from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import logging
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
import indra.statements as ist
from indra.assemblers.pysb.assembler import \
PysbAssembler, _is_whitelisted, \
UnknownPolicyError, \
get_binding_site_name, PysbPreassembler, \
get_agent_rule_str, abbrevs, states, get_mod_site_name
# Python 2
# Python 3
basestring = str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class KamiAssembler(PysbAssembler):
[docs] def make_model(self, policies=None, initial_conditions=True,
"""Assemble the Kami model from the collected INDRA Statements.
This method assembles a Kami model from the set of INDRA Statements.
The assembled model is both returned and set as the assembler's
model argument.
policies : Optional[Union[str, dict]]
A string or dictionary of policies, as defined in
:py:class:`indra.assemblers.KamiAssembler`. This set of policies
locally supersedes the default setting in the assembler. This
is useful when this function is called multiple times with
different policies.
initial_conditions : Optional[bool]
If True, default initial conditions are generated for the
agents in the model.
model : dict
The assembled Kami model.
self.processed_policies = self.process_policies(policies)
ppa = PysbPreassembler(self.statements)
if reverse_effects:
self.statements = ppa.statements
# Set local policies for this make_model call that overwrite
# the global policies of the Kami assembler
if policies is not None:
global_policies = self.policies
if isinstance(policies, basestring):
local_policies = {'other': policies}
local_policies = {'other': 'default'}
self.policies = local_policies
self.model = {}
graphs = []
self.model['graphs'] = graphs
self.model['typing'] = []
# Action graph generated here
action_graph = {'id': 'action_graph',
'attrs': {'name': 'action_graph'}}
action_graph['graph'] = {'nodes': [], 'edges': []}
# Iterate over the statements to generate rules
# Add initial conditions
#if initial_conditions:
# self.add_default_initial_conditions()
# If local policies were applied, revert to the global one
if policies is not None:
self.policies = global_policies
return self.model
def _assemble(self):
"""Calls the appropriate assemble method based on policies."""
for stmt in self.statements:
if _is_whitelisted(stmt):
self._dispatch(stmt, 'assemble', self.model)
def _dispatch(self, stmt, stage, *args):
"""Construct and call an assembly function.
This function constructs the name of the assembly function based on
the type of statement, the corresponding policy and the stage
of assembly. It then calls that function to perform the assembly
class_name = stmt.__class__.__name__
policy = self.processed_policies[stmt.uuid]
func_name = '%s_%s_%s' % (class_name.lower(), stage, policy)
func = globals().get(func_name)
if func is None:
# The specific policy is not implemented for the
# given statement type.
# We try to apply a default policy next.
func_name = '%s_%s_default' % (class_name.lower(), stage)
func = globals().get(func_name)
if func is None:
# The given statement type doesn't have a default
# policy.
#raise UnknownPolicyError('%s function %s not defined' %
# (stage, func_name))
logger.warning('%s function %s not defined' %
(stage, func_name))
return func(stmt, *args)
[docs]class Nugget(object):
"""Represents a Kami Nugget."""
def __init__(self, id, name, rate):
self.counters = defaultdict(int) = id = name
self.rate = rate
self.nodes = []
self.edges = []
self.typings = {}
[docs] def add_agent(self, agent):
"""Add an INDRA Agent and its conditions to the Nugget."""
agent_id = self.add_node(
self.add_typing(agent_id, 'agent')
# Handle bound conditions
for bc in agent.bound_conditions:
# Here we make the assumption that the binding site
# is simply named after the binding partner
if bc.is_bound:
test_type = 'is_bnd'
test_type = 'is_free'
bound_name =
agent_bs = get_binding_site_name(bc.agent)
test_name = '%s_bound_to_%s_test' % (agent_id, bound_name)
agent_bs_id = self.add_node(agent_bs)
test_id = self.add_node(test_name)
self.add_edge(agent_bs_id, agent_id)
self.add_edge(agent_bs_id, test_id)
self.add_typing(agent_bs_id, 'locus')
self.add_typing(test_id, test_type)
for mod in agent.mods:
mod_site_str = abbrevs[mod.mod_type]
if mod.residue is not None:
mod_site_str = mod.residue
mod_pos_str = mod.position if mod.position is not None else ''
mod_site = ('%s%s' % (mod_site_str, mod_pos_str))
site_states = states[mod.mod_type]
if mod.is_modified:
val = site_states[1]
val = site_states[0]
mod_site_id = self.add_node(mod_site, {'val': val})
self.add_edge(mod_site_id, agent_id)
self.add_typing(mod_site_id, 'state')
return agent_id
[docs] def add_node(self, name_base, attrs=None):
"""Add a node with a given base name to the Nugget and return ID."""
if name_base not in self.counters:
node_id = name_base
node_id = '%s_%d' % (name_base, self.counters[name_base])
node = {'id': node_id}
if attrs:
node['attrs'] = attrs
self.counters[node_id] += 1
return node_id
[docs] def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node):
"""Add an edge between two nodes to the Nugget."""
self.edges.append({'from': from_node, 'to': to_node})
[docs] def add_typing(self, node_id, typing):
"""Add typing information to a node in the Nugget."""
self.typings[node_id] = typing
[docs] def get_nugget_dict(self):
"""Return the Nugget as a dictionary."""
nugget_dict = \
'graph': {
'nodes': self.nodes,
'edges': self.edges
'attrs': {
'rate': self.rate
return nugget_dict
[docs] def get_typing_dict(self):
"""Return the Nugget's typing information as a dictionary."""
return self.typings
# COMPLEX ############################################################
def complex_assemble_one_step(stmt, model):
pairs = itertools.combinations(stmt.members, 2)
for pair in pairs:
# Make a rule name
nugget_name = '_'.join([get_agent_rule_str(m) for m in pair])
nugget_name += '_bind'
action_name = nugget_name + '_act'
kf_bind = 1e-6
nugget = Nugget(nugget_name, nugget_name, kf_bind)
action_id = nugget.add_node(action_name)
# Initialize dicts/lists for this nugget
nugget.add_typing(action_id, 'bnd')
for agent in pair:
agent_id = nugget.add_agent(agent)
agent_bs = get_binding_site_name(agent)
agent_bs_id = nugget.add_node(agent_bs)
nugget.add_edge(agent_bs_id, agent_id)
nugget.add_edge(agent_bs_id, action_id)
# Add to the Kami typing dict
nugget.add_typing(agent_bs_id, 'locus')
# Typing dicts linking the nugget to the Action Graph and to the
# Kami graph
typing_dict_ag = {'from': nugget_name, 'to': 'action_graph',
'mapping': {}, 'total': False,
'ignore_attrs': False}
typing_dict_kami = {'from': nugget_name, 'to': 'kami',
'mapping': nugget.get_typing_dict(), 'total': True,
'ignore_attrs': True}
# Add the graphs for this nugget to the graphs and typing lists
model['typing'] += [typing_dict_ag, typing_dict_kami]
# In reverse reaction, assume that dissocition is unconditional
nugget_name = '_'.join([get_agent_rule_str(m) for m in pair])
nugget_name += '_dissociate'
action_name = nugget_name + '_act'
kr_bind = 1e-1
nugget = Nugget(nugget_name, nugget_name, kr_bind)
action_id = nugget.add_node(action_name)
nugget.add_typing(action_id, 'brk')
for agent in pair:
agent_bs = get_binding_site_name(agent)
agent_id = nugget.add_node(
agent_bs_id = nugget.add_node(agent_bs)
nugget.add_edge(agent_bs_id, agent_id)
nugget.add_edge(agent_bs_id, action_id)
nugget.add_typing(agent_id, 'agent')
nugget.add_typing(agent_bs_id, 'locus')
# Typing dicts linking the nugget to the Action Graph and to the
# Kami graph
typing_dict_ag = {'from': nugget_name, 'to': 'action_graph',
'mapping': {}, 'total': False,
'ignore_attrs': False}
typing_dict_kami = {'from': nugget_name, 'to': 'kami',
'mapping': nugget.get_typing_dict(), 'total': True,
'ignore_attrs': True}
# Add the graphs for this nugget to the graphs and typing lists
model['typing'] += [typing_dict_ag, typing_dict_kami]
complex_assemble_default = complex_assemble_one_step
def _mod_demod_assemble_one_step(stmt, model, is_mod):
# Define some basic parameters for the modification
mc = stmt._get_mod_condition()
mod_condition_name = mc.mod_type
mod_site = get_mod_site_name(mc)
rule_enz_str = get_agent_rule_str(stmt.enz)
rule_sub_str = get_agent_rule_str(stmt.sub)
nugget_name = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % \
(rule_enz_str, mod_condition_name, rule_sub_str, mod_site)
action_name = nugget_name + '_act'
kf_mod = 1e-6
nugget = Nugget(nugget_name, nugget_name, kf_mod)
enz_id = nugget.add_agent(stmt.enz)
sub_id = nugget.add_agent(stmt.sub)
st = states[mod_condition_name]
from_state, to_state = (st[0], st[1]) if is_mod else (st[1], st[0])
mod_site_id = nugget.add_node(mod_site, {'val': from_state})
action_id = nugget.add_node(action_name, {'val': to_state})
nugget.add_typing(mod_site_id, 'state')
nugget.add_typing(action_id, 'mod')
nugget.add_edge(mod_site_id, sub_id)
nugget.add_edge(action_id, mod_site_id)
nugget.add_edge(enz_id, action_id)
# Typing dicts linking the nugget to the Action Graph and to the
# Kami graph
typing_dict_ag = {'from': nugget_name, 'to': 'action_graph',
'mapping': {}, 'total': False,
'ignore_attrs': False}
typing_dict_kami = {'from': nugget_name, 'to': 'kami',
'mapping': nugget.get_typing_dict(), 'total': True,
'ignore_attrs': True}
# Add the graphs for this nugget to the graphs and typing lists
model['typing'] += [typing_dict_ag, typing_dict_kami]
def modification_assemble_one_step(stmt, model):
if stmt.enz is None:
_mod_demod_assemble_one_step(stmt, model, True)
def demodification_assemble_one_step(stmt, model):
if stmt.enz is None:
_mod_demod_assemble_one_step(stmt, model, False)
modification_assemble_default = modification_assemble_one_step
demodification_assemble_default = demodification_assemble_one_step
# Map specific modification monomer/assembly functions to the generic
# Modification assembly function
policies = ['one_step', 'default']
mod_classes = [cls for cls in ist.AddModification.__subclasses__()]
for mc, func_type, pol in itertools.product(mod_classes, ('assemble', ),
code = '{mc}_{func_type}_{pol} = ' \
mc=ist.modclass_to_modtype[mc], func_type=func_type,
demod_classes = [cls for cls in ist.RemoveModification.__subclasses__()]
for mc, func_type, pol in itertools.product(demod_classes, ('assemble', ),
code = '{mc}_{func_type}_{pol} = ' \
mc=ist.modclass_to_modtype[mc], func_type=func_type,