Source code for indra.assemblers.pysb.bmi_wrapper

"""This module allows creating a Basic Modeling Interface (BMI) model from
and automatically assembled PySB model. The BMI model can be instantiated
within a simulation workflow system where it is simulated together
with other models."""

import os
import copy
import numpy
import pickle
import textwrap
from lxml import etree
from pysb.bng import generate_equations
from pysb.simulator import ScipyOdeSimulator

[docs]class BMIModel(object): """This class represents a BMI model wrapping a model assembled by INDRA. Parameters ---------- model : pysb.Model A PySB model assembled by INDRA to be wrapped in BMI. inputs : Optional[list[str]] A list of variable names that are considered to be inputs to the model meaning that they are read from other models. Note that designating a variable as input means that it must be provided by another component during the simulation. stop_time : int The stopping time for this model, controlling the time units up to which the model is simulated. outside_name_map : dict A dictionary mapping outside variables names to inside variable names (i.e. ones that are in the wrapped model) """ def __init__(self, model, inputs=None, stop_time=1000, outside_name_map=None): self.model = model generate_equations(model) self.inputs = inputs if inputs else [] self.stop_time = stop_time self.outside_name_map = outside_name_map if outside_name_map else {} self.dt = numpy.array(10.0) self.units = 'seconds' self.sim = None self.attributes = copy.copy(default_attributes) self.species_name_map = {} for idx, species in enumerate(self.model.species): monomer = species.monomer_patterns[0].monomer self.species_name_map[] = idx self.input_vars = self._get_input_vars() # These attributes are related to the simulation state self.state = numpy.array([100.0 for s in self.species_name_map.keys()]) self.time = numpy.array(0.0) self.status = 'start' self.time_course = [(self.time, self.state)] # EMELI needs a DONE attribute self.DONE = False def _get_input_vars(self): return self.inputs # The code below attempts to discover input variables, it is currently # inactive but could be made optional later # species_is_obj = {s: False for s in self.species_name_map.keys()} # for ann in self.model.annotations: # if ann.predicate == 'rule_has_object': # species_is_obj[ann.object] = True # # Return all the variables that aren't objects in a rule # input_vars = [s for s, tf in species_is_obj.items() if not tf] # return input_vars # Simulation functions
[docs] def initialize(self, cfg_file=None, mode=None): """Initialize the model for simulation, possibly given a config file. Parameters ---------- cfg_file : Optional[str] The name of the configuration file to load, optional. """ self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model) self.state = numpy.array(copy.copy(self.sim.initials)[0]) self.time = numpy.array(0.0) self.status = 'initialized'
[docs] def update(self, dt=None): """Simulate the model for a given time interval. Parameters ---------- dt : Optional[float] The time step to simulate, if None, the default built-in time step is used. """ # EMELI passes dt = -1 so we need to handle that here dt = dt if (dt is not None and dt > 0) else self.dt tspan = [0, dt] # Run simulaton with initials set to current state res =, initials=self.state) # Set the state based on the result here self.state = res.species[-1] self.time += dt if self.time > self.stop_time: self.DONE = True print((self.time, self.state)) self.time_course.append((self.time.copy(), self.state.copy()))
[docs] def finalize(self): """Finish the simulation and clean up resources as needed.""" self.status = 'finalized'
# Setter functions for state variables
[docs] def set_value(self, var_name, value): """Set the value of a given variable to a given value. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable in the model whose value should be set. value : float The value the variable should be set to """ if var_name in self.outside_name_map: var_name = self.outside_name_map[var_name] print('%s=%.5f' % (var_name, 1e9*value)) if var_name == 'Precipitation': value = 1e9*value species_idx = self.species_name_map[var_name] self.state[species_idx] = value
[docs] def set_values(self, var_name, value): """Set the value of a given variable to a given value. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable in the model whose value should be set. value : float The value the variable should be set to """ self.set_value(var_name, value)
# Getter functions for state
[docs] def get_value(self, var_name): """Return the value of a given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable whose value should be returned Returns ------- value : float The value of the given variable in the current state """ if var_name in self.outside_name_map: var_name = self.outside_name_map[var_name] species_idx = self.species_name_map[var_name] return self.state[species_idx]
[docs] def get_values(self, var_name): """Return the value of a given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable whose value should be returned Returns ------- value : float The value of the given variable in the current state """ return self.get_value(var_name)
[docs] def get_status(self): """Return the current status of the model.""" return self.status
# Getter functions for basic properties
[docs] def get_attribute(self, att_name): """Return the value of a given attribute. Atrributes include: model_name, version, author_name, grid_type, time_step_type, step_method, time_units Parameters ---------- att_name : str The name of the attribute whose value should be returned. Returns ------- value : str The value of the attribute """ return self.attributes.get(att_name)
[docs] def get_input_var_names(self): """Return a list of variables names that can be set as input. Returns ------- var_names : list[str] A list of variable names that can be set from the outside """ in_vars = copy.copy(self.input_vars) for idx, var in enumerate(in_vars): if self._map_in_out(var) is not None: in_vars[idx] = self._map_in_out(var) return in_vars
[docs] def get_output_var_names(self): """Return a list of variables names that can be read as output. Returns ------- var_names : list[str] A list of variable names that can be read from the outside """ # Return all the variables that aren't input variables all_vars = list(self.species_name_map.keys()) output_vars = list(set(all_vars) - set(self.input_vars)) # Re-map to outside var names if needed for idx, var in enumerate(output_vars): if self._map_in_out(var) is not None: output_vars[idx] = self._map_in_out(var) return output_vars
[docs] def get_var_name(self, var_name): """Return the internal variable name given an outside variable name. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the outside variable to map Returns ------- internal_var_name : str The internal name of the corresponding variable """ return self._map_out_in(var_name)
[docs] def get_var_units(self, var_name): """Return the units of a given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable whose units should be returned Returns ------- unit : str The units of the variable """ return '1'
[docs] def get_var_type(self, var_name): """Return the type of a given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable whose type should be returned Returns ------- unit : str The type of the variable as a string """ return 'float64'
[docs] def get_var_rank(self, var_name): """Return the matrix rank of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable whose rank should be returned Returns ------- rank : int The dimensionality of the variable, 0 for scalar, 1 for vector, etc. """ return numpy.int16(0)
[docs] def get_start_time(self): """Return the initial time point of the model. Returns ------- start_time : float The initial time point of the model. """ return 0.0
[docs] def get_current_time(self): """Return the current time point that the model is at during simulation Returns ------- time : float The current time point """ return self.time
[docs] def get_time_step(self): """Return the time step associated with model simulation. Returns ------- dt : float The time step for model simulation """ return self.dt
[docs] def get_time_units(self): """Return the time units of the model simulation. Returns ------- units : str The time unit of simulation as a string """ return self.units
[docs] def make_repository_component(self): """Return an XML string representing this BMI in a workflow. This description is required by EMELI to discover and load models. Returns ------- xml : str String serialized XML representation of the component in the model repository. """ component = etree.Element('component') comp_name = etree.Element('comp_name') comp_name.text = component.append(comp_name) mod_path = etree.Element('module_path') mod_path.text = os.getcwd() component.append(mod_path) mod_name = etree.Element('module_name') mod_name.text = component.append(mod_name) class_name = etree.Element('class_name') class_name.text = 'model_class' component.append(class_name) model_name = etree.Element('model_name') model_name.text = component.append(model_name) lang = etree.Element('language') lang.text = 'python' component.append(lang) ver = etree.Element('version') ver.text = self.get_attribute('version') component.append(ver) au = etree.Element('author') au.text = self.get_attribute('author_name') component.append(au) hu = etree.Element('help_url') hu.text = '' component.append(hu) for tag in ('cfg_template', 'time_step_type', 'time_units', 'grid_type', 'description', 'comp_type', 'uses_types'): elem = etree.Element(tag) elem.text = tag component.append(elem) return etree.tounicode(component, pretty_print=True)
[docs] def export_into_python(self): """Write the model into a pickle and create a module that loads it. The model basically exports itself as a pickle file and a Python file is then written which loads the pickle file. This allows importing the model in the simulation workflow. """ pkl_path = + '.pkl' with open(pkl_path, 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump(self, fh, protocol=2) py_str = """ import pickle with open('%s', 'rb') as fh: model_class = pickle.load(fh) """ % os.path.abspath(pkl_path) py_str = textwrap.dedent(py_str) py_path = + '.py' with open(py_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(py_str)
def _map_out_in(self, outside_var_name): """Return the internal name of a variable mapped from outside.""" return self.outside_name_map.get(outside_var_name) def _map_in_out(self, inside_var_name): """Return the external name of a variable mapped from inside.""" for out_name, in_name in self.outside_name_map.items(): if inside_var_name == in_name: return out_name return None
default_attributes = { 'model_name': 'indra_model', 'version': '1.0', 'author_name': 'Benjamin M. Gyori', 'grid_type': 'none', 'time_step_type': 'fixed', 'step_method': 'explicit', 'time_units': 'seconds' }