Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import os
import pickle
import logging
from indra.sources import bel, biopax
import as ac
from indra.preassembler import Preassembler, render_stmt_graph
from indra.preassembler.hierarchy_manager import hierarchies
from indra.preassembler.sitemapper import default_mapper as sm

logger = logging.getLogger('gene_network')

[docs]class GeneNetwork(object): """Build a set of INDRA statements for a given gene list from databases. Parameters ---------- gene_list : string List of gene names. basename : string or None (default) Filename prefix to be used for caching of intermediates (Biopax OWL file, pickled statement lists, etc.). If None, no results are cached and no cached files are used. Attributes ---------- gene_list : string List of gene names basename : string or None Filename prefix for cached intermediates, or None if no cached used. results : dict Dict containing results of preassembly (see return type for :py:meth:`run_preassembly`. """ def __init__(self, gene_list, basename=None): if not gene_list: raise ValueError("Gene list must contain at least one element.") self.gene_list = gene_list self.basename = basename
[docs] def get_bel_stmts(self, filter=False): """Get relevant statements from the BEL large corpus. Performs a series of neighborhood queries and then takes the union of all the statements. Because the query process can take a long time for large gene lists, the resulting list of statements are cached in a pickle file with the filename `<basename>_bel_stmts.pkl`. If the pickle file is present, it is used by default; if not present, the queries are performed and the results are cached. Parameters ---------- filter : bool If True, includes only those statements that exclusively mention genes in :py:attr:`gene_list`. Default is False. Note that the full (unfiltered) set of statements are cached. Returns ------- list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` List of INDRA statements extracted from the BEL large corpus. """ if self.basename is not None: bel_stmt_path = '%s_bel_stmts.pkl' % self.basename # Check for cached BEL stmt file if self.basename is not None and os.path.isfile(bel_stmt_path):"Loading BEL statements from %s" % bel_stmt_path) with open(bel_stmt_path, 'rb') as f: bel_statements = pickle.load(f) # No cache, so perform the queries else: bel_statements = [] for gene in self.gene_list:"Getting BEL statements for gene %s" % gene) bel_proc = bel.process_ndex_neighborhood([gene]) if bel_proc is not None: bel_statements += bel_proc.statements # Save to pickle file if we're caching if self.basename is not None: with open(bel_stmt_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(bel_statements, f, protocol=2) # Optionally filter out statements not involving only our gene set if filter: if len(self.gene_list) > 1: bel_statements = ac.filter_gene_list(bel_statements, self.gene_list, 'one') else: bel_statements = ac.filter_gene_list(bel_statements, self.gene_list, 'all') return bel_statements
[docs] def get_biopax_stmts(self, filter=False, query='pathsbetween'): """Get relevant statements from Pathway Commons. Performs a "paths between" query for the genes in :py:attr:`gene_list` and uses the results to build statements. This function caches two files: the list of statements built from the query, which is cached in `<basename>_biopax_stmts.pkl`, and the OWL file returned by the Pathway Commons Web API, which is cached in `<basename>_pc_pathsbetween.owl`. If these cached files are found, then the results are returned based on the cached file and Pathway Commons is not queried again. Parameters ---------- filter : bool If True, includes only those statements that exclusively mention genes in :py:attr:`gene_list`. Default is False. query : str Defined what type of query is executed. The two options are 'pathsbetween' which finds paths between the given list of genes and only works if more than 1 gene is given, and 'neighborhood' which searches the immediate neighborhood of each given gene. Returns ------- list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` List of INDRA statements extracted from Pathway Commons. """ # If we're using a cache, initialize the appropriate filenames if self.basename is not None: biopax_stmt_path = '%s_biopax_stmts.pkl' % self.basename biopax_ras_owl_path = '%s_pc_pathsbetween.owl' % self.basename # Check for cached Biopax stmt file at the given path # if it's there, return the statements from the cache if self.basename is not None and os.path.isfile(biopax_stmt_path):"Loading Biopax statements from %s" % biopax_stmt_path) with open(biopax_stmt_path, 'rb') as f: bp_statements = pickle.load(f) return bp_statements # Check for cached file before querying Pathway Commons Web API if self.basename is not None and os.path.isfile(biopax_ras_owl_path):"Loading Biopax from OWL file %s" % biopax_ras_owl_path) bp = biopax.process_owl(biopax_ras_owl_path) # OWL file not found; do query and save to file else: if (len(self.gene_list) < 2) and (query == 'pathsbetween'): logger.warning('Using neighborhood query for one gene.') query = 'neighborhood' if query == 'pathsbetween': bp = biopax.process_pc_pathsbetween(self.gene_list) elif query == 'neighborhood': bp = biopax.process_pc_neighborhood(self.gene_list) else: logger.error('Invalid query type: %s' % query) return [] # Save the file if we're caching if self.basename is not None: bp.save_model(biopax_ras_owl_path) # Save statements to pickle file if we're caching if self.basename is not None: with open(biopax_stmt_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(bp.statements, f, protocol=2) # Optionally filter out statements not involving only our gene set if filter: if len(self.gene_list) > 1: bp_statements = ac.filter_gene_list(bp_statements, self.gene_list, 'one') else: bp_statements = ac.filter_gene_list(bp_statements, self.gene_list, 'all') return bp.statements
[docs] def get_statements(self, filter=False): """Return the combined list of statements from BEL and Pathway Commons. Internally calls :py:meth:`get_biopax_stmts` and :py:meth:`get_bel_stmts`. Parameters ---------- filter : bool If True, includes only those statements that exclusively mention genes in :py:attr:`gene_list`. Default is False. Returns ------- list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` List of INDRA statements extracted the BEL large corpus and Pathway Commons. """ bp_stmts = self.get_biopax_stmts(filter=filter) bel_stmts = self.get_bel_stmts(filter=filter) return bp_stmts + bel_stmts
[docs] def run_preassembly(self, stmts, print_summary=True): """Run complete preassembly procedure on the given statements. Results are returned as a dict and stored in the attribute :py:attr:`results`. They are also saved in the pickle file `<basename>_results.pkl`. Parameters ---------- stmts : list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` Statements to preassemble. print_summary : bool If True (default), prints a summary of the preassembly process to the console. Returns ------- dict A dict containing the following entries: - `raw`: the starting set of statements before preassembly. - `duplicates1`: statements after initial de-duplication. - `valid`: statements found to have valid modification sites. - `mapped`: mapped statements (list of :py:class:`indra.preassembler.sitemapper.MappedStatement`). - `mapped_stmts`: combined list of valid statements and statements after mapping. - `duplicates2`: statements resulting from de-duplication of the statements in `mapped_stmts`. - `related2`: top-level statements after combining the statements in `duplicates2`. """ # First round of preassembly: remove duplicates before sitemapping pa1 = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts)"Combining duplicates") pa1.combine_duplicates() # Map sites"Mapping sites") (valid, mapped) = sm.map_sites(pa1.unique_stmts) # Combine valid and successfully mapped statements into single list correctly_mapped_stmts = [] for ms in mapped: if all([True if mm[1] is not None else False for mm in ms.mapped_mods]): correctly_mapped_stmts.append(ms.mapped_stmt) mapped_stmts = valid + correctly_mapped_stmts # Second round of preassembly: de-duplicate and combine related pa2 = Preassembler(hierarchies, mapped_stmts)"Combining duplicates again") pa2.combine_duplicates() pa2.combine_related() # Fill out the results dict self.results = {} self.results['raw'] = stmts self.results['duplicates1'] = pa1.unique_stmts self.results['valid'] = valid self.results['mapped'] = mapped self.results['mapped_stmts'] = mapped_stmts self.results['duplicates2'] = pa2.unique_stmts self.results['related2'] = pa2.related_stmts # Print summary if print_summary:"\nStarting number of statements: %d" % len(stmts))"After duplicate removal: %d" % len(pa1.unique_stmts))"Unique statements with valid sites: %d" % len(valid))"Unique statements with invalid sites: %d" % len(mapped))"After post-mapping duplicate removal: %d" % len(pa2.unique_stmts))"After combining related statements: %d" % len(pa2.related_stmts)) # Save the results if we're caching if self.basename is not None: results_filename = '%s_results.pkl' % self.basename with open(results_filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.results, f, protocol=2) return self.results