Source code for indra.sources.trips.trips_api

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
from .processor import TripsProcessor
from indra.sources.trips import trips_client

[docs]def process_text(text, save_xml_name='trips_output.xml', save_xml_pretty=True): """Return a TripsProcessor by processing text. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be processed. save_xml_name : Optional[str] The name of the file to save the returned TRIPS extraction knowledge base XML. Default: trips_output.xml save_xml_pretty : Optional[bool] If True, the saved XML is pretty-printed. Some third-party tools require non-pretty-printed XMLs which can be obtained by setting this to False. Default: True Returns ------- tp : TripsProcessor A TripsProcessor containing the extracted INDRA Statements in tp.statements. """ html = trips_client.send_query(text) xml = trips_client.get_xml(html) if save_xml_name: trips_client.save_xml(xml, save_xml_name, save_xml_pretty) return process_xml(xml)
[docs]def process_xml(xml_string): """Return a TripsProcessor by processing a TRIPS EKB XML string. Parameters ---------- xml_string : str A TRIPS extraction knowledge base (EKB) string to be processed. Returns ------- tp : TripsProcessor A TripsProcessor containing the extracted INDRA Statements in tp.statements. """ tp = TripsProcessor(xml_string) if tp.tree is None: return None tp.get_activations_causal() tp.get_activations_stimulate() tp.get_complexes() tp.get_modifications() tp.get_active_forms() tp.get_active_forms_state() tp.get_activations() tp.get_translocation() tp.get_regulate_amounts() tp.get_degradations() tp.get_syntheses() tp.get_conversions() return tp