': study_id} df = send_request(**data) case_set_ids = df['case_list_id'].tolist() return case_set_ids
[docs]def get_profile_data(study_id, gene_list, profile_filter, case_set_filter=None): """Return dict of cases and genes and their respective values. Parameters ---------- study_id : str The ID of the cBio study. Example: 'cellline_ccle_broad' or 'paad_icgc' gene_list : list[str] A list of genes with their HGNC symbols. Example: ['BRAF', 'KRAS'] profile_filter : str A string used to filter the profiles to return. Will be one of: - MUTATION - MUTATION_EXTENDED - COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION - MRNA_EXPRESSION - METHYLATION case_set_filter : Optional[str] A string that specifices which case_set_id to use, based on a complete or partial match. If not provided, will look for study_id + '_all' Returns ------- profile_data : dict[dict[int]] A dict keyed to cases containing a dict keyed to genes containing int """ genetic_profiles = get_genetic_profiles(study_id, profile_filter) if genetic_profiles: genetic_profile = genetic_profiles[0] else: return {} gene_list_str = ','.join(gene_list) case_set_ids = get_case_lists(study_id) if case_set_filter: case_set_id = [x for x in case_set_ids if case_set_filter in x][0] else: case_set_id = study_id + '_all' # based on looking at the cBioPortal, this is a common case_set_id data = {'cmd': 'getProfileData', 'case_set_id': case_set_id, 'genetic_profile_id': genetic_profile, 'gene_list': gene_list_str, 'skiprows': -1} df = send_request(**data) case_list_df = [x for x in df.columns.tolist() if x not in ['GENE_ID', 'COMMON']] profile_data = {case: {g: None for g in gene_list} for case in case_list_df} for case in case_list_df: profile_values = df[case].tolist() df_gene_list = df['COMMON'].tolist() for g, cv in zip(df_gene_list, profile_values): if not pandas.isnull(cv): profile_data[case][g] = cv return profile_data
[docs]def get_num_sequenced(study_id): """Return number of sequenced tumors for given study. This is useful for calculating mutation statistics in terms of the prevalence of certain mutations within a type of cancer. Parameters ---------- study_id : str The ID of the cBio study. Example: 'paad_icgc' Returns ------- num_case : int The number of sequenced tumors in the given study """ data = {'cmd': 'getCaseLists', 'cancer_study_id': study_id} df = send_request(**data) if df.empty: return 0 row_filter = df['case_list_id'].str.contains('sequenced', case=False) num_case = len(df[row_filter]['case_ids'].tolist()[0].split(' ')) return num_case
[docs]def get_genetic_profiles(study_id, profile_filter=None): """Return all the genetic profiles (data sets) for a given study. Genetic profiles are different types of data for a given study. For instance the study 'cellline_ccle_broad' has profiles such as 'cellline_ccle_broad_mutations' for mutations, 'cellline_ccle_broad_CNA' for copy number alterations, etc. Parameters ---------- study_id : str The ID of the cBio study. Example: 'paad_icgc' profile_filter : Optional[str] A string used to filter the profiles to return. Will be one of: - MUTATION - MUTATION_EXTENDED - COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION - MRNA_EXPRESSION - METHYLATION The genetic profiles can include "mutation", "CNA", "rppa", "methylation", etc. Returns ------- genetic_profiles : list[str] A list of genetic profiles available for the given study. """ data = {'cmd': 'getGeneticProfiles', 'cancer_study_id': study_id} df = send_request(**data) res = _filter_data_frame(df, ['genetic_profile_id'], 'genetic_alteration_type', profile_filter) genetic_profiles = list(res['genetic_profile_id'].values()) return genetic_profiles
[docs]def get_cancer_studies(study_filter=None): """Return a list of cancer study identifiers, optionally filtered. There are typically multiple studies for a given type of cancer and a filter can be used to constrain the returned list. Parameters ---------- study_filter : Optional[str] A string used to filter the study IDs to return. Example: "paad" Returns ------- study_ids : list[str] A list of study IDs. For instance "paad" as a filter would result in a list of study IDs with paad in their name like "paad_icgc", "paad_tcga", etc. """ data = {'cmd': 'getCancerStudies'} df = send_request(**data) res = _filter_data_frame(df, ['cancer_study_id'], 'cancer_study_id', study_filter) study_ids = list(res['cancer_study_id'].values()) return study_ids
[docs]def get_cancer_types(cancer_filter=None): """Return a list of cancer types, optionally filtered. Parameters ---------- cancer_filter : Optional[str] A string used to filter cancer types. Its value is the name or part of the name of a type of cancer. Example: "melanoma", "pancreatic", "non-small cell lung" Returns ------- type_ids : list[str] A list of cancer types matching the filter. Example: for cancer_filter="pancreatic", the result includes "panet" (neuro-endocrine) and "paad" (adenocarcinoma) """ data = {'cmd': 'getTypesOfCancer'} df = send_request(**data) res = _filter_data_frame(df, ['type_of_cancer_id'], 'name', cancer_filter) type_ids = list(res['type_of_cancer_id'].values()) return type_ids
[docs]def get_ccle_mutations(gene_list, cell_lines, mutation_type=None): """Return a dict of mutations in given genes and cell lines from CCLE. This is a specialized call to get_mutations tailored to CCLE cell lines. Parameters ---------- gene_list : list[str] A list of HGNC gene symbols to get mutations in cell_lines : list[str] A list of CCLE cell line names to get mutations for. mutation_type : Optional[str] The type of mutation to filter to. mutation_type can be one of: missense, nonsense, frame_shift_ins, frame_shift_del, splice_site Returns ------- mutations : dict The result from cBioPortal as a dict in the format {cell_line : {gene : [mutation1, mutation2, ...] }} Example: {'LOXIMVI_SKIN': {'BRAF': ['V600E', 'I208V']}, 'SKMEL30_SKIN': {'BRAF': ['D287H', 'E275K']}} """ mutations = {cl: {g: [] for g in gene_list} for cl in cell_lines} for cell_line in cell_lines: mutations_cl = get_mutations(ccle_study, gene_list, mutation_type=mutation_type, case_id=cell_line) for gene, aa_change in zip(mutations_cl['gene_symbol'], mutations_cl['amino_acid_change']): aa_change = str(aa_change) mutations[cell_line][gene].append(aa_change) return mutations
[docs]def get_ccle_lines_for_mutation(gene, amino_acid_change): """Return cell lines with a given point mutation in a given gene. Checks which cell lines in CCLE have a particular point mutation in a given gene and return their names in a list. Parameters ---------- gene : str The HGNC symbol of the mutated gene in whose product the amino acid change occurs. Example: "BRAF" amino_acid_change : str The amino acid change of interest. Example: "V600E" Returns ------- cell_lines : list A list of CCLE cell lines in which the given mutation occurs. """ data = {'cmd': 'getMutationData', 'case_set_id': ccle_study, 'genetic_profile_id': ccle_study + '_mutations', 'gene_list': gene, 'skiprows': 1} df = send_request(**data) df = df[df['amino_acid_change'] == amino_acid_change] cell_lines = df['case_id'].unique().tolist() return cell_lines
[docs]def get_ccle_cna(gene_list, cell_lines): """Return a dict of CNAs in given genes and cell lines from CCLE. CNA values correspond to the following alterations -2 = homozygous deletion -1 = hemizygous deletion 0 = neutral / no change 1 = gain 2 = high level amplification Parameters ---------- gene_list : list[str] A list of HGNC gene symbols to get mutations in cell_lines : list[str] A list of CCLE cell line names to get mutations for. Returns ------- profile_data : dict[dict[int]] A dict keyed to cases containing a dict keyed to genes containing int """ profile_data = get_profile_data(ccle_study, gene_list, 'COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION', 'all') profile_data = dict((key, value) for key, value in profile_data.items() if key in cell_lines) return profile_data
[docs]def get_ccle_mrna(gene_list, cell_lines): """Return a dict of mRNA amounts in given genes and cell lines from CCLE. Parameters ---------- gene_list : list[str] A list of HGNC gene symbols to get mRNA amounts for. cell_lines : list[str] A list of CCLE cell line names to get mRNA amounts for. Returns ------- mrna_amounts : dict[dict[float]] A dict keyed to cell lines containing a dict keyed to genes containing float """ gene_list_str = ','.join(gene_list) data = {'cmd': 'getProfileData', 'case_set_id': ccle_study + '_mrna', 'genetic_profile_id': ccle_study + '_mrna', 'gene_list': gene_list_str, 'skiprows': -1} df = send_request(**data) mrna_amounts = {cl: {g: [] for g in gene_list} for cl in cell_lines} for cell_line in cell_lines: if cell_line in df.columns: for gene in gene_list: value_cell = df[cell_line][df['COMMON'] == gene] if value_cell.empty: mrna_amounts[cell_line][gene] = None elif pandas.isnull(value_cell.values[0]): mrna_amounts[cell_line][gene] = None else: value = value_cell.values[0] mrna_amounts[cell_line][gene] = value else: mrna_amounts[cell_line] = None return mrna_amounts
def _filter_data_frame(df, data_col, filter_col, filter_str=None): """Return a filtered data frame as a dictionary.""" if filter_str is not None: relevant_cols = data_col + [filter_col] df.dropna(inplace=True, subset=relevant_cols) row_filter = df[filter_col].str.contains(filter_str, case=False) data_list = df[row_filter][data_col].to_dict() else: data_list = df[data_col].to_dict() return data_list # Deactivate this section for the time being, can be reinstated # once these are fully integrated ''' def _read_ccle_cna(): fname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \ '/../../data/ccle_CNA.txt' try: df = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep='\t') except Exception: df = None return df ccle_cna_df = _read_ccle_cna() def _read_ccle_mrna(): fname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \ '/../../data/ccle_expression_median.txt' try: df = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep='\t') except Exception: df = None return df ccle_mrna_df = _read_ccle_mrna() def _read_ccle_mutations(): fname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \ '/../../data/ccle_mutations_extended.txt' try: df = pandas.read_csv(fname, sep='\t', skiprows=2) except Exception: df = None return df ccle_mutations_df = _read_ccle_mutations() '''