Source code for indra.assemblers.pysb.kappa_util

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import json
from networkx import MultiDiGraph, Graph, cycle_basis
from pygraphviz import AGraph

[docs]def im_json_to_graph(im_json): """Return networkx graph from Kappy's influence map JSON. Parameters ---------- im_json : dict A JSON dict which contains an influence map generated by Kappy. Returns ------- graph : networkx.MultiDiGraph A graph representing the influence map. """ # This is for kappy compatibility: as of 4.1.2, im_json is a string, # whereas before it was a json object if isinstance(im_json, str): im_json = json.loads(im_json) imap_data = im_json['influence map']['map'] # Initialize the graph graph = MultiDiGraph() id_node_dict = {} # Add each node to the graph for node_dict in imap_data['nodes']: # There is always just one entry here with the node type e.g. "rule" # as key, and all the node data as the value node_type, node = list(node_dict.items())[0] # Add the node to the graph with its label and type attrs = {'fillcolor': '#b7d2ff' if node_type == 'rule' else '#cdffc9', 'shape': 'box' if node_type == 'rule' else 'oval', 'style': 'filled'} graph.add_node(node['label'], node_type=node_type, **attrs) # Save the key of the node to refer to it later new_key = '%s%s' % (node_type, node['id']) id_node_dict[new_key] = node['label'] def add_edges(link_list, edge_sign): attrs = {'sign': edge_sign, 'color': 'green' if edge_sign == 1 else 'red', 'arrowhead': 'normal' if edge_sign == 1 else 'tee'} for link_dict in link_list: source = link_dict['source'] for target_dict in link_dict['target map']: target = target_dict['target'] src_id = '%s%s' % list(source.items())[0] tgt_id = '%s%s' % list(target.items())[0] graph.add_edge(id_node_dict[src_id], id_node_dict[tgt_id], **attrs) # Add all the edges from the positive and negative influences add_edges(imap_data['wake-up map'], 1) add_edges(imap_data['inhibition map'], -1) return graph
[docs]def cm_json_to_networkx(cm_json): """Return a networkx graph from Kappy's contact map JSON. The networkx Graph's structure is as follows. Each monomer is represented as a node of type "agent", and each site is represented as a separate node of type "site". Edges that have type "link" connect site nodes whereas edges with type "part" connect monomers with their sites. Parameters ---------- cm_json : dict A JSON dict which contains a contact map generated by Kappy. Returns ------- graph : networkx.Graph An undirected graph representing the contact map. """ cmap_data = get_cmap_data_from_json(cm_json) graph = Graph() nodes = [] edges = [] for node_idx, node in enumerate(cmap_data): nodes.append((node_idx, {'label': node['node_type'], 'type': 'agent'})) for site_idx, site in enumerate(node['node_sites']): # We map the unique ID of the site to its name site_key = (node_idx, site_idx) nodes.append((site_key, {'label': site['site_name'], 'type': 'site'})) # Each port link is an edge from the current site to the # specified site if not site['site_type'] or not site['site_type'][0] == 'port': continue # As of kappy 4.1.2, the format of port links have changed # Old format: [[1, 0]], New format: [[[0, 1], 0]] for port_link in site['site_type'][1]['port_links']: port_link = tuple([link[1] if isinstance(link, list) else link for link in port_link]) if isinstance(port_link, list): port_link = port_link[1] edges.append((site_key, tuple(port_link), {'type': 'link'})) edges.append((node_idx, site_key, {'type': 'part'})) graph.add_nodes_from(nodes) graph.add_edges_from(edges) return graph
[docs]def get_cm_cycles(cm_graph): """Return cycles from a model's Kappa contact map graph representation. Parameters ---------- cm_graph : networkx.Graph A networkx graph produced by cm_json_to_networkx. Returns ------- list A list of base cycles found in the contact map graph. Each cycle is represented as a list of strings of the form Monomer(site). """ cycles = cycle_basis(cm_graph) processed_cycles = [] for cycle in cycles: processed_cycle = [] edges = list(zip(cycle, cycle[1:] + [cycle[0]])) # Filter out cycles where the same site on an agent is used # since that represents competitive binding edge_types = [cm_graph.edges[e]['type'] for e in edges] edge_type_pairs = list(zip(edge_types, edge_types[1:] + [edge_types[0]])) if any([etp == ('link', 'link') for etp in edge_type_pairs]): continue # Now just keep link edges link_edges = [e for e in edges if cm_graph.edges[e]['type'] == 'link'] for n1, n2 in link_edges: if n1 == n2: break edge = cm_graph.edges[(n1, n2)] if edge['type'] == 'link': agent1 = cm_graph.nodes[n1[0]]['label'] agent2 = cm_graph.nodes[n2[0]]['label'] label1 = '%s(%s)' % (agent1, cm_graph.nodes[n1]['label']) label2 = '%s(%s)' % (agent2, cm_graph.nodes[n2]['label']) processed_cycle += [label1, label2] else: processed_cycles.append(processed_cycle) return processed_cycles
[docs]def cm_json_to_graph(cm_json): """Return pygraphviz Agraph from Kappy's contact map JSON. Parameters ---------- cm_json : dict A JSON dict which contains a contact map generated by Kappy. Returns ------- graph : pygraphviz.Agraph A graph representing the contact map. """ cmap_data = get_cmap_data_from_json(cm_json) # Initialize the graph graph = AGraph() # In this loop we add sites as nodes and clusters around sites to the # graph. We also collect edges to be added between sites later. edges = [] for node_idx, node in enumerate(cmap_data): sites_in_node = [] for site_idx, site in enumerate(node['node_sites']): # We map the unique ID of the site to its name site_key = (node_idx, site_idx) sites_in_node.append(site_key) graph.add_node(site_key, label=site['site_name'], style='filled', shape='ellipse') # Each port link is an edge from the current site to the # specified site if not site['site_type'] or not site['site_type'][0] == 'port': continue # As of kappy 4.1.2, the format of port links have changed # Old format: [[1, 0]], New format: [[[0, 1], 0]] for port_link in site['site_type'][1]['port_links']: port_link = tuple([link[1] if isinstance(link, list) else link for link in port_link]) if isinstance(port_link, list): port_link = port_link[1] edge = (site_key, tuple(port_link)) edges.append(edge) graph.add_subgraph(sites_in_node, name='cluster_%s' % node['node_type'], label=node['node_type']) # Finally we add the edges between the sites for source, target in edges: graph.add_edge(source, target) return graph
def get_cmap_data_from_json(cm_json): # This is for kappy compatibility: as of 4.1.2, im_json is a string, # whereas before it was a json object if isinstance(cm_json, str): cm_json = json.loads(cm_json) cmap_data = cm_json['contact map']['map'] # As of 4.1.2 there is also an additional level of nesting in a one-element # list that we can unpack here if len(cmap_data) == 1 and isinstance(cmap_data[0], list): cmap_data = cmap_data[0] return cmap_data