Source code for indra.sources.isi.api

from datetime import datetime

__all__ = ['process_text', 'process_nxml', 'process_preprocessed',
           'process_json_file', 'process_output_folder']

import os
import glob
import json
import shutil
import logging
import tempfile
import subprocess

from indra.sources.isi.processor import IsiProcessor
from indra.sources.isi.preprocessor import IsiPreprocessor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = 'sahilgar/bigmechisi'
IN_ISI_DOCKER = os.environ.get('IN_ISI_DOCKER', 'false').lower() == 'true'

class IsiRuntimeError(Exception):

[docs]def process_text(text, pmid=None, **kwargs): """Process a string using the ISI reader and extract INDRA statements. Parameters ---------- text : str A text string to process pmid : Optional[str] The PMID associated with this text (or None if not specified) num_processes : Optional[int] Number of processes to parallelize over cleanup : Optional[bool] If True, the temporary folders created for preprocessed reading input and output are removed. Default: True add_grounding : Optional[bool] If True the extracted Statements' grounding is mapped molecular_complexes_only : Optional[bool] If True, only Complex statements between molecular entities are retained after grounding. Returns ------- ip : indra.sources.isi.processor.IsiProcessor A processor containing statements """ cleanup = kwargs.get('cleanup', True) # Create a temporary directory to store the proprocessed input pp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('indra_isi_pp_output') pp = IsiPreprocessor(pp_dir) extra_annotations = {} pp.preprocess_plain_text_string(text, pmid, extra_annotations) # Run the ISI reader and extract statements ip = process_preprocessed(pp, **kwargs) if cleanup: # Remove temporary directory with processed input shutil.rmtree(pp_dir) else:'Not cleaning up %s' % pp_dir) return ip
[docs]def process_nxml(nxml_filename, pmid=None, extra_annotations=None, **kwargs): """Process an NXML file using the ISI reader First converts NXML to plain text and preprocesses it, then runs the ISI reader, and processes the output to extract INDRA Statements. Parameters ---------- nxml_filename : str nxml file to process pmid : Optional[str] pmid of this nxml file, to be added to the Evidence object of the extracted INDRA statements extra_annotations : Optional[dict] Additional annotations to add to the Evidence object of all extracted INDRA statements. Extra annotations called 'interaction' are ignored since this is used by the processor to store the corresponding raw ISI output. num_processes : Optional[int] Number of processes to parallelize over cleanup : Optional[bool] If True, the temporary folders created for preprocessed reading input and output are removed. Default: True add_grounding : Optional[bool] If True the extracted Statements' grounding is mapped molecular_complexes_only : Optional[bool] If True, only Complex statements between molecular entities are retained after grounding. Returns ------- ip : indra.sources.isi.processor.IsiProcessor A processor containing extracted Statements """ if extra_annotations is None: extra_annotations = {} cleanup = kwargs.get('cleanup', True) # Create a temporary directory to store the proprocessed input pp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('indra_isi_pp_output') pp = IsiPreprocessor(pp_dir) pp.preprocess_nxml_file(nxml_filename, pmid, extra_annotations) # Run the ISI reader and extract statements ip = process_preprocessed(pp, **kwargs) if cleanup: # Remove temporary directory with processed input shutil.rmtree(pp_dir) else:'Not cleaning up %s' % pp_dir) return ip
def _make_links(dirname, link_dir): """Make links to files in a directory. This is used when running from within the modified ISI docker. """ # Create a directory in the root dir with the appropriate name. if not os.path.exists(link_dir): os.mkdir(link_dir) # Link each of the files in the directory to this new link_dir. for fname in os.listdir(dirname): if fname.startswith('.'): continue link = os.path.join(link_dir, fname) true = os.path.join(dirname, fname) os.symlink(true, link) return def run_isi(input_dir, output_dir, tmp_dir, num_processes=1, verbose=True, log=False): base_command = ['/root/', '-c', str(num_processes)] if IN_ISI_DOCKER: _make_links(input_dir, '/input') os.mkdir('/output') os.mkdir('/temp') command = base_command else: # We call realpath on all these paths so that any symbolic links # are generated out - this is needed on Mac input_binding = os.path.realpath(input_dir) + ':/input:ro' output_binding = os.path.realpath(output_dir) + ':/output:rw' tmp_binding = os.path.realpath(tmp_dir) + ':/temp:rw' command = ['docker', 'run', '-it', '--rm', '-v', input_binding, '-v', output_binding, '-v', tmp_binding, DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME] + base_command # Invoke the ISI reader'Running command from within the docker:' if IN_ISI_DOCKER else 'Running command using the docker:')' '.join(command)) p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Monitor the logs and wait for reading to end. log_file_str = '' for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): log_line = 'ISI: ' + line.strip().decode('utf8') if verbose: if log: log_file_str += log_line + '\n' if log: with open('isi_run.log', 'ab') as f: f.write(log_file_str.encode('utf8')) p_out, p_err = p.communicate() if p.returncode: logger.error('Problem running ISI:') logger.error('Stdout & Stderr: %s' % p_out.decode('utf-8')) raise IsiRuntimeError("Problem encountered running ISI.")"ISI finished.") if IN_ISI_DOCKER: _make_links('/output', output_dir) _make_links('/temp', tmp_dir) return def get_isi_image_data(): """Get the json data for the ISI docker image.""" if IN_ISI_DOCKER: logger.error("Cannot read docker info from within the docker.") return {} ret =['docker', 'image', 'inspect', DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) image_data = json.loads(ret.stdout)[0] return image_data def get_isi_version(): if IN_ISI_DOCKER: timestamp = os.path.getmtime('/root/') dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) else: data = get_isi_image_data() dt = datetime.strptime(data['Created'].split('.')[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') return dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
[docs]def process_preprocessed(isi_preprocessor, num_processes=1, output_dir=None, cleanup=True, add_grounding=True, molecular_complexes_only=False): """Process a directory of abstracts and/or papers preprocessed using the specified IsiPreprocessor, to produce a list of extracted INDRA statements. Parameters ---------- isi_preprocessor : indra.sources.isi.preprocessor.IsiPreprocessor Preprocessor object that has already preprocessed the documents we want to read and process with the ISI reader num_processes : Optional[int] Number of processes to parallelize over output_dir : Optional[str] The directory into which to put reader output; if omitted or None, uses a temporary directory. cleanup : Optional[bool] If True, the temporary folders created for preprocessed reading input and output are removed. Default: True add_grounding : Optional[bool] If True the extracted Statements' grounding is mapped molecular_complexes_only : Optional[bool] If True, only Complex statements between molecular entities are retained after grounding. Returns ------- ip : indra.sources.isi.processor.IsiProcessor A processor containing extracted statements """ # Create a temporary directory to store the output if output_dir is None: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('indra_isi_processor_output') else: output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('indra_isi_processor_tmp') # Form the command to invoke the ISI reader via Docker dir_name = isi_preprocessor.preprocessed_dir # Run the ISI reader run_isi(dir_name, output_dir, tmp_dir, num_processes) ips = [] for fname, pmid, extra_annots in isi_preprocessor.iter_outputs(output_dir): ip = process_json_file(fname, pmid=pmid, extra_annotations=extra_annots, add_grounding=add_grounding, molecular_complexes_only=molecular_complexes_only) ips.append(ip) # Remove the temporary output directory if output_dir is None: if cleanup: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) else:'Not cleaning up %s' % output_dir) if cleanup: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) else:'Not cleaning up %s' % output_dir) if len(ips) > 1: for ip in ips[1:]: ips[0].statements += ip.statements if ips: return ips[0] else: return None
[docs]def process_output_folder(folder_path, pmids=None, extra_annotations=None, add_grounding=True, molecular_complexes_only=False): """Recursively extracts statements from all ISI output files in the given directory and subdirectories. Parameters ---------- folder_path : str The directory to traverse pmids : Optional[str] PMID mapping to be added to the Evidence of the extracted INDRA Statements extra_annotations : Optional[dict] Additional annotations to add to the Evidence object of all extracted INDRA statements. Extra annotations called 'interaction' are ignored since this is used by the processor to store the corresponding raw ISI output. add_grounding : Optional[bool] If True the extracted Statements' grounding is mapped molecular_complexes_only : Optional[bool] If True, only Complex statements between molecular entities are retained after grounding. """ pmids = pmids if pmids is not None else {} extra_annotations = extra_annotations if \ extra_annotations is not None else {} ips = [] for entry in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, '*.json')): entry_key = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(entry))[0] # Extract the corresponding file id pmid = pmids.get(entry_key) extra_annotation = extra_annotations.get(entry_key) ip = process_json_file(entry, pmid, extra_annotation, add_grounding=add_grounding, molecular_complexes_only=molecular_complexes_only) ips.append(ip) if len(ips) > 1: for ip in ips[1:]: ips[0].statements += ip.statements if ips: return ips[0] else: return None
[docs]def process_json_file(file_path, pmid=None, extra_annotations=None, add_grounding=True, molecular_complexes_only=False): """Extracts statements from the given ISI output file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The ISI output file from which to extract statements pmid : int The PMID of the document being preprocessed, or None if not specified extra_annotations : dict Extra annotations to be added to each statement from this document (can be the empty dictionary) add_grounding : Optional[bool] If True the extracted Statements' grounding is mapped molecular_complexes_only : Optional[bool] If True, only Complex statements between molecular entities are retained after grounding. """'Extracting from %s' % file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as fh: jd = json.load(fh) ip = IsiProcessor(jd, pmid, extra_annotations, add_grounding=add_grounding) ip.get_statements() if molecular_complexes_only: ip.retain_molecular_complexes() return ip