Source code for indra.sources.biopax.pathway_commons_client

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import logging
import requests
from indra.java_vm import autoclass, JavaException
# Python 2
# Python 3
    basestring = str

logger = logging.getLogger('biopax')

pc2_url = ''

[docs]def graph_query(kind, source, target=None, neighbor_limit=1, database_filter=None): """Perform a graph query on PathwayCommons. For more information on these queries, see Parameters ---------- kind : str The kind of graph query to perform. Currently 3 options are implemented, 'neighborhood', 'pathsbetween' and 'pathsfromto'. source : list[str] A list of gene names which are the source set for the graph query. target : Optional[list[str]] A list of gene names which are the target set for the graph query. Only needed for 'pathsfromto' queries. neighbor_limit : Optional[int] This limits the length of the longest path considered in the graph query. Default: 1 Returns ------- model : org.biopax.paxtools.model.Model A BioPAX model (java object). """ default_databases = ['wp', 'smpdb', 'reconx', 'reactome', 'psp', 'pid', 'panther', 'netpath', 'msigdb', 'mirtarbase', 'kegg', 'intact', 'inoh', 'humancyc', 'hprd', 'drugbank', 'dip', 'corum'] if not database_filter: query_databases = default_databases else: query_databases = database_filter # excluded: ctd params = {} params['format'] = 'BIOPAX' params['organism'] = '9606' params['datasource'] = query_databases # Get the "kind" string kind_str = kind.lower() if kind not in ['neighborhood', 'pathsbetween', 'pathsfromto']: logger.warn('Invalid query type %s' % kind_str) return None params['kind'] = kind_str # Get the source string if isinstance(source, basestring): source_str = source else: source_str = ','.join(source) params['source'] = source_str try: neighbor_limit = int(neighbor_limit) params['limit'] = neighbor_limit except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.warn('Invalid neighborhood limit %s' % neighbor_limit) return None if target is not None: if isinstance(target, basestring): target_str = target else: target_str = ','.join(target) params['target'] = target_str print(params)'Sending Pathway Commons query...') res = requests.get(pc2_url + 'graph', params=params) if not res.status_code == 200: logger.error('Response is HTTP code %d.' % res.status_code) if res.status_code == 500: logger.error('Note: HTTP code 500 can mean empty ' 'results for a valid query.') return None # We don't decode to Unicode here because owl_str_to_model expects # a byte stream model = owl_str_to_model(res.content) if model is not None:'Pathway Commons query returned a model...') return model
[docs]def owl_str_to_model(owl_str): """Return a BioPAX model object from an OWL string. Parameters ---------- owl_str : str The model as an OWL string. Returns ------- biopax_model : org.biopax.paxtools.model.Model A BioPAX model object (java object). """ io_class = autoclass('') io = io_class(autoclass('org.biopax.paxtools.model.BioPAXLevel').L3) bais = autoclass('') scs = autoclass('java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets') jstr = autoclass('java.lang.String') istream = bais(owl_str) biopax_model = io.convertFromOWL(istream) return biopax_model
[docs]def owl_to_model(fname): """Return a BioPAX model object from an OWL file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the OWL file containing the model. Returns ------- biopax_model : org.biopax.paxtools.model.Model A BioPAX model object (java object). """ io_class = autoclass('') io = io_class(autoclass('org.biopax.paxtools.model.BioPAXLevel').L3) try: file_is = autoclass('')(fname) except JavaException: logger.error('Could not open data file %s' % fname) return try: biopax_model = io.convertFromOWL(file_is) except JavaException as e: logger.error('Could not convert data file %s to BioPax model' % fname) logger.error(e) return file_is.close() return biopax_model
[docs]def model_to_owl(model, fname): """Save a BioPAX model object as an OWL file. Parameters ---------- model : org.biopax.paxtools.model.Model A BioPAX model object (java object). fname : str The name of the OWL file to save the model in. """ io_class = autoclass('') io = io_class(autoclass('org.biopax.paxtools.model.BioPAXLevel').L3) try: fileOS = autoclass('')(fname) except JavaException: logger.error('Could not open data file %s' % fname) return l3_factory = autoclass('org.biopax.paxtools.model.BioPAXLevel').L3.getDefaultFactory() model_out = l3_factory.createModel() for r in model.getObjects().toArray(): model_out.add(r) io.convertToOWL(model_out, fileOS) fileOS.close()