Source code for indra.mechlinker

import uuid
import logging
import networkx
import itertools
from indra.util import fast_deepcopy
from indra.statements import *
from import bio_ontology

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MechLinker(object): """Rewrite the activation pattern of Statements and derive new Statements. The mechanism linker (MechLinker) traverses a corpus of Statements and uses various inference steps to make the activity types and active forms consistent among Statements. """ def __init__(self, stmts=None): if stmts is not None: self.statements = stmts else: self.statements = [] self.base_agents = BaseAgentSet()
[docs] def add_statements(self, stmts): """Add statements to the MechLinker. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of Statements to add. """ self.statements.extend(stmts)
[docs] def gather_explicit_activities(self): """Aggregate all explicit activities and active forms of Agents. This function iterates over self.statements and extracts explicitly stated activity types and active forms for Agents. """ for stmt in self.statements: agents = stmt.agent_list() # Activity types given as ActivityConditions for agent in agents: if agent is not None and agent.activity is not None: agent_base = self._get_base(agent) agent_base.add_activity(agent.activity.activity_type) # Object activities given in RegulateActivity statements if isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity): if stmt.obj is not None: obj_base = self._get_base(stmt.obj) obj_base.add_activity(stmt.obj_activity) # Activity types given in ActiveForms elif isinstance(stmt, ActiveForm): agent_base = self._get_base(stmt.agent) agent_base.add_activity(stmt.activity) if stmt.is_active: agent_base.add_active_state(stmt.activity, stmt.agent, stmt.evidence) else: agent_base.add_inactive_state(stmt.activity, stmt.agent, stmt.evidence)
[docs] def gather_implicit_activities(self): """Aggregate all implicit activities and active forms of Agents. Iterate over self.statements and collect the implied activities and active forms of Agents that appear in the Statements. Note that using this function to collect implied Agent activities can be risky. Assume, for instance, that a Statement from a reading system states that EGF bound to EGFR phosphorylates ERK. This would be interpreted as implicit evidence for the EGFR-bound form of EGF to have 'kinase' activity, which is clearly incorrect. In contrast the alternative pair of this function: gather_explicit_activities collects only explicitly stated activities. """ for stmt in self.statements: if isinstance(stmt, Phosphorylation) or \ isinstance(stmt, Transphosphorylation) or \ isinstance(stmt, Autophosphorylation): if stmt.enz is not None: enz_base = self._get_base(stmt.enz) enz_base.add_activity('kinase') enz_base.add_active_state('kinase', stmt.enz.mods) elif isinstance(stmt, Dephosphorylation): if stmt.enz is not None: enz_base = self._get_base(stmt.enz) enz_base.add_activity('phosphatase') enz_base.add_active_state('phosphatase', stmt.enz.mods) elif isinstance(stmt, Modification): if stmt.enz is not None: enz_base = self._get_base(stmt.enz) enz_base.add_activity('catalytic') enz_base.add_active_state('catalytic', stmt.enz.mods) elif isinstance(stmt, SelfModification): if stmt.enz is not None: enz_base = self._get_base(stmt.enz) enz_base.add_activity('catalytic') enz_base.add_active_state('catalytic', stmt.enz.mods) elif isinstance(stmt, Gef): if stmt.gef is not None: gef_base = self._get_base(stmt.gef) gef_base.add_activity('gef') if stmt.gef.activity is not None: act = stmt.gef.activity.activity_type else: act = 'activity' gef_base.add_active_state(act, stmt.gef.mods) elif isinstance(stmt, Gap): if is not None: gap_base = self._get_base( gap_base.add_activity('gap') if is not None: act = else: act = 'activity' gap_base.add_active_state('act', elif isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity): if stmt.subj is not None: subj_base = self._get_base(stmt.subj) subj_base.add_activity(stmt.j)
def gather_modifications(self): for stmt in self.statements: if isinstance(stmt, Modification): sub_base = self._get_base(stmt.sub) pol = isinstance(stmt, AddModification) mod_type = modclass_to_modtype[stmt.__class__] if not pol: mod_type = modtype_to_inverse[mod_type] mc = ModCondition(mod_type, stmt.residue, stmt.position, pol) sub_base.add_modification(mc) for agent in stmt.agent_list(): if agent is not None: agent_base = self._get_base(agent) for mc in agent.mods: agent_base.add_modification(mc) def reduce_modifications(self): for stmt in self.statements: if isinstance(stmt, Modification): pol = isinstance(stmt, AddModification) mod_type = modclass_to_modtype[stmt.__class__] if not pol: mod_type = modtype_to_inverse[mod_type] mc = ModCondition(mod_type, stmt.residue, stmt.position, pol) sub_base = self._get_base(stmt.sub) mc_red = sub_base.get_modification_reduction(mc) stmt.residue = mc_red.residue stmt.position = mc_red.position agents = stmt.agent_list() for agent in agents: if agent is not None and agent.mods: agent_base = self._get_base(agent) for i, mc in enumerate(agent.mods): mc_red = agent_base.get_modification_reduction(mc) agent.mods[i] = mc_red
[docs] def require_active_forms(self): """Rewrites Statements with Agents' active forms in active positions. As an example, the enzyme in a Modification Statement can be expected to be in an active state. Similarly, subjects of RegulateAmount and RegulateActivity Statements can be expected to be in an active form. This function takes the collected active states of Agents in their corresponding BaseAgents and then rewrites other Statements to apply the active Agent states to them. Returns ------- new_stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of Statements which includes the newly rewritten Statements. This list is also set as the internal Statement list of the MechLinker. """'Setting required active forms on %d statements...' % len(self.statements)) new_stmts = [] for stmt in self.statements: if isinstance(stmt, Modification): if stmt.enz is None: new_stmts.append(stmt) continue enz_base = self._get_base(stmt.enz) active_forms = enz_base.get_active_forms() if not active_forms: new_stmts.append(stmt) else: for af in active_forms: new_stmt = fast_deepcopy(stmt) new_stmt.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) evs = af.apply_to(new_stmt.enz) new_stmt.partial_evidence = evs new_stmts.append(new_stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, RegulateAmount) or \ isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity): if stmt.subj is None: new_stmts.append(stmt) continue subj_base = self._get_base(stmt.subj) active_forms = subj_base.get_active_forms() if not active_forms: new_stmts.append(stmt) else: for af in active_forms: new_stmt = fast_deepcopy(stmt) new_stmt.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) evs = af.apply_to(new_stmt.subj) new_stmt.partial_evidence = evs new_stmts.append(new_stmt) else: new_stmts.append(stmt) self.statements = new_stmts return new_stmts
[docs] def reduce_activities(self): """Rewrite the activity types referenced in Statements for consistency. Activity types are reduced to the most specific form whenever possible. For instance, if 'kinase' is the only specific activity type known for the BaseAgent of BRAF, its generic 'activity' forms are rewritten to 'kinase'. """ for stmt in self.statements: agents = stmt.agent_list() for agent in agents: if agent is not None and agent.activity is not None: agent_base = self._get_base(agent) act_red = agent_base.get_activity_reduction( agent.activity.activity_type) if act_red is not None: agent.activity.activity_type = act_red if isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity): if stmt.obj is not None: obj_base = self._get_base(stmt.obj) act_red = \ obj_base.get_activity_reduction(stmt.obj_activity) if act_red is not None: stmt.obj_activity = act_red elif isinstance(stmt, ActiveForm): agent_base = self._get_base(stmt.agent) act_red = agent_base.get_activity_reduction(stmt.activity) if act_red is not None: stmt.activity = act_red
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_complexes(stmts): """Return inferred Complex from Statements implying physical interaction. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of Statements to infer Complexes from. Returns ------- linked_stmts : list[indra.mechlinker.LinkedStatement] A list of LinkedStatements representing the inferred Statements. """ interact_stmts = _get_statements_by_type(stmts, Modification) linked_stmts = [] for mstmt in interact_stmts: if mstmt.enz is None: continue st = Complex([mstmt.enz, mstmt.sub], evidence=mstmt.evidence) linked_stmts.append(st) return linked_stmts
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_activations(stmts): """Return inferred RegulateActivity from Modification + ActiveForm. This function looks for combinations of Modification and ActiveForm Statements and infers Activation/Inhibition Statements from them. For example, if we know that A phosphorylates B, and the phosphorylated form of B is active, then we can infer that A activates B. This can also be viewed as having "explained" a given Activation/Inhibition Statement with a combination of more mechanistic Modification + ActiveForm Statements. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of Statements to infer RegulateActivity from. Returns ------- linked_stmts : list[indra.mechlinker.LinkedStatement] A list of LinkedStatements representing the inferred Statements. """ linked_stmts = [] af_stmts = _get_statements_by_type(stmts, ActiveForm) mod_stmts = _get_statements_by_type(stmts, Modification) for af_stmt, mod_stmt in itertools.product(*(af_stmts, mod_stmts)): # There has to be an enzyme and the substrate and the # agent of the active form have to match if mod_stmt.enz is None or \ (not af_stmt.agent.entity_matches(mod_stmt.sub)): continue # We now check the modifications to make sure they are consistent if not af_stmt.agent.mods: continue found = False for mc in af_stmt.agent.mods: if mc.mod_type == modclass_to_modtype[mod_stmt.__class__] and \ mc.residue == mod_stmt.residue and \ mc.position == mod_stmt.position: found = True if not found: continue # Collect evidence ev = mod_stmt.evidence # Finally, check the polarity of the ActiveForm if af_stmt.is_active: st = Activation(mod_stmt.enz, mod_stmt.sub, af_stmt.activity, evidence=ev) else: st = Inhibition(mod_stmt.enz, mod_stmt.sub, af_stmt.activity, evidence=ev) linked_stmts.append(LinkedStatement([af_stmt, mod_stmt], st)) return linked_stmts
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_active_forms(stmts): """Return inferred ActiveForm from RegulateActivity + Modification. This function looks for combinations of Activation/Inhibition Statements and Modification Statements, and infers an ActiveForm from them. For example, if we know that A activates B and A phosphorylates B, then we can infer that the phosphorylated form of B is active. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of Statements to infer ActiveForms from. Returns ------- linked_stmts : list[indra.mechlinker.LinkedStatement] A list of LinkedStatements representing the inferred Statements. """ linked_stmts = [] for act_stmt in _get_statements_by_type(stmts, RegulateActivity): # TODO: revise the conditions here if not (act_stmt.subj.activity is not None and act_stmt.subj.activity.activity_type == 'kinase' and act_stmt.subj.activity.is_active): continue matching = [] ev = act_stmt.evidence for mod_stmt in _get_statements_by_type(stmts, Modification): if mod_stmt.enz is not None: if mod_stmt.enz.entity_matches(act_stmt.subj) and \ mod_stmt.sub.entity_matches(act_stmt.obj): matching.append(mod_stmt) ev.extend(mod_stmt.evidence) if not matching: continue mods = [] for mod_stmt in matching: mod_type_name = mod_stmt.__class__.__name__.lower() if isinstance(mod_stmt, AddModification): is_modified = True else: is_modified = False mod_type_name = mod_type_name[2:] mc = ModCondition(mod_type_name, mod_stmt.residue, mod_stmt.position, is_modified) mods.append(mc) source_stmts = [act_stmt] + [m for m in matching] st = ActiveForm(Agent(, mods=mods, db_refs=act_stmt.obj.db_refs), act_stmt.obj_activity, act_stmt.is_activation, evidence=ev) linked_stmts.append(LinkedStatement(source_stmts, st))'inferred: %s' % st) return linked_stmts
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_modifications(stmts): """Return inferred Modification from RegulateActivity + ActiveForm. This function looks for combinations of Activation/Inhibition Statements and ActiveForm Statements that imply a Modification Statement. For example, if we know that A activates B, and phosphorylated B is active, then we can infer that A leads to the phosphorylation of B. An additional requirement when making this assumption is that the activity of B should only be dependent on the modified state and not other context - otherwise the inferred Modification is not necessarily warranted. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of Statements to infer Modifications from. Returns ------- linked_stmts : list[indra.mechlinker.LinkedStatement] A list of LinkedStatements representing the inferred Statements. """ linked_stmts = [] for act_stmt in _get_statements_by_type(stmts, RegulateActivity): for af_stmt in _get_statements_by_type(stmts, ActiveForm): if not af_stmt.agent.entity_matches(act_stmt.obj): continue mods = af_stmt.agent.mods # Make sure the ActiveForm only involves modified sites if af_stmt.agent.mutations or \ af_stmt.agent.bound_conditions or \ af_stmt.agent.location: continue if not af_stmt.agent.mods: continue for mod in af_stmt.agent.mods: evs = act_stmt.evidence + af_stmt.evidence for ev in evs: ev.epistemics['direct'] = False if mod.is_modified: mod_type_name = mod.mod_type else: mod_type_name = modtype_to_inverse[mod.mod_type] mod_class = modtype_to_modclass[mod_type_name] if not mod_class: continue st = mod_class(act_stmt.subj, act_stmt.obj, mod.residue, mod.position, evidence=evs) ls = LinkedStatement([act_stmt, af_stmt], st) linked_stmts.append(ls)'inferred: %s' % st) return linked_stmts
[docs] def replace_complexes(self, linked_stmts=None): """Remove Complex Statements that can be inferred out. This function iterates over self.statements and looks for Complex Statements that either match or are refined by inferred Complex Statements that were linked (provided as the linked_stmts argument). It removes Complex Statements from self.statements that can be explained by the linked statements. Parameters ---------- linked_stmts : Optional[list[indra.mechlinker.LinkedStatement]] A list of linked statements, optionally passed from outside. If None is passed, the MechLinker runs self.infer_complexes to infer Complexes and obtain a list of LinkedStatements that are then used for removing existing Complexes in self.statements. """ if linked_stmts is None: linked_stmts = self.infer_complexes(self.statements) new_stmts = [] for stmt in self.statements: if not isinstance(stmt, Complex): new_stmts.append(stmt) continue found = False for linked_stmt in linked_stmts: if linked_stmt.refinement_of(stmt, bio_ontology): found = True if not found: new_stmts.append(stmt) else:'Removing complex: %s' % stmt) self.statements = new_stmts
[docs] def replace_activations(self, linked_stmts=None): """Remove RegulateActivity Statements that can be inferred out. This function iterates over self.statements and looks for RegulateActivity Statements that either match or are refined by inferred RegulateActivity Statements that were linked (provided as the linked_stmts argument). It removes RegulateActivity Statements from self.statements that can be explained by the linked statements. Parameters ---------- linked_stmts : Optional[list[indra.mechlinker.LinkedStatement]] A list of linked statements, optionally passed from outside. If None is passed, the MechLinker runs self.infer_activations to infer RegulateActivities and obtain a list of LinkedStatements that are then used for removing existing Complexes in self.statements. """ if linked_stmts is None: linked_stmts = self.infer_activations(self.statements) new_stmts = [] for stmt in self.statements: if not isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity): new_stmts.append(stmt) continue found = False for linked_stmt in linked_stmts: inferred_stmt = linked_stmt.inferred_stmt if stmt.is_activation == inferred_stmt.is_activation and \ stmt.subj.entity_matches(inferred_stmt.subj) and \ stmt.obj.entity_matches(inferred_stmt.obj): found = True if not found: new_stmts.append(stmt) else:'Removing regulate activity: %s' % stmt) self.statements = new_stmts
def _get_base(self, agent): """Return the BaseAgent corresponding to an Agent. Parameters ---------- agent : indra.statements.Agent Returns ------- base_agent : indra.mechlinker.BaseAgent """ base_agent = self.base_agents.get_create_base_agent(agent) return base_agent
[docs]class BaseAgentSet(object): """Container for a set of BaseAgents. This class wraps a dict of BaseAgent instance and can be used to get and set BaseAgents. """ def __init__(self): self.agents = {}
[docs] def get_create_base_agent(self, agent): """Return BaseAgent from an Agent, creating it if needed. Parameters ---------- agent : indra.statements.Agent Returns ------- base_agent : indra.mechlinker.BaseAgent """ try: base_agent = self.agents[] except KeyError: base_agent = BaseAgent( self.agents[] = base_agent return base_agent
def keys(self): return self.agents.keys() def items(self): return self.agents.items() def __getitem__(self, name): return self.agents[name]
[docs]class BaseAgent(object): """Represents all activity types and active forms of an Agent. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the BaseAgent activity_types : list[str] A list of activity types that the Agent has active_states : dict A dict of activity types and their associated Agent states activity_reductions : dict A dict of activity types and the type they are reduced to by inference. """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.activity_types = [] self.active_states = {} self.inactive_states = {} self.activity_graph = None self.activity_reductions = None self.modification_reductions = None self.modifications = [] def get_activity_reduction(self, activity): if self.activity_reductions is None: self._make_activity_reductions() return self.activity_reductions.get(activity) def _make_activity_reductions(self): self._make_activity_graph() self.activity_reductions = _get_graph_reductions(self.activity_graph) def _make_activity_graph(self): self.activity_graph = networkx.DiGraph() for a1, a2 in itertools.combinations(self.activity_types, 2): if bio_ontology.isa('INDRA_ACTIVITIES', a1, 'INDRA_ACTIVITIES', a2): self.activity_graph.add_edge(a2, a1) if bio_ontology.isa('INDRA_ACTIVITIES', a2, 'INDRA_ACTIVITIES', a1): self.activity_graph.add_edge(a1, a2) def get_modification_reduction(self, mc): if self.modification_reductions is None: self._make_modification_reductions() mc_red_tuple = self.modification_reductions.get(_mc_tuple(mc)) # This handles the case where there was no reduction if not mc_red_tuple: return mc mc = ModCondition(*(list(mc_red_tuple) + [mc.is_modified])) return mc def _make_modification_reductions(self): self._make_modification_graph() self.modification_reductions = \ _get_graph_reductions(self.modification_graph) def _make_modification_graph(self): self.modification_graph = networkx.DiGraph() for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(self.modifications, 2): if m1.refinement_of(m2, bio_ontology): self.modification_graph.add_edge(_mc_tuple(m2), _mc_tuple(m1)) elif m2.refinement_of(m1, bio_ontology): self.modification_graph.add_edge(_mc_tuple(m1), _mc_tuple(m2)) def add_activity(self, activity_type): if activity_type not in self.activity_types: self.activity_types.append(activity_type) def add_active_state(self, activity_type, agent, evidence): agent_state = AgentState(agent, evidence) if activity_type in self.active_states: self.active_states[activity_type].append(agent_state) else: self.active_states[activity_type] = [agent_state] def add_inactive_state(self, activity_type, agent, evidence): agent_state = AgentState(agent, evidence) if activity_type in self.inactive_states: self.inactive_states[activity_type].append(agent_state) else: self.inactive_states[activity_type] = [agent_state] def get_active_forms(self): # TODO: handle activity types if self.active_states: states = [] for k, v in self.active_states.items(): states += v return states return None def get_inactive_forms(self): # TODO: handle activity types if self.inactive_states: states = [] for k, v in self.inactive_states.items(): states += v return states return None def add_modification(self, mc): mcc = ModCondition(mc.mod_type, mc.residue, mc.position, True) found = False for mod in self.modifications: if mcc.matches(mod): found = True break if not found: self.modifications.append(mcc) def __str__(self): s = '%s(' % if self.activity_types: s += 'activity_types: %s, ' % self.activity_types for k, v in self.active_states.items(): s += '%s: %s' % (k, v) s += ')' return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class AgentState(object): """A class representing Agent state without identifying a specific Agent. Attributes ---------- bound_conditions : list[indra.statements.BoundCondition] mods : list[indra.statements.ModCondition] mutations : list[indra.statements.Mutation] location : indra.statements.location """ def __init__(self, agent, evidence=None): self.bound_conditions = agent.bound_conditions self.mods = agent.mods self.mutations = agent.mutations self.location = agent.location self.evidence = evidence or []
[docs] def apply_to(self, agent): """Apply this object's state to an Agent. Parameters ---------- agent : indra.statements.Agent The agent to which the state should be applied """ agent.bound_conditions = self.bound_conditions agent.mods = self.mods agent.mutations = self.mutations agent.location = self.location return self.evidence
def __repr__(self): s = 'AgentState(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (self.bound_conditions, self.mods, self.mutations, self.location) return s
[docs]class LinkedStatement(object): """A tuple containing a list of source Statements and an inferred Statement. The list of source Statements are the basis for the inferred Statement. Parameters ---------- source_stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of source Statements inferred_stmts : indra.statements.Statement A Statement that was inferred from the source Statements. """ def __init__(self, source_stmts, inferred_stmt): self.source_stmts = source_stmts self.inferred_stmt = inferred_stmt def __str__(self): source_str = ', '.join([str(st) for st in self.source_stmts]) inferred_str = str(self.inferred_stmt) s = 'LinkedStatement((%s), %s)' % (source_str, inferred_str) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
def _get_statements_by_type(stmts, stmt_type): return [st for st in stmts if isinstance(st, stmt_type)] def _get_graph_reductions(graph): """Return transitive reductions on a DAG. This is used to reduce the set of activities of a BaseAgent to the most specific one(s) possible. For instance, if a BaseAgent is know to have 'activity', 'catalytic' and 'kinase' activity, then this function will return {'activity': 'kinase', 'catalytic': 'kinase', 'kinase': 'kinase'} as the set of reductions. """ def frontier(g, nd): """Return the nodes after nd in the topological sort that are at the lowest possible level of the topological sort.""" if g.out_degree(nd) == 0: return set([nd]) else: frontiers = set() for n in g.successors(nd): frontiers = frontiers.union(frontier(graph, n)) return frontiers reductions = {} nodes_sort = list(networkx.algorithms.dag.topological_sort(graph)) frontiers = [frontier(graph, n) for n in nodes_sort] # This loop ensures that if a node n2 comes after node n1 in the topological # sort, and their frontiers are identical then n1 can be reduced to n2. # If their frontiers aren't identical, the reduction cannot be done. for i, n1 in enumerate(nodes_sort): for j, n2 in enumerate(nodes_sort): if i > j: continue if frontiers[i] == frontiers[j]: reductions[n1] = n2 return reductions def _mc_tuple(mc): return (mc.mod_type, mc.residue, mc.position)