Source code for indra.statements.resources

__all__ = ['get_valid_residue', 'activity_types',
           'amino_acids', 'amino_acids_reverse',
           'InvalidLocationError', 'InvalidResidueError']

import os

[docs]def get_valid_residue(residue): """Check if the given string represents a valid amino acid residue.""" if residue is not None and amino_acids.get(residue) is None: res = amino_acids_reverse.get(residue.lower()) if res is None: raise InvalidResidueError(residue) else: return res return residue
# FIXME: this list could be read from the ontology or another resource file activity_types = {'transcription', 'activity', 'catalytic', 'gtpbound', 'kinase', 'phosphatase', 'gef', 'gap'} def _read_amino_acids(): """Read the amino acid information from a resource file.""" this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) aa_file = os.path.join(this_dir, os.pardir, 'resources', 'amino_acids.tsv') amino_acids = {} amino_acids_reverse = {} with open(aa_file, 'rt') as fh: lines = fh.readlines() for lin in lines[1:]: terms = lin.strip().split('\t') key = terms[2] val = {'full_name': terms[0], 'short_name': terms[1], 'indra_name': terms[3]} amino_acids[key] = val for v in val.values(): amino_acids_reverse[v] = key return amino_acids, amino_acids_reverse amino_acids, amino_acids_reverse = _read_amino_acids()
[docs]class InvalidResidueError(ValueError): """Invalid residue (amino acid) name.""" def __init__(self, name): ValueError.__init__(self, "Invalid residue name: '%s'" % name)
[docs]class InvalidLocationError(ValueError): """Invalid cellular component name.""" def __init__(self, name): ValueError.__init__(self, "Invalid location name: '%s'" % name)