Source code for indra.sources.trips.processor

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import os
import re
import logging
import operator
import itertools
import collections
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from indra.util import read_unicode_csv
from indra.statements import *
import indra.databases.hgnc_client as hgnc_client
import indra.databases.uniprot_client as up_client
from indra.util import UnicodeXMLTreeBuilder as UTB

logger = logging.getLogger('trips')

ont_to_mod_type = {
    'ONT::PHOSPHORYLATION': 'phosphorylation',
    'ONT::UBIQUITINATION': 'ubiquitination',
    'ONT::RIBOSYLATION': 'ribosylation',
    'ONT::ACETYLATION': 'acetylation',
    'ONT::HYDROXYLATION': 'hydroxylation',
    'ONT::FARNESYLATION': 'farnesylation',

ptm_to_mod_type = {'protein %s' % m: m for m in modtype_to_modclass.keys()}

                 'ONT::PROTEIN', 'ONT::PROTEIN-FAMILY', 'ONT::GENE',

molecule_types = protein_types + \

[docs]class TripsProcessor(object): """The TripsProcessor extracts INDRA Statements from a TRIPS XML. For more details on the TRIPS EKB XML format, see Parameters ---------- xml_string : str A TRIPS extraction knowledge base (EKB) in XML format as a string. Attributes ---------- tree : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element An ElementTree object representation of the TRIPS EKB XML. statements : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of INDRA Statements that were extracted from the EKB. doc_id : str The PubMed ID of the paper that the extractions are from. sentences : dict[str: str] The list of all sentences in the EKB with their IDs paragraphs : dict[str: str] The list of all paragraphs in the EKB with their IDs par_to_sec : dict[str: str] A map from paragraph IDs to their associated section types extracted_events : list[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] A list of Event elements that have been extracted as INDRA Statements. """ def __init__(self, xml_string): try: self.tree = ET.XML(xml_string, parser=UTB()) except ET.ParseError: logger.error('Could not parse XML string') self.tree = None return # Get the document ID from the EKB tag. This is the PMC ID when # available. self.doc_id = self.tree.attrib.get('id') # Store all paragraphs and store all sentences in a data structure paragraph_tags = self.tree.findall('input/paragraphs/paragraph') sentence_tags = self.tree.findall('input/sentences/sentence') self.paragraphs = {p.attrib['id']: p.text for p in paragraph_tags} self.sentences = {s.attrib['id']: s.text for s in sentence_tags} self.par_to_sec = {p.attrib['id']: p.attrib.get('sec-type') for p in paragraph_tags} self.statements = [] self._static_events = self._find_static_events() self._isolated_terms = self._find_isolated_terms() self._subsumed_events = [] self.all_events = {} self.get_all_events() self.extracted_events = {k: [] for k in self.all_events.keys()} logger.debug('All events by type') logger.debug('------------------') for k, v in self.all_events.items(): logger.debug('%s %s' % (k, len(v))) logger.debug('------------------')
[docs] def get_all_events(self): """Make a list of all events in the TRIPS EKB. The events are stored in self.all_events. """ self.all_events = {} events = self.tree.findall('EVENT') for e in events: event_id = e.attrib['id'] if event_id in self._static_events: continue event_type = e.find('type').text try: self.all_events[event_type].append(event_id) except KeyError: self.all_events[event_type] = [event_id]
[docs] def get_activations(self): """Extract direct Activation INDRA Statements.""" act_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::ACTIVATE']") inact_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::DEACTIVATE']") inact_events += self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::INHIBIT']") for event in (act_events + inact_events): event_id = event.attrib['id'] if event_id in self._static_events: continue # Get the activating agent in the event agent = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent is None: continue agent_id = agent.attrib.get('id') if agent_id is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping activation with missing activator agent') continue activator_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event_id) if activator_agent is None: continue # Get the activated agent in the event affected = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping activation with missing affected agent') continue affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') if affected_id is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping activation with missing affected agent') continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(affected_id, event_id) if affected_agent is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping activation with missing affected agent') continue is_activation = True if _is_type(event, 'ONT::ACTIVATE'): self._add_extracted('ONT::ACTIVATE', event.attrib['id']) elif _is_type(event, 'ONT::INHIBIT'): is_activation = False self._add_extracted('ONT::INHIBIT', event.attrib['id']) elif _is_type(event, 'ONT::DEACTIVATE'): is_activation = False self._add_extracted('ONT::DEACTIVATE', event.attrib['id']) ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) for a1, a2 in _agent_list_product((activator_agent, affected_agent)): if is_activation: st = Activation(a1, a2, evidence=[ev]) else: st = Inhibition(a1, a2, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st)
[docs] def get_activations_causal(self): """Extract causal Activation INDRA Statements.""" # Search for causal connectives of type ONT::CAUSE ccs = self.tree.findall("CC/[type='ONT::CAUSE']") for cc in ccs: factor = cc.find("arg/[@role=':FACTOR']") outcome = cc.find("arg/[@role=':OUTCOME']") # If either the factor or the outcome is missing, skip if factor is None or outcome is None: continue factor_id = factor.attrib.get('id') # Here, implicitly, we require that the factor is a TERM # and not an EVENT factor_term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % factor_id) outcome_id = outcome.attrib.get('id') # Here it is implicit that the outcome is an event not # a TERM outcome_event = self.tree.find("EVENT/[@id='%s']" % outcome_id) if factor_term is None or outcome_event is None: continue factor_term_type = factor_term.find('type') # The factor term must be a molecular entity if factor_term_type is None or \ factor_term_type.text not in molecule_types: continue factor_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(factor_id, None) if factor_agent is None: continue outcome_event_type = outcome_event.find('type') if outcome_event_type is None: continue # Construct evidence ev = self._get_evidence(cc) ev.epistemics['direct'] = False location = self._get_event_location(outcome_event) if outcome_event_type.text in ['ONT::ACTIVATE', 'ONT::ACTIVITY', 'ONT::DEACTIVATE']: if outcome_event_type.text in ['ONT::ACTIVATE', 'ONT::DEACTIVATE']: agent_tag = outcome_event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") elif outcome_event_type.text == 'ONT::ACTIVITY': agent_tag = outcome_event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent_tag is None or agent_tag.attrib.get('id') is None: continue outcome_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_tag.attrib['id'], outcome_id) if outcome_agent is None: continue if outcome_event_type.text == 'ONT::DEACTIVATE': is_activation = False else: is_activation = True for a1, a2 in _agent_list_product((factor_agent, outcome_agent)): if is_activation: st = Activation(a1, a2, evidence=[ev]) else: st = Inhibition(a1, a2, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st)
[docs] def get_activations_stimulate(self): """Extract Activation INDRA Statements via stimulation.""" # TODO: extract to other patterns: # - Stimulation by EGF activates ERK # - Stimulation by EGF leads to ERK activation # Search for stimulation event stim_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::STIMULATE']") for event in stim_events: event_id = event.attrib.get('id') if event_id in self._static_events: continue controller = event.find("arg1/[@role=':AGENT']") affected = event.find("arg2/[@role=':AFFECTED']") # If either the controller or the affected is missing, skip if controller is None or affected is None: continue controller_id = controller.attrib.get('id') # Here, implicitly, we require that the controller is a TERM # and not an EVENT controller_term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % controller_id) affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') # Here it is implicit that the affected is an event not # a TERM affected_event = self.tree.find("EVENT/[@id='%s']" % affected_id) if controller_term is None or affected_event is None: continue controller_term_type = controller_term.find('type') # The controller term must be a molecular entity if controller_term_type is None or \ controller_term_type.text not in molecule_types: continue controller_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(controller_id, None) if controller_agent is None: continue affected_event_type = affected_event.find('type') if affected_event_type is None: continue # Construct evidence ev = self._get_evidence(event) ev.epistemics['direct'] = False location = self._get_event_location(affected_event) if affected_event_type.text == 'ONT::ACTIVATE': affected = affected_event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is None: continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(affected.attrib['id'], affected_id) if affected_agent is None: continue for a1, a2 in _agent_list_product((controller_agent, affected_agent)): st = Activation(a1, a2, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) elif affected_event_type.text == 'ONT::ACTIVITY': agent_tag = affected_event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent_tag is None: continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_tag.attrib['id'], affected_id) if affected_agent is None: continue for a1, a2 in _agent_list_product((controller_agent, affected_agent)): st = Activation(a1, a2, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st)
[docs] def get_degradations(self): """Extract Degradation INDRA Statements.""" deg_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::CONSUME']") for event in deg_events: if event.attrib['id'] in self._static_events: continue affected = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is None: msg = 'Skipping degradation event with no affected term.' logger.debug(msg) continue # Make sure the degradation is affecting a molecule type # Temporarily removed for CwC compatibility with no type tag #affected_type = affected.find('type') #if affected_type is None or \ # affected_type.text not in molecule_types: # continue affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') if affected_id is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping degradation event with missing affected agent') continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(affected_id, event.attrib['id']) if affected_agent is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping degradation event with missing affected agent') continue agent = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent is None: agent_agent = None else: agent_id = agent.attrib.get('id') if agent_id is None: agent_agent = None else: agent_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event.attrib['id']) ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) for subj, obj in \ _agent_list_product((agent_agent, affected_agent)): st = DecreaseAmount(subj, obj, evidence=ev) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted(_get_type(event), event.attrib['id'])
[docs] def get_syntheses(self): """Extract IncreaseAmount INDRA Statements.""" syn_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::PRODUCE']") syn_events += self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::TRANSCRIBE']") for event in syn_events: if event.attrib['id'] in self._static_events: continue if event.attrib['id'] in self._subsumed_events: continue affected = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED-RESULT']") if affected is None: msg = 'Skipping synthesis event with no affected term.' logger.debug(msg) continue # Make sure the synthesis is affecting a molecule type # Temporarily removed for CwC compatibility with no type tag # affected_type = affected.find('type') # if affected_type is None or \ # affected_type.text not in molecule_types: # continue affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') if affected_id is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping synthesis event with missing affected agent') continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(affected_id, event.attrib['id']) if affected_agent is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping synthesis event with missing affected agent') continue agent = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent is None: agent_agent = None else: agent_id = agent.attrib.get('id') if agent_id is None: agent_agent = None else: agent_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event.attrib['id']) ''' if _get_type(event) == 'ONT::TRANSCRIBE': if agent_agent is not None: agent_agent.activity = \ ActivityCondition('transcription', True) ''' ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) for subj, obj in \ _agent_list_product((agent_agent, affected_agent)): st = IncreaseAmount(subj, obj, evidence=ev) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted(_get_type(event), event.attrib['id'])
[docs] def get_regulate_amounts(self): """Extract Increase/DecreaseAmount Statements.""" pos_events = [] neg_events = [] pattern = "EVENT/[type='ONT::STIMULATE']/arg2/[type='ONT::TRANSCRIBE']/.." pos_events += self.tree.findall(pattern) pattern = "EVENT/[type='ONT::INCREASE']/arg2/[type='ONT::TRANSCRIBE']/.." pos_events += self.tree.findall(pattern) pattern = "EVENT/[type='ONT::INHIBIT']/arg2/[type='ONT::TRANSCRIBE']/.." neg_events += self.tree.findall(pattern) pattern = "EVENT/[type='ONT::DECREASE']/arg2/[type='ONT::TRANSCRIBE']/.." neg_events += self.tree.findall(pattern) # Look at polarity pattern = "EVENT/[type='ONT::MODULATE']/arg2/[type='ONT::TRANSCRIBE']/.." mod_events = self.tree.findall(pattern) for event in mod_events: pol = event.find('polarity') if pol is not None: if pol.text == 'ONT::POSITIVE': pos_events.append(event) elif pol.text == 'ONT::NEGATIVE': neg_events.append(event) combs = zip([pos_events, neg_events], [IncreaseAmount, DecreaseAmount]) for events, cls in combs: for event in events: # The agent has to exist and be a protein type agent = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent is None: continue if agent.find('type') is None or \ (agent.find('type').text not in protein_types): continue agent_id = agent.attrib.get('id') if agent_id is None: continue agent_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event.attrib['id']) # The affected, we already know is ONT::TRANSCRIPTION affected_arg = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") affected_id = affected_arg.attrib.get('id') affected_event = self.tree.find("EVENT/[@id='%s']" % affected_id) if affected_event is None: continue affected = \ affected_event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED-RESULT']") if affected is None: affected = \ affected_event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is None: continue affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') if affected_id is None: continue affected_agent = \ self._get_agent_by_id(affected_id, affected_event.attrib['id']) ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) for subj, obj in \ _agent_list_product((agent_agent, affected_agent)): st = cls(subj, obj, evidence=ev) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted(_get_type(event), event.attrib['id']) self._subsumed_events.append(affected_event.attrib['id'])
[docs] def get_active_forms(self): """Extract ActiveForm INDRA Statements.""" act_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::ACTIVATE']") def _agent_is_basic(agent): if not agent.mods and not agent.mutations \ and not agent.bound_conditions and not agent.location: return True return False for event in act_events: if event.attrib['id'] in self._static_events: continue agent = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent is not None: # In this case this is not an ActiveForm statement continue affected = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is None: msg = 'Skipping active form event with no affected term.' logger.debug(msg) continue affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') if affected_id is None: logger.debug( 'Skipping active form event with missing affected agent') continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(affected_id, event.attrib['id']) # If it is a list of agents, skip them for now if not isinstance(affected_agent, Agent): continue if _agent_is_basic(affected_agent): continue # The affected agent has to be protein-like type affected_type = affected.find('type') if affected_type is None or \ affected_type.text not in protein_types: continue # If the Agent state is at the base state then this is not an # ActiveForm statement if _is_base_agent_state(affected_agent): continue ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) st = ActiveForm(affected_agent, 'activity', True, evidence=ev) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted('ONT::ACTIVATE', event.attrib['id'])
[docs] def get_active_forms_state(self): """Extract ActiveForm INDRA Statements.""" for term in self._isolated_terms: act = term.find('features/active') if act is None: continue if act.text == 'TRUE': is_active = True elif act.text == 'FALSE': is_active = False else: logger.warning('Unhandled term activity feature %s' % act.text) agent = self._get_agent_by_id(term.attrib['id'], None) # Skip aggregates for now if not isinstance(agent, Agent): continue # If the Agent state is at the base state then this is not an # ActiveForm statement if _is_base_agent_state(agent): continue # Remove the activity flag since it's irrelevant here agent.activity = None text_term = term.find('text') if text_term is not None: ev_text = text_term.text else: ev_text = None ev = Evidence(source_api='trips', text=ev_text, pmid=self.doc_id) st = ActiveForm(agent, 'activity', is_active, evidence=[ev]) self.statements.append(st)
[docs] def get_complexes(self): """Extract Complex INDRA Statements.""" bind_events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::BIND']") bind_events += self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::INTERACT']") for event in bind_events: if event.attrib['id'] in self._static_events: continue arg1 = event.find("arg1") arg2 = event.find("arg2") # EKB-AGENT if arg1 is None and arg2 is None: args = list(event.findall('arg')) if len(args) < 2: continue arg1 = args[0] arg2 = args[1] if (arg1 is None or arg1.attrib.get('id') is None) or \ (arg2 is None or arg2.attrib.get('id') is None): logger.debug('Skipping complex with less than 2 members') continue agent1 = self._get_agent_by_id(arg1.attrib['id'], event.attrib['id']) agent2 = self._get_agent_by_id(arg2.attrib['id'], event.attrib['id']) if agent1 is None or agent2 is None: logger.debug('Skipping complex with less than 2 members') continue # Information on binding site is either attached to the agent term # in a features/site tag or attached to the event itself in # a site tag ''' site_feature = self._find_in_term(arg1.attrib['id'], 'features/site') if site_feature is not None: sites, positions = self._get_site_by_id(site_id) print sites, positions site_feature = self._find_in_term(arg2.attrib['id'], 'features/site') if site_feature is not None: sites, positions = self._get_site_by_id(site_id) print sites, positions site = event.find("site") if site is not None: sites, positions = self._get_site_by_id(site.attrib['id']) print sites, positions ''' ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) for a1, a2 in _agent_list_product((agent1, agent2)): st = Complex([a1, a2], evidence=ev) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted(_get_type(event), event.attrib['id'])
[docs] def get_modifications(self): """Extract all types of Modification INDRA Statements.""" # Get all the specific mod types mod_event_types = list(ont_to_mod_type.keys()) # Add ONT::PTMs as a special case mod_event_types += ['ONT::PTM'] mod_events = [] for mod_event_type in mod_event_types: events = self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='%s']" % mod_event_type) mod_events += events # Iterate over all modification events for event in mod_events: event_id = event.attrib['id'] if event_id in self._static_events: continue event_type = _get_type(event) if event_type == 'ONT::PTM': name = event.find('name') if name is not None: name = name.text mod = ptm_to_mod_type.get(name) if mod is None: logger.warning('Unhandled PTM subtype: %s' % name) continue else: continue else: mod = ont_to_mod_type.get(event_type) # Get enzyme Agent enzyme = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if enzyme is None: enzyme_agent = None else: enzyme_id = enzyme.attrib.get('id') if enzyme_id is None: continue enzyme_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(enzyme_id, event_id) # Get substrate Agent affected = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is None: logger.debug('Skipping modification event with no ' 'affected term.') continue affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') if affected_id is None: continue affected_agent = self._get_agent_by_id(affected_id, event_id) if affected_agent is None: logger.debug('Skipping modification event with no ' 'affected term.') continue # Get modification sites mods = self._get_modification(event) # Get evidence and location ev = self._get_evidence(event) location = self._get_event_location(event) mod_types = event.findall('mods/mod/type') # Trans and Auto are unique to Phosphorylation if _is_type(event, 'ONT::PHOSPHORYLATION'): # Transphosphorylation if enzyme_agent is not None and \ 'ONT::ACROSS' in [mt.text for mt in mod_types]: agent_bound = Agent( enzyme_agent.bound_conditions = \ [BoundCondition(agent_bound, True)] for m in mods: st = Transphosphorylation(enzyme_agent, m.residue, m.position, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) continue # Autophosphorylation elif enzyme_agent is not None and (enzyme_id == affected_id): for m in mods: if isinstance(enzyme_agent, list): for ea in enzyme_agent: st = Autophosphorylation(ea, m.residue, m.position, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) else: st = Autophosphorylation(enzyme_agent, m.residue, m.position, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) continue elif affected_agent is not None and \ 'ONT::MANNER-REFL' in [mt.text for mt in mod_types]: for m in mods: if isinstance(affected_agent, list): for aa in affected_agent: st = Autophosphorylation(aa, m.residue, m.position, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) else: st = Autophosphorylation(affected_agent, m.residue, m.position, evidence=[ev]) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) continue if 'ONT::MANNER-UNDO' in [mt.text for mt in mod_types]: mod_stmt = modclass_to_inverse[modtype_to_modclass[mod]] else: mod_stmt = modtype_to_modclass[mod] for ea, aa in _agent_list_product((enzyme_agent, affected_agent)): if aa is None: continue for m in mods: st = mod_stmt(ea, aa, m.residue, m.position, evidence=ev) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted(event_type, event.attrib['id'])
def get_translocation(self): translocation_events = \ self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::TRANSLOCATE']") for event in translocation_events: event_id = event.attrib['id'] if event_id in self._static_events: continue # Get Agent which translocates agent_tag = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent_tag is None: continue agent_id = agent_tag.attrib.get('id') agent = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event_id) if agent is None: continue # Get from location from_loc_tag = event.find("from-location") if from_loc_tag is None: from_location = None else: from_loc_id = from_loc_tag.attrib.get('id') from_location = self._get_cell_loc_by_id(from_loc_id) # Get to location to_loc_tag = event.find("to-location") if to_loc_tag is None: to_location = None else: to_loc_id = to_loc_tag.attrib.get('id') to_location = self._get_cell_loc_by_id(to_loc_id) if from_location is None and to_location is None: continue # Get evidence ev = self._get_evidence(event) if isinstance(agent, list): for aa in agent: st = Translocation(aa, from_location, to_location, evidence=ev) self.statements.append(st) else: st = Translocation(agent, from_location, to_location, evidence=ev) self.statements.append(st) self._add_extracted('ONT::TRANSLOCATE', event.attrib['id']) def get_conversions(self): conversion_events = \ self.tree.findall("EVENT/[type='ONT::TRANSFORM']") for event in conversion_events: event_id = event.attrib['id'] if event_id in self._static_events: continue # Get the from agent agent_tag = event.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if agent_tag is None: obj_from = [] else: agent_id = agent_tag.attrib.get('id') obj_from = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event_id) if obj_from is None: obj_from = [] elif isinstance(obj_from, Agent): obj_from = [obj_from] if not obj_from: continue # Get the to agent agent_tag = event.find(".//*[@role=':RES']") if agent_tag is None: obj_to = [] else: agent_id = agent_tag.attrib.get('id') obj_to = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event_id) if obj_to is None: obj_to = [] elif isinstance(obj_to, Agent): obj_to = [obj_to] if not obj_to: continue # Get the subject agent agent_tag = event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent_tag is None: subj = None # Try to look for CATALYZE parent event pattern = \ "EVENT/[type='ONT::CATALYZE']/*[@id='%s']/.." % event_id cat_event = self.tree.find(pattern) if cat_event is not None: cat_event_id = cat_event.attrib['id'] agent_tag = cat_event.find(".//*[@role=':AGENT']") if agent_tag is not None: agent_id = agent_tag.attrib.get('id') subj = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, cat_event_id) event = cat_event else: agent_id = agent_tag.attrib.get('id') subj = self._get_agent_by_id(agent_id, event_id) # Get evidence ev = self._get_evidence(event) st = Conversion(subj, obj_from, obj_to, evidence=ev) location = self._get_event_location(event) _stmt_location_to_agents(st, location) self.statements.append(st) def _get_cell_loc_by_id(self, term_id): term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % term_id) if term is None: return None term_type = term.find("type").text name = term.find("name") if name is None: return None else: name = name.text if term_type != 'ONT::CELL-PART': return None # If it is a cellular location, try to look up and return # the standard name from GO dbid = term.attrib.get('dbid') dbids = dbid.split('|') db_refs_dict = dict([d.split(':') for d in dbids]) goid = db_refs_dict.get('GO') if goid is not None: try: loc_name = get_valid_location('GO:' + goid) return loc_name except InvalidLocationError: pass # Try to get the same from UP upid = db_refs_dict.get('UP') if upid is not None and upid.startswith('SL'): loc_name = up_client.uniprot_subcell_loc.get(upid) if loc_name is not None: try: loc_name = get_valid_location(loc_name.lower()) return loc_name except InvalidLocationError: pass # Check if the raw name is a valid cellular component if name is not None: try: loc_name = get_valid_location(name.lower()) return loc_name except InvalidLocationError: pass msg = 'Location %s is not a valid GO cellular component' % name logger.debug(msg) return None def _get_event_location(self, event_term): location = event_term.find('location') if location is None: return None loc_id = location.get('id') loc = self._get_cell_loc_by_id(loc_id) return loc def _get_agent_by_id(self, entity_id, event_id): term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % entity_id) if term is None: return None # Check if the term is an aggregate members = term.findall('aggregate/member') if members: op = term.find('aggregate').attrib.get('operator') if op != 'AND': logger.debug('Skipping aggregate with operator %s.' % op) return None member_ids = [m.attrib.get('id') for m in members] member_agents = [] for member_id in member_ids: agent = self._get_agent_by_id(member_id, event_id) if agent is None: logger.warning('Could not extract term %s.' % member_id) continue if isinstance(agent, Agent): member_agents.append(agent) else: member_agents += agent # Handle case where the individual member extraction fails # to make sure we don't end up with None Agent arguments # in Statements if not member_agents: return None return member_agents db_refs, _, _ = _get_db_refs(term) # Check if the "real" TERM is an assoc-with of this TERM as # in "the SRF transcription factor". # NOTE: MACROMOLECULAR-COMPLEXes like "The EGFR-EGF complex" # can be assoc-with a GENE-PROTEIN with the same components # listed. Following these assoc-withs should be avoided. if not _is_type(term, 'ONT::MACROMOLECULAR-COMPLEX'): assoc_with = term.find('assoc-with') if assoc_with is not None: assoc_id = assoc_with.attrib.get('id') if assoc_id is not None: agent = self._get_agent_by_id(assoc_id, event_id) return agent # If the entity is a complex # NOTE: sometimes other ONT types like GENE-PROTEIN also # have components (e.g. PI3K/Akt). # These should typically not be interpreted as complexes and # for now are not extracted. if _is_type(term, 'ONT::MACROMOLECULAR-COMPLEX'): components = term.findall("components/component") agents = [] for component in components: component_id = component.attrib['id'] agent = self._get_agent_by_id(component_id, None) if agent is not None: agents.append(agent) if not agents: return None # We assume that the first agent mentioned in the description of # the complex is the one that mediates binding agent = agents[0] if len(agents) > 1: agent.bound_conditions = \ [BoundCondition(ag, True) for ag in agents[1:]] # If the entity is not a complex else: # Determine the agent name hgnc_id = db_refs.get('HGNC') up_id = db_refs.get('UP') be_id = db_refs.get('BE') agent_name = None # HGNC name takes precedence if hgnc_id: hgnc_name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id) agent_name = hgnc_name # If no HGNC name (for instance non-human protein) then # look at UP and try to get gene name elif up_id: gene_name = up_client.get_gene_name(up_id) if gene_name: agent_name = gene_name # If it is mapped to Bioentities then we standardize its name # to the Bioentities entry name elif be_id: agent_name = be_id # Otherwise, take the name of the term as agent name else: name = term.find("name") if name is not None: agent_name = name.text # If after all of this, the agent name is still None # then we don't extract this term as an agent if agent_name is None: return None agent = Agent(agent_name, db_refs=db_refs) # Look for precondition events and apply them to the Agent precond_ids = self._get_precond_event_ids(entity_id) if precond_ids: for precond_id in precond_ids: if precond_id == event_id: logger.debug('Circular reference to event %s.' % precond_id) precond_event = self.tree.find("EVENT[@id='%s']" % precond_id) if precond_event is None: # Sometimes, if there are multiple preconditions # they are numbered with <id>.1, <id>.2, etc. p = self.tree.find("EVENT[@id='%s.1']" % precond_id) if p is not None: self._add_condition(agent, p, term) p = self.tree.find("EVENT[@id='%s.2']" % precond_id) if p is not None: self._add_condition(agent, p, term) else: self._add_condition(agent, precond_event, term) # Get mutations mutations = term.findall('features/mutation') for mut in mutations: mut_id = mut.attrib.get('id') if mut_id is None: continue mut_term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % mut.attrib.get('id')) if mut_term is None: continue mut_values = self._get_mutation(mut_term) if mut_values is None: continue try: mc = MutCondition(mut_values[0], mut_values[1], mut_values[2]) except InvalidResidueError: residues_str = '%s/%s' % (mut_values[1], mut_values[2]) logger.error('Invalid residue in mutation condition: %s' % \ residues_str) continue agent.mutations.append(mc) # Get location location = term.find('features/location') if location is not None: loc_id = location.attrib.get('id') loc = self._get_cell_loc_by_id(loc_id) agent.location = loc # Get activity activity = term.find('features/active') if activity is not None: if activity.text.lower() == 'true': agent.activity = ActivityCondition('activity', True) if activity.text.lower() == 'false': agent.activity = ActivityCondition('activity', False) return agent def _add_condition(self, agent, precond_event, agent_term): precond_event_type = _get_type(precond_event) # Modification precondition mod_types = list(ont_to_mod_type.keys()) + ['ONT::PTM'] if precond_event_type in mod_types: mods = self._get_modification(precond_event) agent.mods = mods return # Binding precondition if precond_event_type == 'ONT::BIND': arg1 = precond_event.find('arg1') arg2 = precond_event.find('arg2') if arg1 is None and arg2 is None: args = list(precond_event.findall('arg')) if len(args) == 1: arg1 = args[0] elif len(args) > 1: arg1, arg2 = args[:2] if arg1 is None: bound_to_term_id = arg2.attrib.get('id') elif arg2 is None: bound_to_term_id = arg1.attrib.get('id') else: arg1_id = arg1.attrib.get('id') arg2_id = arg2.attrib.get('id') if arg1_id == agent_term.attrib['id']: bound_to_term_id = arg2_id else: bound_to_term_id = arg1_id if bound_to_term_id == agent_term.attrib['id']: return bound_agents = [] if bound_to_term_id is not None: bound_to_term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % bound_to_term_id) if bound_to_term is None: pass elif _is_type(bound_to_term, 'ONT::CELL-PART'): # We currently don't handle binding to cellular components # TODO: possibly handle this as location pass elif _is_type(bound_to_term, 'ONT::MOLECULAR-PART'): components = bound_to_term.findall('components/component') for c in components: bound_agent = \ self._get_basic_agent_by_id(c.attrib['id'], precond_event.attrib.get('id')) if bound_agent is not None: bound_agents.append(bound_agent) else: bound_agent = \ self._get_basic_agent_by_id(bound_to_term_id, precond_event.attrib.get('id')) if bound_agent is not None: bound_agents = [bound_agent] # Look for negative flag either in precondition event # predicate tag or in the term itself # (after below, neg_flag will be an object, or None) neg_flag = precond_event.find( 'predicate/mods/mod[type="ONT::NEG"]') negation_sign = precond_event.find('negation') if negation_sign is not None and negation_sign.text == '+': neg_flag = True # (after this, neg_flag will be a boolean value) neg_flag = neg_flag or \ agent_term.find('mods/mod[type="ONT::NEG"]') for ba in bound_agents: if neg_flag: bc = BoundCondition(ba, False) else: bc = BoundCondition(ba, True) agent.bound_conditions.append(bc) return logger.debug('Unhandled precondition event type: %s' % precond_event_type) def _find_in_term(self, term_id, path): tag = self.tree.find("TERM[@id='%s']/%s" % (term_id, path)) return tag def _get_basic_agent_by_id(self, term_id, event_id): agent = self._get_agent_by_id(term_id, event_id) if agent is None: return None if isinstance(agent, collections.Iterable): agent = agent[0] logger.warning('Extracting only one basic Agent from %s.' % term_id) basic_agent = Agent(, db_refs=agent.db_refs) return basic_agent # Get all the sites recursively based on a term id. def _get_site_by_id(self, site_id): all_residues = [] all_pos = [] site_term = self.tree.find("TERM/[@id='%s']" % site_id) if site_term is None: # Missing site term return None, None # TODO: the 'aggregate' tag here might be deprecated components = site_term.find('aggregate') if components is None: components = site_term.find('components') if components is not None: for member in components.getchildren(): residue, pos = self._get_site_by_id(member.attrib['id']) if residue is None: residue = [None] if pos is None: pos = [None] all_residues += residue all_pos += pos else: site_type = site_term.find("type").text site_name_tag = site_term.find("name") if site_name_tag is not None: site_name = site_name_tag.text if site_type == 'ONT::MOLECULAR-SITE': residue = site_term.find('features/site/code') if residue is not None and residue.text: residue = residue.text.upper() else: residue = None pos = site_term.find('features/site/pos') if pos is not None: pos = pos.text.upper() elif site_type == 'ONT::RESIDUE': # Example name: TYROSINE-RESIDUE if site_name is not None: residue = site_name.split('-')[0] else: residue = None pos = None elif site_type == 'ONT::AMINO-ACID': residue = site_name pos = None elif site_type == 'ONT::MOLECULAR-DOMAIN': logger.debug('Molecular domains not handled yet.') return None, None else: logger.debug('Unhandled site type: %s' % site_type) return None, None return (residue, ), (pos, ) return all_residues, all_pos def _get_modification(self, event): # Find the modification type mod_type = event.find('type').text if mod_type == 'ONT::PTM': event_name = event.find('name') if event_name is not None: event_name = event_name.text mod_type_name = ptm_to_mod_type.get(event_name) if mod_type_name: mod_class = modtype_to_modclass[mod_type_name] if issubclass(mod_class, RemoveModification): mod_type_name = modtype_to_inverse[mod_type_name] else: logger.warning('Unhandled PTM subtype: %s' % event_name) return None else: return None else: mod_type_name = ont_to_mod_type.get(mod_type) if mod_type_name is None: logger.warning('Unhandled modification type: %s' % mod_type) return None # Check if the event is negated neg = event.find('negation') if neg is not None and neg.text == '+': is_modified = False else: is_modified = True # Find the site of the modification site_tag = event.find("site") # If there is not site specified if site_tag is None: mc = ModCondition(mod_type_name, is_modified=is_modified) return [mc] site_id = site_tag.attrib['id'] # Find the site TERM and get the specific residues and # positions residues, mod_pos = self._get_site_by_id(site_id) # If residue is missing if residues is None: mc = ModCondition(mod_type_name, is_modified=is_modified) return [mc] # Collect mods in a list mods = [] for r, p in zip(residues, mod_pos): try: residue_name = get_valid_residue(r) except InvalidResidueError: logger.debug('Invalid residue name %s' % r) residue_name = None mc = ModCondition(mod_type_name, residue_name, p, is_modified) mods.append(mc) return mods def _get_mutation(self, term): mut = term.find('mutation') if mut is None or mut.find('type') is None: return None if mut.find('type').text == 'SUBSTITUTION': pos_tag = mut.find('pos') if pos_tag is not None: pos = pos_tag.text else: pos = None aa_from_tag = mut.find('aa-from/aa/code') if aa_from_tag is not None: aa_from = aa_from_tag.text else: aa_from = None aa_to_tag = mut.find('aa-to/aa/code') if aa_to_tag is not None: aa_to = aa_to_tag.text else: aa_to = None return pos, aa_from, aa_to else: return None def _get_evidence(self, event_tag): text = self._get_evidence_text(event_tag) sec = self._get_section(event_tag) epi = {} if sec: epi['section_type'] = sec ev = Evidence(source_api='trips', text=text, pmid=self.doc_id, epistemics=epi) return ev def _get_evidence_text(self, event_tag): """Extract the evidence for an event. Pieces of text linked to an EVENT are fragments of a sentence. The EVENT refers to the paragraph ID and the "uttnum", which corresponds to a sentence ID. Here we find and return the full sentence from which the event was taken. """ par_id = event_tag.attrib.get('paragraph') uttnum = event_tag.attrib.get('uttnum') event_text = event_tag.find('text') if self.sentences is not None and uttnum is not None: sentence = self.sentences[uttnum] elif event_text is not None: sentence = event_text.text else: sentence = None return sentence def _get_section(self, event_tag): par_id = event_tag.attrib.get('paragraph') sec = self.par_to_sec.get(par_id) return sec def _get_precond_event_ids(self, term_id): precond_ids = [] # Support for old format inevent/event preconds = \ self.tree.findall("TERM/[@id='%s']/features/inevent/event" % term_id) # Support for new format inevent only if not preconds: preconds = \ self.tree.findall("TERM/[@id='%s']/features/inevent" % term_id) if preconds: precond_ids += [p.attrib.get('id') for p in preconds] precond_event_refs = \ self.tree.findall("TERM/[@id='%s']/features/ptm" % term_id) precond_ids += [p.attrib.get('event') for p in precond_event_refs] return precond_ids def _find_static_events(self): # Find sub-EVENTs that TERMs refer to # Support for old format inevent/event inevent_tags = self.tree.findall("TERM/features/inevent/event") # Support for new format inevent only if not inevent_tags: inevent_tags = self.tree.findall("TERM/features/inevent") ptm_tags = self.tree.findall("TERM/features/ptm") notptm_tags = self.tree.findall("TERM/features/not-ptm") sub_event_ids = [t.attrib.get('id') for t in inevent_tags] sub_event_ids += [t.attrib.get('event') for t in ptm_tags] sub_event_ids += [t.attrib.get('event') for t in notptm_tags] static_events = [] for event_id in sub_event_ids: event_tag = self.tree.find("EVENT[@id='%s']" % event_id) if event_tag is not None: # If an affected TERM in the primary event has the same event # specified as a not-ptm, that doesn't count as a static # event. Therefore we let these events go through. affected = event_tag.find(".//*[@role=':AFFECTED']") if affected is not None: affected_id = affected.attrib.get('id') enp = self.tree.find("TERM[@id='%s']/not-features/ptm" % affected_id) if (enp is not None and enp.attrib.get('event') == event_id): continue static_events.append(event_id) else: # Check for events that have numbering <id>.1, <id>.2, etc. if self.tree.find("EVENT[@id='%s.1']" % event_id) is not None: static_events.append(event_id + '.1') if self.tree.find("EVENT[@id='%s.2']" % event_id) is not None: static_events.append(event_id + '.2') return static_events def _find_isolated_terms(self): all_events = self.tree.findall('EVENT') active_event_args = set() for event in all_events: if event.attrib.get('id') in self._static_events: continue args = event.findall('arg') + \ [event.find('arg1'), event.find('arg2'), event.find('arg3')] arg_ids = [a.attrib.get('id') for a in args if a is not None] active_event_args = active_event_args.union(set(arg_ids)) all_terms = self.tree.findall('TERM') isolated_terms = [] for term in all_terms: term_id = term.attrib.get('id') if term_id and term_id not in active_event_args: isolated_terms.append(term) return isolated_terms def _add_extracted(self, event_type, event_id): self.extracted_events[event_type].append(event_id)
def _get_type(element): type_tag = element.find('type') if type_tag is None: return None type_text = type_tag.text return type_text def _is_type(element, type_text): element_type = _get_type(element) if element_type == type_text: return True return False def _stmt_location_to_agents(stmt, location): """Apply an event location to the Agents in the corresponding Statement. If a Statement is in a given location we represent that by requiring all Agents in the Statement to be in that location. """ if location is None: return agents = stmt.agent_list() for a in agents: if a is not None: a.location = location def _agent_list_product(lists): def _listify(lst): if not isinstance(lst, collections.Iterable): return [lst] else: return lst ll = [_listify(l) for l in lists] return itertools.product(*ll) def _is_base_agent_state(agent): if agent.location is None and \ not agent.mods and \ not agent.mutations and \ not agent.bound_conditions: return True return False def _get_db_refs(term): """Extract database references for a TERM.""" db_refs = {} # Here we extract the text name of the Agent # There are two relevant tags to consider here. # The <text> tag typically contains a larger phrase surrounding the # term but it contains the term in a raw, non-canonicalized form. # The <name> tag only contains the name of the entity but it is # canonicalized. For instance, MAP2K1 appears as MAP-2-K-1. agent_text_tag = term.find('name') if agent_text_tag is not None: db_refs['TEXT'] = agent_text_tag.text # We make a list of scored grounding terms from the DRUM terms grounding_terms = _get_grounding_terms(term) if not grounding_terms: # This is for backwards compatibility with EKBs without drum-term # scored entries. It is important to keep for Bioagents # compatibility. dbid = term.attrib.get('dbid') if dbid: dbids = dbid.split('|') for dbname, dbid in [d.split(':') for d in dbids]: if not db_refs.get(dbname): db_refs[dbname] = dbid return db_refs, None, [] # This is the INDRA prioritization of grounding name spaces. Lower score # takes precedence. ns_priority = { 'HGNC': 1, 'UP': 1, 'BE': 2, 'CHEBI': 3, 'GO': 4, 'FA': 5, 'XFAM': 5, 'NCIT': 5 } # We get the top priority entry from each score group score_groups = itertools.groupby(grounding_terms, lambda x: x['score']) top_per_score_group = [] ambiguities = [] for score, group in score_groups: entries = list(group) for entry in entries: priority = 100 for ref_ns, ref_id in entry['refs'].items(): # Skip etc UP entries if ref_ns == 'UP' and ref_id == 'etc': continue try: priority = min(priority, ns_priority[ref_ns]) except KeyError: pass if ref_ns == 'UP': if not up_client.is_human(ref_id): priority = 4 entry['priority'] = priority if len(entries) > 1: top_entry = entries[0] top_idx = 0 for i, entry in enumerate(entries): # We take the lowes priority entry within the score group # as the top entry if entry['priority'] < top_entry['priority']: # This is a corner case in which a protein family # should be prioritized over a specific protein, # specifically when HGNC was mapped from NCIT but # BE was not mapped from NCIT, the HGNC shouldn't # take precedence. if entry.get('comment') == 'HGNC_FROM_NCIT' and \ 'BE' in top_entry['refs'] and \ top_entry.get('comment') != 'BE_FROM_NCIT': continue top_entry = entry top_idx = i for i, entry in enumerate(entries): if i == top_idx: continue if (entry['priority'] - top_entry['priority']) <= 1: ambiguities.append((top_entry, entry)) else: top_entry = entries[0] top_per_score_group.append(top_entry) # Get the top priority for each score group priorities = [entry['priority'] for entry in top_per_score_group] # By default, we coose the top priority entry from the highest score group top_grounding = top_per_score_group[0] # Sometimes the top grounding has much lower priority and not much higher # score than the second grounding. Typically 1.0 vs 0.82857 and 5 vs 2. # In this case we take the second entry. A special case is handled where # a BE entry was mapped from FA, in which case priority difference of < 2 # is also accepted. if len(top_per_score_group) > 1: score_diff = top_per_score_group[0]['score'] - \ top_per_score_group[1]['score'] priority_diff = top_per_score_group[0]['priority'] - \ top_per_score_group[1]['priority'] if score_diff < 0.2 and (priority_diff >= 2 or \ top_per_score_group[0].get('comment') == 'BE_FROM_FA'): top_grounding = top_per_score_group[1] relevant_ambiguities = [] for amb in ambiguities: if top_grounding not in amb: continue if top_grounding == amb[0]: relevant_ambiguities.append({'preferred': amb[0], 'alternative': amb[1]}) else: relevant_ambiguities.append({'preferred': amb[1], 'alternative': amb[0]}) for k, v in top_grounding['refs'].items(): db_refs[k] = v # Now standardize db_refs to the INDRA standards # We need to add a prefix for CHEBI chebi_id = db_refs.get('CHEBI') if chebi_id: db_refs['CHEBI'] = 'CHEBI:%s' % chebi_id # We need to strip the trailing version number for XFAM and rename to PF pfam_id = db_refs.get('XFAM') if pfam_id: pfam_id = pfam_id.split('.')[0] db_refs.pop('XFAM', None) db_refs['PF'] = pfam_id # We need to add GO prefix if it is missing go_id = db_refs.get('GO') if go_id: if not go_id.startswith('GO:'): db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % go_id # We need to deal with Nextprot families nxp_id = db_refs.get('FA') if nxp_id: db_refs.pop('FA', None) db_refs['NXPFA'] = nxp_id # Here we also get and return the type, which is a TRIPS # ontology type. This is to be used in the context of # Bioagents. ont_type = top_grounding['type'] return db_refs, ont_type, relevant_ambiguities def _get_grounding_terms(term): drum_terms = term.findall('drum-terms/drum-term') if not drum_terms: return None terms = [] score_started = False for dt in drum_terms: # This is the primary ID dbid_str = dt.attrib.get('dbid') if not dbid_str: if _is_type(dt.find('types'), 'ONT::PROTEIN-FAMILY'): members = dt.findall('members/member') dbids = [] for m in members: dbid = m.attrib.get('dbid') dbids.append(dbid) refs = {'PFAM-DEF': '|'.join(dbids)} # This is to handle the occasional empty drum-term else: refs = {} else: db_ns, db_id = dbid_str.split(':') refs = {db_ns: db_id} # Next look at the xref tags xr_tags = dt.findall('xrefs/xref') for xrt in xr_tags: dbid_str = xrt.attrib.get('dbid') db_ns, db_id = dbid_str.split(':') # XFAM xrefs are added to proteins but are # not desirable here if db_ns == 'XFAM': continue refs[db_ns] = db_id comment = None # Next we look at alternatives for the entry. For instance # we check if NCIT maps to HGNC, CHEBI, GO or BE. new_refs = {} for ref_ns, ref_id in refs.items(): db_mappings = _get_db_mappings(ref_ns, ref_id) for ref_mapped in db_mappings: new_refs[ref_mapped[0]] = ref_mapped[1] if 'FA' in refs and 'BE' not in refs and 'BE' in new_refs: comment = 'BE_FROM_FA' if 'NCIT' in refs and 'HGNC' not in refs and 'HGNC' in new_refs: comment = 'HGNC_FROM_NCIT' if 'NCIT' in refs and 'BE' not in refs and 'BE' in new_refs: comment = 'BE_FROM_NCIT' for k, v in new_refs.items(): refs[k] = v # Now get the match score associated with the term match_score = dt.attrib.get('match-score') db_name = dt.attrib.get('name') # Handling corner cases for unscored matches if match_score is None: if not score_started: # This is a match before other scored terms so we # default to 1.0 match_score = 1.0 else: # This is a match after other scored matches # default to a small value match_score = 0.1 else: match_score = float(match_score) score_started = True # This is a special case to handle unscored blank drum-terms # at the top of the list if not refs: match_score = 0 entity_type = dt.find('types/type') if entity_type is not None: entity_type = entity_type.text grounding_term = {'score': match_score, 'refs': refs, 'name': db_name, 'type': entity_type, 'comment': comment} terms.append(grounding_term) # Finally, the scores are sorted in descending order terms = sorted(terms, key=operator.itemgetter('score'), reverse=True) # Merge grounding terms that are identical based on the references # that they contain. The identical references are merged into the # highest scoring term. Example: # [{'refs': {'NCIT': '123', 'HGNC': '234'}, score: 1.0}, # {'refs': {'HGNC': '234', 'UP', 'P123'}, score: 0.829}] # ==> # [{'refs': {'NCIT': '123', 'HGNC': '234', 'UP': 'P123'}, score: 1.0}] if len(terms) > 1: # Start with the first term, assumed to be independent independent_terms = [terms[0]] # Iterate over the rest of the terms to check if they are independent for t in terms[1:]: any_match = False # Update each of the independent terms with matching but missing # groundings from the current term for it in independent_terms: match = False # Are there any matching groundings to this term? for k, v in t['refs'].items(): if k in it['refs'] and it['refs'][k] == v: match = True any_match = True # If there are, add all the items to the independent term if match: if it.get('comment') == 'BE_FROM_FA' and 'BE' in t['refs']: it['comment'] = None for k, v in t['refs'].items(): it['refs'][k] = v if not any_match: independent_terms.append(t) terms = independent_terms return terms def _get_db_mappings(dbname, dbid): # In our mappings we rename NextProt to NXP from FA if dbname == 'FA': dbname = 'NXP' dbid = 'FA:' + dbid db_mappings = [] be_id = bioentities_map.get((dbname, dbid)) if be_id is not None: db_mappings.append(('BE', be_id)) if dbname == 'NCIT': target = ncit_map.get(dbid) if target is not None: db_mappings.append((target[0], target[1])) elif dbname == 'HGNC': standard_up_id = hgnc_client.get_uniprot_id(dbid) # standard_up_id will be None if the gene doesn't have a corresponding # protein product if standard_up_id: db_mappings.append(('UP', standard_up_id)) elif dbname == 'UP': # Handle special case of UP:etc if not dbid == 'etc' and up_client.is_human(dbid): gene_name = up_client.get_gene_name(dbid) if gene_name: hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_id(gene_name) if hgnc_id: db_mappings.append(('HGNC', hgnc_id)) return db_mappings def _read_ncit_map(): fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../../resources/ncit_map.tsv') ncit_map = {} csv_rows = read_unicode_csv(fname, delimiter='\t') next(csv_rows) for row in csv_rows: ncit_id = row[0] target_ns = row[1] target_id = row[2] ncit_map[ncit_id] = (target_ns, target_id) return ncit_map ncit_map = _read_ncit_map() def _read_bioentities_map(): fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../../resources/bioentities_map.tsv') bioentities_map = {} csv_rows = read_unicode_csv(fname, delimiter='\t') for row in csv_rows: source_ns = row[0] source_id = row[1] be_id = row[2] bioentities_map[(source_ns, source_id)] = be_id return bioentities_map bioentities_map = _read_bioentities_map()