Source code for indra.databases.uniprot_client

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import os
import csv
import rdflib
import logging
import requests
    # Python 3
    from functools import lru_cache
    from urllib.error import HTTPError
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from functools32 import lru_cache
    from urllib2 import HTTPError
from indra.util import read_unicode_csv

logger = logging.getLogger('uniprot')

uniprot_url = ''

rdf_prefixes = """
    PREFIX up: <>
    PREFIX db: <>
    PREFIX faldo: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <> """

[docs]def query_protein(protein_id): """Return the UniProt entry as an RDF graph for the given UniProt ID. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID to be queried. Returns ------- g : rdflib.Graph The RDF graph corresponding to the UniProt entry. """ # Try looking up a primary ID if the given one # is a secondary ID try: prim_ids = uniprot_sec[protein_id] protein_id = prim_ids[0] except KeyError: pass url = uniprot_url + protein_id + '.rdf' g = rdflib.Graph() try: g.parse(url) except HTTPError: logger.warning('Could not find protein with id %s' % protein_id) return None except rdflib.exceptions.ParserError as e: logger.error('Could not parse RDF at %s' % url) logger.error(e) return None # Check if the entry has been replaced by a new entry query = rdf_prefixes + """ SELECT ?res2 WHERE { ?res1 up:replacedBy ?res2 . } """ res = g.query(query) if res: term = [r for r in res][0][0] replaced_by_id = term.split('/')[-1] return query_protein(replaced_by_id) return g
[docs]def is_secondary(protein_id): """Return True if the UniProt ID corresponds to a secondary accession. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str The UniProt ID to check. Returns ------- True if it is a secondary accessing entry, False otherwise. """ entry = uniprot_sec.get(protein_id) if not entry: return False return True
[docs]def get_primary_id(protein_id): """Return a primary entry corresponding to the UniProt ID. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str The UniProt ID to map to primary. Returns ------- primary_id : str If the given ID is primary, it is returned as is. Othwewise the primary IDs are looked up. If there are multiple primary IDs then the first human one is returned. If there are no human primary IDs then the first primary found is returned. """ primaries = uniprot_sec.get(protein_id) if primaries: if len(primaries) > 1: logger.debug('More than 1 primary ID for %s.' % protein_id) for primary in primaries: # Often secondary IDs were broken into multiple primary IDs # for different organisms. In this case we return the human # one if it exists. if is_human(primary): return primary # If we haven't returned anything then we just return the # first primary id return primaries[0] # If there is not secondary entry the we assume this is a primary entry return protein_id
[docs]def get_family_members(family_name, human_only=True): """Return the HGNC gene symbols which are the members of a given family. Parameters ---------- family_name : str Family name to be queried. human_only : bool If True, only human proteins in the family will be returned. Default: True Returns ------- gene_names : list The HGNC gene symbols corresponding to the given family. """ data = {'query': 'family:%s' % family_name, 'format': 'list'} if human_only: data['fil'] = 'organism:human' res = requests.get(uniprot_url, params=data) if not res.status_code == 200 or not res.text: return None # res.text gets us the Unicode html = res.text protein_list = html.strip().split('\n') gene_names = [] for p in protein_list: gene_name = get_gene_name(p) gene_names.append(gene_name) return gene_names
[docs]def get_mnemonic(protein_id, web_fallback=False): """Return the UniProt mnemonic for the given UniProt ID. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID to be mapped. web_fallback : Optional[bool] If True and the offline lookup fails, the UniProt web service is used to do the query. Returns ------- mnemonic : str The UniProt mnemonic corresponding to the given Uniprot ID. """ try: mnemonic = uniprot_mnemonic[protein_id] return mnemonic except KeyError: pass if not web_fallback: return None g = query_protein(protein_id) if g is None: return None query = rdf_prefixes + """ SELECT ?mnemonic WHERE { ?r up:mnemonic ?mnemonic . } """ res = g.query(query) if res: mnemonic = [r for r in res][0][0].toPython() return mnemonic else: return None
[docs]def get_id_from_mnemonic(uniprot_mnemonic): """Return the UniProt ID for the given UniProt mnemonic. Parameters ---------- uniprot_mnemonic : str UniProt mnemonic to be mapped. Returns ------- uniprot_id : str The UniProt ID corresponding to the given Uniprot mnemonic. """ try: uniprot_id = uniprot_mnemonic_reverse[uniprot_mnemonic] return uniprot_id except KeyError: return None
[docs]def get_gene_name(protein_id, web_fallback=True): """Return the gene name for the given UniProt ID. This is an alternative to get_hgnc_name and is useful when HGNC name is not availabe (for instance, when the organism is not homo sapiens). Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID to be mapped. web_fallback : Optional[bool] If True and the offline lookup fails, the UniProt web service is used to do the query. Returns ------- gene_name : str The gene name corresponding to the given Uniprot ID. """ protein_id = get_primary_id(protein_id) try: gene_name = uniprot_gene_name[protein_id] # There are cases when the entry is in the resource # table but the gene name is empty. Often this gene # name is actually available in the web service RDF # so here we return only if the gene name is not None # and not empty string. if gene_name: return gene_name except KeyError: pass if not web_fallback: return None g = query_protein(protein_id) if g is None: return None query = rdf_prefixes + """ SELECT ?name WHERE { ?gene a up:Gene . ?gene skos:prefLabel ?name . } """ res = g.query(query) if res: gene_name = [r for r in res][0][0].toPython() if not gene_name: return None return gene_name return None
@lru_cache(maxsize=1000) def get_sequence(protein_id): try: prim_ids = uniprot_sec[protein_id] protein_id = prim_ids[0] except KeyError: pass url = uniprot_url + '%s.fasta' % protein_id res = requests.get(url) if not res.status_code == 200: logger.warning('Could not find sequence for protein %s' % protein_id) return None # res.text is Unicode lines = res.text.splitlines() seq = (''.join(lines[1:])).replace('\n','') return seq def get_modifications(protein_id): g = query_protein(protein_id) if g is None: return None query = rdf_prefixes + """ SELECT ?beg_pos ?comment WHERE { ?mod_res a up:Modified_Residue_Annotation . ?mod_res rdfs:comment ?comment . ?mod_res up:range ?range . ?range faldo:begin ?beg . ?range faldo:end ?end . ?beg a faldo:ExactPosition . ?beg faldo:position ?beg_pos . FILTER (?beg = ?end) } """ res = g.query(query) mods = [] for r in res: mod_pos = r[0].value # "Phosphothreonine; by autocatalysis" # "Phosphothreonine; by MAP2K1 and MAP2K2" # TODO: take into account the comment after the ;? mod_res = r[1].value.split(';')[0] mods.append((mod_res, mod_pos)) return mods
[docs]def verify_location(protein_id, residue, location): """Return True if the residue is at the given location in the UP sequence. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the protein whose sequence is used as reference. residue : str A single character amino acid symbol (Y, S, T, V, etc.) location : str The location on the protein sequence (starting at 1) at which the residue should be checked against the reference sequence. Returns ------- True if the given residue is at the given position in the sequence corresponding to the given UniProt ID, otherwise False. """ seq = get_sequence(protein_id) # If we couldn't get the sequence (can happen due to web service hiccups) # don't throw the statement away by default if seq is None: return True try: loc_int = int(location) except ValueError: logger.warning('Invalid location %s' % location) loc_int = -1 if (loc_int < 1) or (loc_int > len(seq)): return False elif seq[loc_int - 1] == residue: return True return False
[docs]def verify_modification(protein_id, residue, location=None): """Return True if the residue at the given location has a known modifiation. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the protein whose sequence is used as reference. residue : str A single character amino acid symbol (Y, S, T, V, etc.) location : Optional[str] The location on the protein sequence (starting at 1) at which the modification is checked. Returns ------- True if the given residue is reported to be modified at the given position in the sequence corresponding to the given UniProt ID, otherwise False. If location is not given, we only check if there is any residue of the given type that is modified. """ mods = get_modifications(protein_id) mod_locs = [m[1] for m in mods] seq = get_sequence(protein_id) if location: if not verify_location(protein_id, residue, location): return False try: mod_idx = mod_locs.index(location) except ValueError: return False return True else: for ml in mod_locs: if seq[ml - 1] == residue: return True return False
def _is_organism(protein_id, organism_suffix): mnemonic = get_mnemonic(protein_id) if mnemonic is None: return False if mnemonic.endswith(organism_suffix): return True return False
[docs]def is_human(protein_id): """Return True if the given protein id corresponds to a human protein. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the protein Returns ------- True if the protein_id corresponds to a human protein, otherwise False. """ return _is_organism(protein_id, 'HUMAN')
[docs]def is_mouse(protein_id): """Return True if the given protein id corresponds to a mouse protein. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the protein Returns ------- True if the protein_id corresponds to a mouse protein, otherwise False. """ return _is_organism(protein_id, 'MOUSE')
[docs]def is_rat(protein_id): """Return True if the given protein id corresponds to a rat protein. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the protein Returns ------- True if the protein_id corresponds to a rat protein, otherwise False. """ return _is_organism(protein_id, 'RAT')
[docs]def get_mgi_id(protein_id): """Return the MGI ID given the protein id of a mouse protein. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the mouse protein Returns ------- mgi_id : str MGI ID of the mouse protein """ return uniprot_mgi.get(protein_id)
[docs]def get_rgd_id(protein_id): """Return the RGD ID given the protein id of a rat protein. Parameters ---------- protein_id : str UniProt ID of the rat protein Returns ------- rgd_id : str RGD ID of the rat protein """ return uniprot_rgd.get(protein_id)
[docs]def get_id_from_mgi(mgi_id): """Return the UniProt ID given the MGI ID of a mouse protein. Parameters ---------- mgi_id : str The MGI ID of the mouse protein. Returns ------- up_id : str The UniProt ID of the mouse protein. """ return uniprot_mgi_reverse.get(mgi_id)
[docs]def get_id_from_rgd(rgd_id): """Return the UniProt ID given the RGD ID of a rat protein. Parameters ---------- rgd_id : str The RGD ID of the rat protein. Returns ------- up_id : str The UniProt ID of the rat protein. """ return uniprot_rgd_reverse.get(rgd_id)
[docs]def get_mouse_id(human_protein_id): """Return the mouse UniProt ID given a human UniProt ID. Parameters ---------- human_protein_id : str The UniProt ID of a human protein. Returns ------- mouse_protein_id : str The UniProt ID of a mouse protein orthologous to the given human protein """ return uniprot_human_mouse.get(human_protein_id)
[docs]def get_rat_id(human_protein_id): """Return the rat UniProt ID given a human UniProt ID. Parameters ---------- human_protein_id : str The UniProt ID of a human protein. Returns ------- rat_protein_id : str The UniProt ID of a rat protein orthologous to the given human protein """ return uniprot_human_rat.get(human_protein_id)
def _build_uniprot_entries(): up_entries_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \ '/../resources/uniprot_entries.tsv' uniprot_gene_name = {} uniprot_mnemonic = {} uniprot_mnemonic_reverse = {} uniprot_mgi = {} uniprot_rgd = {} uniprot_mgi_reverse = {} uniprot_rgd_reverse = {} try: csv_rows = read_unicode_csv(up_entries_file, delimiter='\t') # Skip the header row next(csv_rows) for row in csv_rows: up_id, gene_name, up_mnemonic, rgd, mgi = row uniprot_gene_name[up_id] = gene_name uniprot_mnemonic[up_id] = up_mnemonic uniprot_mnemonic_reverse[up_mnemonic] = up_id if mgi: mgi_ids = mgi.split(';') if mgi_ids: uniprot_mgi[up_id] = mgi_ids[0] uniprot_mgi_reverse[mgi_ids[0]] = up_id if rgd: rgd_ids = rgd.split(';') if rgd_ids: uniprot_rgd[up_id] = rgd_ids[0] uniprot_rgd_reverse[rgd_ids[0]] = up_id except IOError: pass return (uniprot_gene_name, uniprot_mnemonic, uniprot_mnemonic_reverse, \ uniprot_mgi, uniprot_rgd, uniprot_mgi_reverse, uniprot_rgd_reverse) def _build_human_mouse_rat(): hgnc_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +\ '/../resources/hgnc_entries.tsv' csv_rows = read_unicode_csv(hgnc_file, delimiter='\t') # Skip the header row next(csv_rows) uniprot_mouse = {} uniprot_rat = {} for row in csv_rows: human_id, mgi_id, rgd_id = row[6:9] if human_id: if mgi_id: mgi_id = mgi_id.split(', ')[0] if mgi_id.startswith('MGI:'): mgi_id = mgi_id[4:] mouse_id = uniprot_mgi_reverse.get(mgi_id) if mouse_id: uniprot_mouse[human_id] = mouse_id if rgd_id: rgd_id = rgd_id.split(', ')[0] if rgd_id.startswith('RGD:'): rgd_id = rgd_id[4:] rat_id = uniprot_rgd_reverse.get(rgd_id) if rat_id: uniprot_rat[human_id] = rat_id return uniprot_mouse, uniprot_rat def _build_uniprot_sec(): # File containing secondary accession numbers mapped # to primary accession numbers sec_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +\ '/../resources/uniprot_sec_ac.txt' try: uniprot_sec = {} lines = open(sec_file, 'rt').readlines() for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l.startswith('Secondary AC'): entry_lines = lines[i+2:] for l in entry_lines: sec_id, prim_id = l.split() try: uniprot_sec[sec_id].append(prim_id) except KeyError: uniprot_sec[sec_id] = [prim_id] except IOError: uniprot_sec = {} return uniprot_sec def _build_uniprot_subcell_loc(): fname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +\ '/../resources/uniprot_subcell_loc.tsv' try: csv_rows = read_unicode_csv(fname, delimiter='\t') # Skip the header row next(csv_rows) subcell_loc = {} for row in csv_rows: loc_id = row[0] loc_alias = row[3] subcell_loc[loc_id] = loc_alias except IOError: subcell_loc = {} return subcell_loc (uniprot_gene_name, uniprot_mnemonic, uniprot_mnemonic_reverse, uniprot_mgi, uniprot_rgd, uniprot_mgi_reverse, uniprot_rgd_reverse) = \ _build_uniprot_entries() uniprot_sec = _build_uniprot_sec() uniprot_subcell_loc = _build_uniprot_subcell_loc() uniprot_human_mouse, uniprot_human_rat = _build_human_mouse_rat()