Source code for indra.assemblers.sbgn.assembler

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import copy
import logging
import lxml.etree
import lxml.builder
from indra.statements import *
from indra.assemblers.pysb.assembler import PysbPreassembler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

sbgn_ns = ''
emaker = lxml.builder.ElementMaker(nsmap={None: sbgn_ns})

[docs]class SBGNAssembler(object): """This class assembles an SBGN model from a set of INDRA Statements. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) is a widely used graphical notation standard for systems biology models. This assembler creates SBGN models following the Process Desctiption (PD) standard, documented at: For more information on SBGN, see: Parameters ---------- stmts : Optional[list[indra.statements.Statement]] A list of INDRA Statements to be assembled. Attributes ---------- statements : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of INDRA Statements to be assembled. sbgn : lxml.etree.ElementTree The structure of the SBGN model that is assembled, represented as an XML ElementTree. """ process_style = {'x': '0', 'y': '0', 'w': '10', 'h': '10'} source_sink_style = {'x': '0', 'y': '0', 'w': '10', 'h': '10'} monomer_style = {'x': '0', 'y': '0', 'w': '60', 'h': '30'} complex_style = {'x': '1', 'y': '1', 'w': '60', 'h': '65'} entity_type_style = {'x': '0', 'y': '0', 'w': '30', 'h': '12'} entity_state_style = {'x': '1', 'y': '1', 'w': '28', 'h': '12'} def __init__(self, statements=None): if not statements: self.statements = [] else: self.statements = statements self.sbgn = emaker.sbgn() self._map ='process description') self.sbgn.append(self._map) self._id_counter = 0 self._agent_ids = {}
[docs] def add_statements(self, stmts): """Add INDRA Statements to the assembler's list of statements. Parameters ---------- stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement] A list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement` to be added to the statement list of the assembler. """ for stmt in stmts: if not self.statement_exists(stmt): self.statements.append(stmt)
[docs] def make_model(self): """Assemble the SBGN model from the collected INDRA Statements. This method assembles an SBGN model from the set of INDRA Statements. The assembled model is set as the assembler's sbgn attribute (it is represented as an XML ElementTree internally). The model is returned as a serialized XML string. Returns ------- sbgn_str : str The XML serialized SBGN model. """ ppa = PysbPreassembler(self.statements) ppa.replace_activities() self.statements = ppa.statements self.sbgn = emaker.sbgn() self._map = self.sbgn.append(self._map) for stmt in self.statements: if isinstance(stmt, Modification): self._assemble_modification(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, RegulateActivity): self._assemble_regulateactivity(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, RegulateAmount): self._assemble_regulateamount(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, Complex): self._assemble_complex(stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, ActiveForm): #self._assemble_activeform(stmt) pass else: logger.warning("Unhandled Statement type %s" % type(stmt)) continue sbgn_str = self.print_model() return sbgn_str
[docs] def print_model(self, pretty=True, encoding='utf8'): """Return the assembled SBGN model as an XML string. Parameters ---------- pretty : Optional[bool] If True, the SBGN string is formatted with indentation (for human viewing) otherwise no indentation is used. Default: True Returns ------- sbgn_str : bytes (str in Python 2) An XML string representation of the SBGN model. """ return lxml.etree.tostring(self.sbgn, pretty_print=pretty, encoding=encoding, xml_declaration=True)
[docs] def save_model(self, file_name='model.sbgn'): """Save the assembled SBGN model in a file. Parameters ---------- file_name : Optional[str] The name of the file to save the SBGN network to. Default: model.sbgn """ model = self.print_model() with open(file_name, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(model)
def _assemble_modification(self, stmt): if not stmt.enz: return # Make glyph for enz enz_glyph = self._agent_glyph(stmt.enz) mc_changed = stmt._get_mod_condition() mc_unchanged = stmt._get_mod_condition() mc_unchanged.is_modified = not mc_unchanged.is_modified # Make glyphs for sub sub_changed = copy.deepcopy(stmt.sub) sub_changed.mods.append(mc_changed) sub_unchanged = copy.deepcopy(stmt.sub) sub_unchanged.mods.append(mc_unchanged) sub_in, sub_out = \ (sub_unchanged, sub_changed) if isinstance(stmt, AddModification) else \ (sub_changed, sub_unchanged) sub_in_glyph = self._agent_glyph(sub_in) sub_out_glyph = self._agent_glyph(sub_out) # Make the process glyph process_glyph = self._process_glyph('process') # Add the arcs self._arc('consumption', sub_in_glyph, process_glyph) self._arc('production', process_glyph, sub_out_glyph) self._arc('catalysis', enz_glyph, process_glyph) def _assemble_regulateactivity(self, stmt): # Make glyph for subj subj_glyph = self._agent_glyph(stmt.subj) # Make glyphs for obj obj_act = copy.deepcopy(stmt.obj) obj_inact = copy.deepcopy(stmt.obj) obj_act.activity = ActivityCondition(stmt.obj_activity, True) obj_inact.activity = ActivityCondition(stmt.obj_activity, False) obj_in, obj_out = (obj_inact, obj_act) if stmt.is_activation else \ (obj_act, obj_inact) obj_in_glyph = self._agent_glyph(obj_in) obj_out_glyph = self._agent_glyph(obj_out) # Make the process glyph process_glyph = self._process_glyph('process') # Add the arcs self._arc('consumption', obj_in_glyph, process_glyph) self._arc('production', process_glyph, obj_out_glyph) self._arc('catalysis', subj_glyph, process_glyph) def _assemble_regulateamount(self, stmt): # Make glyphs for obj obj_glyph = self._agent_glyph(stmt.obj) # Make the process glyph process_glyph = self._process_glyph('process') # Add the arcs if isinstance(stmt, DecreaseAmount): self._arc('consumption', obj_glyph, process_glyph) else: self._arc('production', process_glyph, obj_glyph) # Make glyph for subj and add arc if needed if stmt.subj: subj_glyph = self._agent_glyph(stmt.subj) self._arc('catalysis', subj_glyph, process_glyph) def _assemble_complex(self, stmt): # Make glyph for individual members member_glyphs = [self._agent_glyph(m) for m in stmt.members] # Make glyph for complex # First we need to unroll all members and their bound conditions # into a single list with a single prime agent all_members = [] for i, member in enumerate(stmt.members): member_tmp = copy.deepcopy(member) bound = [bc.agent for bc in member_tmp.bound_conditions if bc.is_bound] member_tmp.bound_conditions = [] if i == 0: prime_agent = member_tmp else: all_members.append(member_tmp) all_members += bound # Now we set all the other members as bound conditions on the prime # agent prime_agent.bound_conditions = \ [BoundCondition(m, True) for m in all_members] complex_glyph = self._agent_glyph(prime_agent) process_glyph = self._process_glyph('association') for member_glyph in member_glyphs: self._arc('consumption', member_glyph, process_glyph) self._arc('production', process_glyph, complex_glyph) def _assemble_activeform(self, stmt): agent_glyph = self._agent_glyph(stmt.agent) agent_active = copy.deepcopy(stmt.agent) agent_active.activity = ActivityCondition(stmt.activity, stmt.is_active) agent_active_glyph = self._agent_glyph(agent_active) process_glyph = self._process_glyph('process') self._arc('consumption', agent_glyph, process_glyph) self._arc('production', process_glyph, agent_active_glyph) def _arc(self, class_name, source, target): arc_id = self._make_id() arc = emaker.arc(class_(class_name), source=source, target=target, id=arc_id) self._map.append(arc) def _process_glyph(self, class_name): process_id = self._make_id() process_glyph = emaker.glyph(emaker.bbox(**self.process_style), class_(class_name), id=process_id) self._map.append(process_glyph) return process_id def _none_glyph(self): glyph_id = self._make_id() none_glyph = emaker.glyph(emaker.bbox(**self.source_sink_style), class_('source and sink'), id=glyph_id) self._map.append(none_glyph) return glyph_id def _agent_glyph(self, agent, append=True): # Make the main glyph for the agent # TODO: handle bound conditions agent_id = self._make_agent_id(agent) agent_type = _get_agent_type(agent) glyph = emaker.glyph(emaker.label(, emaker.bbox(**self.monomer_style), class_(agent_type), id=agent_id) # Temporarily remove # Make a glyph for the agent type # TODO: handle other agent types #type_glyph = emaker.glyph(emaker.label(text='mt:prot'), # class_('unit of information'), # emaker.bbox(**self.entity_type_style), # id=self._make_id()) #glyph.append(type_glyph) # Make glyphs for agent state # TODO: handle location, mutation for m in agent.mods: if m.residue is not None: mod = m.residue else: mod = abbrevs[m.mod_type] mod_pos = m.position if m.position is not None else '' variable = '%s%s' % (mod, mod_pos) value = states[m.mod_type][1 if m.is_modified else 0] state = emaker.state(variable=variable, value=value) state_glyph = \ emaker.glyph(state, emaker.bbox(**self.entity_state_style), class_('state variable'), id=self._make_id()) glyph.append(state_glyph) if agent.activity: value = 'a' if agent.activity.is_active else 'i' state = emaker.state(variable=abbrevs[agent.activity.activity_type], value=value) state_glyph = \ emaker.glyph(state, emaker.bbox(**self.entity_state_style), class_('state variable'), id=self._make_id()) glyph.append(state_glyph) # Handle bound conditions as complexes if agent.bound_conditions: members = [glyph] for bc in agent.bound_conditions: if bc.is_bound: member_glyph = self._agent_glyph(bc.agent, append=False) members.append(member_glyph) # Exclude the case where only negative bound conditions # are given and so members has only 1 element if len(members) > 1: complex_glyph = \ emaker.glyph(emaker.bbox(**self.complex_style), class_('complex'), id=self._make_id()) for member in members: complex_glyph.append(member) glyph = complex_glyph if append: self._map.append(glyph) return agent_id return glyph def _glyph_for_complex_pattern(self, pattern): """Add glyph and member glyphs for a PySB ComplexPattern.""" # Make the main glyph for the agent monomer_glyphs = [] for monomer_pattern in pattern.monomer_patterns: glyph = self._glyph_for_monomer_pattern(monomer_pattern) monomer_glyphs.append(glyph) if len(monomer_glyphs) > 1: pattern.matches_key = lambda: str(pattern) agent_id = self._make_agent_id(pattern) complex_glyph = \ emaker.glyph(emaker.bbox(**self.complex_style), class_('complex'), id=agent_id) for glyph in monomer_glyphs: glyph.attrib['id'] = agent_id + glyph.attrib['id'] complex_glyph.append(glyph) return complex_glyph return monomer_glyphs[0] def _glyph_for_monomer_pattern(self, pattern): """Add glyph for a PySB MonomerPattern.""" pattern.matches_key = lambda: str(pattern) agent_id = self._make_agent_id(pattern) # Handle sources and sinks if in ('__source', '__sink'): return None # Handle molecules glyph = emaker.glyph(emaker.label(, emaker.bbox(**self.monomer_style), class_('macromolecule'), id=agent_id) # Temporarily remove this # Add a glyph for type #type_glyph = emaker.glyph(emaker.label(text='mt:prot'), # class_('unit of information'), # emaker.bbox(**self.entity_type_style), # id=self._make_id()) #glyph.append(type_glyph) for site, value in pattern.site_conditions.items(): if value is None or isinstance(value, int): continue # Make some common abbreviations if site == 'phospho': site = 'p' elif site == 'activity': site = 'act' if value == 'active': value = 'a' elif value == 'inactive': value = 'i' state = emaker.state(variable=site, value=value) state_glyph = \ emaker.glyph(state, emaker.bbox(**self.entity_state_style), class_('state variable'), id=self._make_id()) glyph.append(state_glyph) return glyph def _make_id(self): element_id = 'id_%d' % self._id_counter self._id_counter += 1 return element_id def _make_agent_id(self, agent): key = agent.matches_key() mapped_id = self._agent_ids.get(key) if mapped_id: return mapped_id new_id = self._make_id() self._agent_ids[key] = new_id return new_id def statement_exists(self, stmt): for s in self.statements: if stmt.matches(s): return True return False
def _get_agent_type(agent): if agent.db_refs.get('UP') or agent.db_refs.get('HGNC') or \ agent.db_refs.get('FPLX') or agent.db_refs.get('PF'): return 'macromolecule' elif agent.db_refs.get('CHEBI') or agent.db_refs.get('PUBCHEM'): return 'simple chemical' elif agent.db_refs.get('GO'): return 'phenotype' return 'unspecified entity' def class_(name): return {'class': name} abbrevs = { 'phosphorylation': 'phospho', 'ubiquitination': 'ub', 'farnesylation': 'farnesyl', 'hydroxylation': 'hydroxyl', 'acetylation': 'acetyl', 'sumoylation': 'sumo', 'glycosylation': 'glycosyl', 'methylation': 'methyl', 'modification': 'mod', 'activity': 'act', 'kinase': 'kin' } states = { 'phosphorylation': ['u', 'p'], 'ubiquitination': ['n', 'y'], 'farnesylation': ['n', 'y'], 'hydroxylation': ['n', 'y'], 'acetylation': ['n', 'y'], 'sumoylation': ['n', 'y'], 'glycosylation': ['n', 'y'], 'methylation': ['n', 'y'], 'modification': ['n', 'y'], }