Source code for indra.preassembler.sitemapper

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible
import os
import logging
import textwrap
from copy import deepcopy
from indra.statements import *
from indra.util import read_unicode_csv
from indra.databases import uniprot_client, hgnc_client, phosphosite_client
# Python 2
# Python 3
    basestring = str

logger = logging.getLogger('sitemapper')

[docs]class MappedStatement(object): """Information about a Statement found to have invalid sites. Parameters ---------- original_stmt : :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` The statement prior to mapping. mapped_mods : list of tuples A list of invalid sites, where each entry in the list has two elements: ((gene_name, residue, position), mapped_site). If the invalid position was not found in the site map, mapped_site is None; otherwise it is a tuple consisting of (residue, position, comment). mapped_stmt : :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` The statement after mapping. Note that if no information was found in the site map, it will be identical to the original statement. """ def __init__(self, original_stmt, mapped_mods, mapped_stmt): self.original_stmt = original_stmt self.mapped_mods = mapped_mods self.mapped_stmt = mapped_stmt @python_2_unicode_compatible def __str__(self): if not self.mapped_mods: mm_str = str(self.mapped_mods) else: mm_ws = '\n' + (' ' * 17) mm_str = mm_ws.join([str(mm) for mm in self.mapped_mods]) summary = textwrap.dedent(""" MappedStatement: original_stmt: {0} mapped_mods: {1} mapped_stmt: {2} """) return summary.format(self.original_stmt, mm_str, self.mapped_stmt) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class SiteMapper(object): """ Use curated site information to standardize modification sites in stmts. Parameters ---------- site_map : dict (as returned by :py:func:`load_site_map`) A dict mapping tuples of the form `(gene, orig_res, orig_pos)` to a tuple of the form `(correct_res, correct_pos, comment)`, where `gene` is the string name of the gene (canonicalized to HGNC); `orig_res` and `orig_pos` are the residue and position to be mapped; `correct_res` and `correct_pos` are the corrected residue and position, and `comment` is a string describing the reason for the mapping (species error, isoform error, wrong residue name, etc.). Examples -------- Fixing site errors on both the modification state of an agent (MAP2K1) and the target of a Phosphorylation statement (MAPK1): >>> map2k1_phos = Agent('MAP2K1', db_refs={'UP':'Q02750'}, mods=[ ... ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'S', '217'), ... ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'S', '221')]) >>> mapk1 = Agent('MAPK1', db_refs={'UP':'P28482'}) >>> stmt = Phosphorylation(map2k1_phos, mapk1, 'T','183') >>> (valid, mapped) = default_mapper.map_sites([stmt]) >>> valid [] >>> mapped # doctest:+IGNORE_UNICODE [ MappedStatement: original_stmt: Phosphorylation(MAP2K1(mods: (phosphorylation, S, 217), (phosphorylation, S, 221)), MAPK1(), T, 183) mapped_mods: (('MAP2K1', 'S', '217'), ('S', '218', 'off by one')) (('MAP2K1', 'S', '221'), ('S', '222', 'off by one')) (('MAPK1', 'T', '183'), ('T', '185', 'off by two; mouse sequence')) mapped_stmt: Phosphorylation(MAP2K1(mods: (phosphorylation, S, 218), (phosphorylation, S, 222)), MAPK1(), T, 185) ] >>> ms = mapped[0] >>> ms.original_stmt Phosphorylation(MAP2K1(mods: (phosphorylation, S, 217), (phosphorylation, S, 221)), MAPK1(), T, 183) >>> ms.mapped_mods # doctest:+IGNORE_UNICODE [(('MAP2K1', 'S', '217'), ('S', '218', 'off by one')), (('MAP2K1', 'S', '221'), ('S', '222', 'off by one')), (('MAPK1', 'T', '183'), ('T', '185', 'off by two; mouse sequence'))] >>> ms.mapped_stmt Phosphorylation(MAP2K1(mods: (phosphorylation, S, 218), (phosphorylation, S, 222)), MAPK1(), T, 185) """ def __init__(self, site_map): self.site_map = site_map self._cache = {} self._sitecount = {}
[docs] def map_sites(self, stmts, do_methionine_offset=True, do_orthology_mapping=True, do_isoform_mapping=True): """Check a set of statements for invalid modification sites. Statements are checked against Uniprot reference sequences to determine if residues referred to by post-translational modifications exist at the given positions. If there is nothing amiss with a statement (modifications on any of the agents, modifications made in the statement, etc.), then the statement goes into the list of valid statements. If there is a problem with the statement, the offending modifications are looked up in the site map (:py:attr:`site_map`), and an instance of :py:class:`MappedStatement` is added to the list of mapped statements. Parameters ---------- stmts : list of :py:class:`indra.statement.Statement` The statements to check for site errors. do_methionine_offset : boolean Whether to check for off-by-one errors in site position (possibly) attributable to site numbering from mature proteins after cleavage of the initial methionine. If True, checks the reference sequence for a known modification at 1 site position greater than the given one; if there exists such a site, creates the mapping. Default is True. do_orthology_mapping : boolean Whether to check sequence positions for known modification sites in mouse or rat sequences (based on PhosphoSitePlus data). If a mouse/rat site is found that is linked to a site in the human reference sequence, a mapping is created. Default is True. do_isoform_mapping : boolean Whether to check sequence positions for known modifications in other human isoforms of the protein (based on PhosphoSitePlus data). If a site is found that is linked to a site in the human reference sequence, a mapping is created. Default is True. Returns ------- tuple 2-tuple containing (valid_statements, mapped_statements). The first element of the tuple is a list valid statements (:py:class:`indra.statement.Statement`) that were not found to contain any site errors. The second element of the tuple is a list of mapped statements (:py:class:`MappedStatement`) with information on the incorrect sites and corresponding statements with correctly mapped sites. """ valid_statements = [] mapped_statements = [] for stmt in stmts: stmt_copy = deepcopy(stmt) # For all statements, replace agents with invalid modifications invalid_sites = [] new_agent_list = [] for agent in stmt.agent_list(): if agent is not None: (agent_invalid_sites, new_agent) = \ self._map_agent_sites(agent, do_methionine_offset=do_methionine_offset, do_orthology_mapping=do_orthology_mapping, do_isoform_mapping=do_isoform_mapping) invalid_sites += agent_invalid_sites new_agent_list.append(new_agent) else: new_agent_list.append(agent) if invalid_sites: stmt_copy.set_agent_list(new_agent_list) # --- Special handling for these statements --- # For modifications, fix residue and position if (isinstance(stmt, Modification) or \ isinstance(stmt, SelfModification)) and \ stmt.residue is not None and stmt.position is not None: # Make sure we didn't end up with lists by accident assert isinstance(stmt.residue, basestring) and \ isinstance(stmt.position, basestring) # Get the right agent depending on whether this is a # Modification or SelfModification statement agent_to_check = (stmt_copy.sub if isinstance(stmt, Modification) else stmt_copy.enz) # Check the modification on the appropriate agent old_mod_list = [ModCondition('modification', stmt.residue, stmt.position)] # Figure out if this site is invalid stmt_invalid_sites = \ self._check_agent_mod(agent_to_check, old_mod_list, do_methionine_offset=do_methionine_offset, do_orthology_mapping=do_orthology_mapping, do_isoform_mapping=do_isoform_mapping) # Add to our list of invalid sites invalid_sites += stmt_invalid_sites # Get the updated list of ModCondition objects new_mod_list = \ _update_mod_list(, old_mod_list, stmt_invalid_sites) # Update the statement with the correct site stmt_copy.residue = new_mod_list[0].residue stmt_copy.position = new_mod_list[0].position # If the invalid_sites list isn't empty, that means that there were # incorrect residues for this statement; add the statement to # the mapped_statements list if invalid_sites: mapped_stmt = \ MappedStatement(stmt, invalid_sites, stmt_copy) mapped_statements.append(mapped_stmt) else: valid_statements.append(stmt) return (valid_statements, mapped_statements)
def _map_agent_sites(self, agent, do_methionine_offset=True, do_orthology_mapping=True, do_isoform_mapping=True): """Check an agent for invalid sites and update if necessary. Parameters ---------- agent : :py:class:`indra.statements.Agent` Agent to check for invalid modification sites. do_methionine_offset : boolean Whether to check for off-by-one errors in site position (possibly) attributable to site numbering from mature proteins after cleavage of the initial methionine. If True, checks the reference sequence for a known modification at 1 site position greater than the given one; if there exists such a site, creates the mapping. Default is True. do_orthology_mapping : boolean Whether to check sequence positions for known modification sites in mouse or rat sequences (based on PhosphoSitePlus data). If a mouse/rat site is found that is linked to a site in the human reference sequence, a mapping is created. Default is True. do_isoform_mapping : boolean Whether to check sequence positions for known modifications in other human isoforms of the protein (based on PhosphoSitePlus data). If a site is found that is linked to a site in the human reference sequence, a mapping is created. Default is True. Returns ------- tuple The first element is a list of invalid sites, where each entry in the list has two elements: ((gene_name, residue, position), mapped_site). If the invalid position was not found in the site map, mapped_site is None; otherwise it is a tuple consisting of (residue, position, comment). The second element is the agent after the sites have been correct (if mappings were found in the site map). If mappings were not found in the site map, the original (incorrect) agent is returned. """ if agent is None: return ([], agent) new_agent = deepcopy(agent) # If there are no modifications on this agent, then we can return the # copy of the agent if not agent.mods: return ([], new_agent) invalid_sites = self._check_agent_mod(agent, agent.mods, do_methionine_offset=do_methionine_offset, do_orthology_mapping=do_orthology_mapping, do_isoform_mapping=do_isoform_mapping) # The agent is valid, so return the agent unchanged if not invalid_sites: return ([], new_agent) # Look up updated (corrected) list of modifications new_mod_list = _update_mod_list(, agent.mods, invalid_sites) # Finally, update the agent, and return along with invalid site info new_agent.mods = new_mod_list return (invalid_sites, new_agent) def _check_agent_mod(self, agent, mods, do_methionine_offset=True, do_orthology_mapping=True, do_isoform_mapping=True): """Check an agent for invalid sites and look for mappings. Look up each modification site on the agent in Uniprot and then the site map. Parameters ---------- agent : :py:class:`indra.statements.Agent` Agent to check for invalid modification sites. mods : list of :py:class:`indra.statements.ModCondition` Modifications to check for validity and map. do_methionine_offset : boolean Whether to check for off-by-one errors in site position (possibly) attributable to site numbering from mature proteins after cleavage of the initial methionine. If True, checks the reference sequence for a known modification at 1 site position greater than the given one; if there exists such a site, creates the mapping. Default is True. do_orthology_mapping : boolean Whether to check sequence positions for known modification sites in mouse or rat sequences (based on PhosphoSitePlus data). If a mouse/rat site is found that is linked to a site in the human reference sequence, a mapping is created. Default is True. do_isoform_mapping : boolean Whether to check sequence positions for known modifications in other human isoforms of the protein (based on PhosphoSitePlus data). If a site is found that is linked to a site in the human reference sequence, a mapping is created. Default is True. Returns ------- list A list of invalid sites, where each entry in the list has two elements: ((gene_name, residue, position), mapped_site). If the invalid position was not found in the site map, mapped_site is None; otherwise it is a tuple consisting of (residue, position, comment). """ invalid_sites = [] up_id = _get_uniprot_id(agent) # If the uniprot entry is not found, let it pass if not up_id: logger.debug("No uniprot ID for %s" % return [] # Same effect as valid sites # Look up all of the modifications in uniprot, and add them to the list # of invalid sites if they are missing for old_mod in mods: # If no site information for this residue, skip if old_mod.position is None or old_mod.residue is None: continue site_key = (, old_mod.residue, old_mod.position) # Increase our count for this site self._sitecount[site_key] = self._sitecount.get(site_key, 0) + 1 # First, check the cache to potentially avoid a costly sequence # lookup cached_site = self._cache.get(site_key) if cached_site is not None: if cached_site == 'VALID': pass else: invalid_sites.append((site_key, cached_site)) continue # If not cached, continue # Look up the residue/position in uniprot site_valid = uniprot_client.verify_location(up_id, old_mod.residue, old_mod.position) # If it's not found in Uniprot, then look it up in the site map if site_valid: self._cache[site_key] = 'VALID' continue # Check the agent for a Uniprot ID up_id = agent.db_refs.get('UP') hgnc_id = agent.db_refs.get('HGNC') if not hgnc_id: logger.debug("No HGNC ID for %s, only curated sites will be " "mapped" % # NOTE: The following lookups can only be performed if the # Phosphosite Data is available. if phosphosite_client.has_data(): # First, look for other entries in phosphosite for this protein # where this sequence position is legit (i.e., other isoforms) if do_isoform_mapping and up_id and hgnc_id: human_pos = phosphosite_client.map_to_human_site( up_id, old_mod.residue, old_mod.position) if human_pos: mapped_site = (old_mod.residue, human_pos, 'INFERRED_ALTERNATIVE_ISOFORM') self._cache[site_key] = mapped_site invalid_sites.append((site_key, mapped_site)) continue # Try looking for rat or mouse sites if do_orthology_mapping and up_id and hgnc_id: # Get the mouse ID for this protein up_mouse = uniprot_client.get_mouse_id(up_id) # Get mouse sequence human_pos = phosphosite_client.map_to_human_site( up_mouse, old_mod.residue, old_mod.position) if human_pos: mapped_site = (old_mod.residue, human_pos, 'INFERRED_MOUSE_SITE') self._cache[site_key] = mapped_site invalid_sites.append((site_key, mapped_site)) continue # Try the rat sequence up_rat = uniprot_client.get_rat_id(up_id) human_pos = phosphosite_client.map_to_human_site( up_rat, old_mod.residue, old_mod.position) if human_pos: mapped_site = (old_mod.residue, human_pos, 'INFERRED_RAT_SITE') self._cache[site_key] = mapped_site invalid_sites.append((site_key, mapped_site)) continue # Check for methionine offset (off by one) if do_methionine_offset and up_id and hgnc_id: offset_pos = str(int(old_mod.position) + 1) #site_valid_plus_one = uniprot_client.verify_location( # up_id, old_mod.residue, offset_pos) human_pos = phosphosite_client.map_to_human_site( up_id, old_mod.residue, offset_pos) # If it's valid at the offset position, create the mapping # and continue if human_pos: mapped_site = (old_mod.residue, human_pos, 'INFERRED_METHIONINE_CLEAVAGE') self._cache[site_key] = mapped_site invalid_sites.append((site_key, mapped_site)) continue # Now check the site map mapped_site = self.site_map.get(site_key, None) if mapped_site is None: # No entry in the site map--set site info to None self._cache[site_key] = None invalid_sites.append((site_key, None)) # Manually mapped in the site map else: self._cache[site_key] = mapped_site invalid_sites.append((site_key, mapped_site)) return invalid_sites
def _update_mod_list(agent_name, mods, invalid_sites): """Get an updated list of ModConditions based on the site map. Parameters ---------- agent_name : string HGNC gene name; must match the entry in the site map file. mods : list of :py:class:`indra.statement.ModCondition` Original modifications (possibly with incorrect sites). invalid_sites : list List of invalid sites as returned by :py:func:`_check_agent_mod`. Returns ------- list of :py:class:`indra.statement.ModCondition` List of ModConditions containing the original site information (if valid, or if no information found in the site map) or updated site information (if invalid and found in the site map). """ new_mod_list = [] # Get the list of invalid/mapped sites for the agent invalid_site_keys = [site[0] for site in invalid_sites] for old_mod in mods: old_mod_key = (agent_name, old_mod.residue, old_mod.position) # If the original modification was found to be invalid, create a newly # updated modification if old_mod_key in invalid_site_keys: mapped_site = \ invalid_sites[invalid_site_keys.index(old_mod_key)][1] # No entry in the map: pass the incorrect site through if mapped_site is None: new_mod_list.append(old_mod) # Entry in the map else: # Do we have actual site information? new_res = mapped_site[0] new_pos = mapped_site[1] if new_res is not None and new_pos is not None: new_mod_list.append( ModCondition(old_mod.mod_type, new_res, new_pos, old_mod.is_modified)) # Mapped, but no site info--pass through unchanged else: new_mod_list.append(old_mod) # The modification is not in the invalid site list, so it's considered # valid else: new_mod_list.append(old_mod) return new_mod_list def _get_uniprot_id(agent): """Get the Uniprot ID for an agent, looking up in HGNC if necessary. If the Uniprot ID is a list then return the first ID by default. """ up_id = agent.db_refs.get('UP') hgnc_id = agent.db_refs.get('HGNC') if up_id is None: if hgnc_id is None: # If both UniProt and HGNC refs are missing we can't # sequence check and so don't report a failure. return None # Try to get UniProt ID from HGNC up_id = hgnc_client.get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id) # If this fails, again, we can't sequence check if up_id is None: return None # If the UniProt ID is a list then choose the first one. if not isinstance(up_id, basestring) and \ isinstance(up_id[0], basestring): up_id = up_id[0] return up_id
[docs]def load_site_map(path): """Load the modification site map from a file. The site map file should be a comma-separated file with six columns:: Gene: HGNC gene name OrigRes: Original (incorrect) residue OrigPos: Original (incorrect) residue position CorrectRes: The correct residue for the modification CorrectPos: The correct residue position Comment: Description of the reason for the error. Parameters ---------- path : string Path to the tab-separated site map file. Returns ------- dict A dict mapping tuples of the form `(gene, orig_res, orig_pos)` to a tuple of the form `(correct_res, correct_pos, comment)`, where `gene` is the string name of the gene (canonicalized to HGNC); `orig_res` and `orig_pos` are the residue and position to be mapped; `correct_res` and `correct_pos` are the corrected residue and position, and `comment` is a string describing the reason for the mapping (species error, isoform error, wrong residue name, etc.). """ site_map = {} maprows = read_unicode_csv(path) # Skip the header line next(maprows) for row in maprows: # Don't allow empty entries in the key section if not (row[0] and row[1] and row[2]): raise Exception("Entries in the key (gene, residue, position) " "may not be empty.") correct_res = row[3].strip() if row[3] else None correct_pos = row[4].strip() if row[4] else None comment = row[5].strip() if row[5] else None site_map[(row[0].strip(), row[1].strip(), row[2].strip())] = \ (correct_res, correct_pos, comment) return site_map
default_site_map_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../resources/curated_site_map.csv') default_site_map = load_site_map(default_site_map_path) default_mapper = SiteMapper(default_site_map) """A default instance of :py:class:`SiteMapper` that contains the site information found in resources/curated_site_map.csv'."""