import logging
import textwrap
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from indra.explanation.pathfinding import get_path_iter, find_sources
import paths_graph as pg
has_pg = True
except ImportError:
has_pg = False
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PathMetric(object):
"""Describes results of simple path search (path existence).
source_node : str
The source node of the path
target_node : str
The target node of the path
length : int
The length of the path
def __init__(self, source_node, target_node, length):
self.source_node = source_node
self.target_node = target_node
self.length = length
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
return ('source_node: %s, target_node: %s, length: %d' %
(self.source_node, self.target_node, self.length))
[docs]class PathResult(object):
"""Describes results of running the ModelChecker on a single Statement.
path_found : bool
True if a path was found, False otherwise.
result_code : string
- *STATEMENT_TYPE_NOT_HANDLED* - The provided statement type is not
Statement subject not found in model
Statement has no associated observable
- *NO_PATHS_FOUND* - Statement has no path for any observable
- *MAX_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED* - Statement has no path len <=
- *PATHS_FOUND* - Statement has path len <= MAX_PATH_LENGTH
- *INPUT_RULES_NOT_FOUND* - No rules with Statement subject found
- *MAX_PATHS_ZERO* - Path found but MAX_PATHS is set to zero
max_paths : int
The maximum number of specific paths to return for each Statement
to be explained.
max_path_length : int
The maximum length of specific paths to return.
path_metrics : list[:py:class:`indra.explanation.model_checker.PathMetric`]
A list of PathMetric objects, each describing the results of a simple
path search (path existence).
paths : list[list[tuple[str, int]]]
A list of paths obtained from path finding. Each path is a list of
tuples (which are edges in the path), with the first element of the
tuple the name of a rule, and the second element its polarity in the
def __init__(self, path_found, result_code, max_paths, max_path_length):
self.path_found = path_found
self.result_code = result_code
self.max_paths = max_paths
self.max_path_length = max_path_length
self.path_metrics = []
self.paths = []
def add_path(self, path):
def add_metric(self, path_metric):
def __str__(self):
summary = textwrap.dedent("""
path_found: {path_found}
result_code: {result_code}
path_metrics: {path_metrics}
paths: {paths}
max_paths: {max_paths}
max_path_length: {max_path_length}""")
ws = '\n '
# String representation of path metrics
if not self.path_metrics:
pm_str = str(self.path_metrics)
pm_str = ws + ws.join(['%d: %s' % (pm_ix, pm) for pm_ix, pm in
def format_path(path, num_spaces=11):
path_ws = '\n' + (' ' * num_spaces)
return path_ws.join([str(p) for p in path])
# String representation of paths
if not self.paths:
path_str = str(self.paths)
path_str = ws + ws.join(['%d: %s' % (p_ix, format_path(p))
for p_ix, p in enumerate(self.paths)])
return summary.format(path_found=self.path_found,
path_metrics=pm_str, paths=path_str)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs]class NodesContainer():
"""Contains the information about nodes corresponding to a given agent of
the test statement.
main_agent : indra.statements.Agent
An INDRA agent representing a subject or object of test statement.
ref_agents : list[indra.statements.Agent]
A list of agents that are refinements of main agent.
main_nodes : list[tuple]
A list of nodes corresponding to main agent.
ref_nodes : list[tuple]
A list of nodes corresponding to refinement agents.
all_nodes : list[tuple]
A list of all nodes corresponding to main agent or its refinements.
common_target : tuple or None
Common target node connected to all nodes. If there's only one node in
all_nodes, then common_target is not used.
main_interm : list[MonomerPattern]
A list of intermediate representation between main agent and main nodes
(only used in PySB currently - MonomerPatterns).
ref_interm : list[MonomerPattern]
A list of intermediate representation between ref_agents and ref_nodes
(only used in PySB currently - MonomerPatterns).
def __init__(self, main_agent, ref_agents=None):
self.main_agent = main_agent
self.ref_agents = ref_agents if ref_agents else []
self.main_nodes = []
self.ref_nodes = []
self.all_nodes = []
self.common_target = None
self.main_interm = []
self.ref_interm = []
[docs] def get_all_nodes(self):
"""Combine main and refinement nodes for pathfinding."""
self.all_nodes = self.main_nodes + self.ref_nodes
[docs] def is_ref(self, node):
"""Whether a given node is a refinement node."""
return node in self.ref_nodes and node not in self.main_nodes
[docs] def get_total_nodes(self):
"""Get total number of nodes in this container."""
if self.all_nodes is None:
return 0
return len(self.all_nodes)
[docs]class ModelChecker(object):
"""The parent class of all ModelCheckers.
model : pysb.Model or indra.assemblers.indranet.IndraNet or PyBEL.Model
Depending on the ModelChecker class, can be different type.
statements : Optional[list[indra.statements.Statement]]
A list of INDRA Statements to check the model against.
do_sampling : bool
Whether to use breadth-first search or weighted sampling to
generate paths. Default is False (breadth-first search).
seed : int
Random seed for sampling (optional, default is None).
nodes_to_agents : dict
A dictionary mapping nodes of intermediate signed edges graph to INDRA
graph : nx.Digraph
A DiGraph with signed nodes to find paths in.
def __init__(self, model, statements=None, do_sampling=False, seed=None,
self.model = model
if statements:
self.statements = statements
self.statements = []
if seed is not None:
self.nodes_to_agents = nodes_to_agents if nodes_to_agents else {}
# Whether to do sampling
self.do_sampling = do_sampling
self.graph = None
[docs] def add_statements(self, stmts):
"""Add to the list of statements to check against the model.
stmts : list[indra.statements.Statement]
The list of Statements to be added for checking.
self.statements += stmts
[docs] def check_model(self, max_paths=1, max_path_length=5,
agent_filter_func=None, edge_filter_func=None,
"""Check all the statements added to the ModelChecker.
max_paths : Optional[int]
The maximum number of specific paths to return for each Statement
to be explained. Default: 1
max_path_length : Optional[int]
The maximum length of specific paths to return. Default: 5
agent_filter_func : Optional[function]
A function to constrain the intermediate nodes in the path. A
function should take an agent as a parameter and return True if the
agent is allowed to be in a path and False otherwise.
edge_filter_func : Optional[function]
A function to filter out edges from the graph. A function should
take nodes (and key in case of MultiGraph) as parameters and
return True if an edge can be in the graph and False if it should
be filtered out.
allow_direct : Optional[bool]
Whether to allow direct path of length 1 (edge between source and
target) to be returned as a result. Default: True.
list of (Statement, PathResult)
Each tuple contains the Statement checked against the model and
a PathResult object describing the results of model checking.
results = []
# Convert agent filter function to node filter function once here
node_filter_func = self.update_filter_func(agent_filter_func)
for idx, stmt in enumerate(self.statements):'---')'Checking statement (%d/%d): %s' %
(idx + 1, len(self.statements), stmt))
result = self.check_statement(
stmt, max_paths, max_path_length,
results.append((stmt, result))
return results
[docs] def check_statement(self, stmt, max_paths=1, max_path_length=5,
agent_filter_func=None, node_filter_func=None,
edge_filter_func=None, allow_direct=True):
"""Check a single Statement against the model.
stmt : indra.statements.Statement
The Statement to check.
max_paths : Optional[int]
The maximum number of specific paths to return for each Statement
to be explained. Default: 1
max_path_length : Optional[int]
The maximum length of specific paths to return. Default: 5
agent_filter_func : Optional[function]
A function to constrain the intermediate nodes in the path. A
function should take an agent as a parameter and return True if the
agent is allowed to be in a path and False otherwise.
node_filter_func : Optional[function]
Similar to agent_filter_func but it takes a node as a parameter
instead of agent. If not provided, node_filter_func will be
generated from agent_filter_func.
edge_filter_func : Optional[function]
A function to filter out edges from the graph. A function should
take nodes (and key in case of MultiGraph) as parameters and
return True if an edge can be in the graph and False if it should
be filtered out.
allow_direct : Optional[bool]
Whether to allow direct path of length 1 (edge between source and
target) to be returned as a result. Default: True.
result : indra.explanation.modelchecker.PathResult
A PathResult object containing the result of a test.
subj_nodes, obj_nodes, result_code = self.process_statement(stmt)
if result_code:
return self.make_false_result(result_code, max_paths,
# If source and target are the same, we need to handle a loop
loop = False
if ((subj_nodes.get_total_nodes() == obj_nodes.get_total_nodes() == 1)
and (subj_nodes.all_nodes[0] == obj_nodes.all_nodes[0])):
loop = True
# Convert agent filter function to node filter function
if agent_filter_func and not node_filter_func:
node_filter_func = self.update_filter_func(agent_filter_func)
# If we have several objects in obj_list or we have a loop, we add a
# dummy target node as a child to all nodes in obj_list
common_target = None
if obj_nodes.get_total_nodes() > 1 or loop:
common_target = ('common_target', 0)
obj_nodes.common_target = common_target
# This is the case when source and target are the same. NetworkX
# does not allow loops in the paths, so we work around it by using
# target predecessors as new targets
if loop:
for obj in self.graph.predecessors(obj_nodes.all_nodes[0]):
self.graph.add_edge(obj, common_target)
for obj in obj_nodes.all_nodes:
self.graph.add_edge(obj, common_target)
result = self.find_paths(subj_nodes, obj_nodes, max_paths,
max_path_length, loop,
if common_target:
if result.path_found:'Found paths for %s' % stmt)
return result
# If we got here, then there was no path for any observable'No paths found for %s' % stmt)
return self.make_false_result('NO_PATHS_FOUND',
max_paths, max_path_length)
[docs] def find_paths(self, subj, obj, max_paths=1, max_path_length=5,
loop=False, filter_func=None, allow_direct=True):
"""Check for a source/target path in the model.
subj : indra.explanation.model_checker.NodesContainer
NodesContainer representing test statement subject.
obj : indra.explanation.model_checker.NodesContainer
NodesContainer representing test statement object.
max_paths : int
The maximum number of specific paths to return.
max_path_length : int
The maximum length of specific paths to return.
loop : bool
Whether we are looking for a loop path.
filter_func : function or None
A function to constrain the search. A function should take a node
as a parameter and return True if the node is allowed to be in a
path and False otherwise. If None, then no filtering is done.
allow_direct : Optional[bool]
Whether to allow direct path of length 1 (edge between source and
target) to be returned as a result. Default: True.
PathResult object indicating the results of the attempt to find
a path.
# # -- Route to the path sampling function --
# NOTE this is not generic at this point!
# if self.do_sampling:
# if not has_pg:
# raise Exception('The paths_graph package could not be '
# 'imported.')
# return self._sample_paths(input_set, obj, target_polarity,
# max_paths, max_path_length)
# -- Do Breadth-First Enumeration --
# Generate the predecessors to our observable and count the paths
path_lengths = []
path_metrics = []
sources = []
if obj.common_target:
target = obj.common_target
dummy_target = True
target = obj.all_nodes[0]
dummy_target = False
for source, path_length in find_sources(self.graph, target,
subj.all_nodes, filter_func):
# If a dummy target is used, we need to subtract one edge.
# In case of loops, we are already missing one edge, there's no
# need to subtract one more.
if dummy_target and not loop:
path_length = path_length - 1
# There might be a case when sources and targets contain the same
# nodes (e.g. different agent state in PyBEL networks) that would
# show up as paths of length 0. We only want to include meaningful
# paths that contain at least one edge.
if path_length > 0:
pm = PathMetric(source, target, path_length)
# Keep unique sources but use a list, not set to preserve order
if source not in sources:
# Now, look for paths
if path_metrics and max_paths == 0:
pr = PathResult(True, 'MAX_PATHS_ZERO',
max_paths, max_path_length)
pr.path_metrics = path_metrics
return pr
elif path_metrics:
min_path_length = min(path_lengths)
# If we don't want to get direct connections as paths, we need
# to increase the desired path length to get paths with
# intermediate nodes (if they exist)
if not allow_direct and min_path_length == 1 and \
len(path_lengths) > 1:
min_path_length = min([pl for pl in path_lengths if pl != 1])
if min_path_length <= max_path_length:
if dummy_target and not loop:
search_path_length = min_path_length + 1
search_path_length = min_path_length
pr = PathResult(True, 'PATHS_FOUND',
max_paths, max_path_length)
pr.path_metrics = path_metrics
# Get the first path
# Try to find paths of fixed length using sources found above
for source in sources:'Finding paths between %s and %s'
% (str(source), target))
path_iter = get_path_iter(
self.graph, source, target, search_path_length, loop,
dummy_target, filter_func)
for path in path_iter:
# Check if the path starts with a refinement
if subj.is_ref(path[0]):
path.insert(0, self.get_ref(subj.main_agent,
path[0], 'has_ref'))
# Check if the path ends with a refinement
if obj.is_ref(path[-1]):
path[-1], 'is_ref'))
# Do not get next path if reached max_paths
if len(pr.paths) >= max_paths:
# Do not check next source if reached max_paths
if len(pr.paths) >= max_paths:
return pr
# There are no paths shorter than the max path length, so we
# don't bother trying to get them
pr = PathResult(True, 'MAX_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED',
max_paths, max_path_length)
pr.path_metrics = path_metrics
return pr
return PathResult(False, 'NO_PATHS_FOUND',
max_paths, max_path_length)
[docs] def get_ref(self, ag, node, rel):
"""Create a refinement edge."""
ref_ag = self.nodes_to_agents[node[0]]
if rel == 'is_ref':
return (ref_ag.to_json(), rel, ag.to_json())
elif rel == 'has_ref':
return (ag.to_json(), rel, ref_ag.to_json())
def make_false_result(self, result_code, max_paths, max_path_length):
return PathResult(False, result_code, max_paths, max_path_length)
[docs] def update_filter_func(self, agent_filter_func):
"""Converts a function filtering agents to a function filtering nodes
agent_filter_func : function
A function to constrain the intermediate nodes in the path. A
function should take an agent as a parameter and return True if the
agent is allowed to be in a path and False otherwise.
node_filter_func : function
A new filter function applying the logic from agent_filter_func to
nodes instead of agents.
if agent_filter_func is None:
return None
def node_filter_func(n):
# We're using n[0] here because n is a signed node while
# nodes_to_agents contains unsigned nodes (equivalent of n[0])
ag = self.nodes_to_agents.get(n[0])
if ag is None:
logger.warning('Could not get agent for node %s' % n[0])
# Do not filter the node if we can't map it to agent
return True
return agent_filter_func(ag)'Converted %s to node filter function'
% agent_filter_func.__name__)
return node_filter_func
[docs] def get_nodes_to_agents(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a dictionary mapping nodes of intermediate signed edges graph
to INDRA agents.
raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
[docs] def get_graph(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a graph with signed nodes to find the path."""
raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
[docs] def process_statement(self, stmt):
This method processes the test statement to get the data about subject
and object, according to the specific model requirements for model
checking, e.g. PysbModelChecker gets subject monomer patterns and
observables, while graph based ModelCheckers will return signed nodes
corresponding to subject and object. If any of the requirements are not
satisfied, result code is also returned to construct PathResult object.
stmt : indra.statements.Statement
A statement to process.
subj_data : NodesContainer
NodesContainer for statement subject.
obj_data : NodesContainer
NodesContainer for statement object.
result_code : str or None
Result code to construct PathResult.
raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
[docs] def process_subject(self, subj_data):
"""Processes the subject of the test statement and returns
the necessary information to check the statement. In case of
PysbModelChecker, method returns input_rule_set. If any of the
requirements are not satisfied, result code is also returned to
construct PathResult object.
raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
def _sample_paths(self, input_set, obj_name, target_polarity,
max_paths=1, max_path_length=5):
raise NotImplementedError("Method must be implemented in child class.")
[docs]def signed_edges_to_signed_nodes(graph, prune_nodes=True,
edge_signs={'pos': 0, 'neg': 1},
"""Convert a graph with signed edges to a graph with signed nodes.
Each pair of nodes linked by an edge in an input graph are represented
as four nodes and two edges in the new graph. For example, an edge (a,
b, 0), where a and b are nodes and 0 is a sign of an edge (positive),
will be represented as edges ((a, 0), (b, 0)) and ((a, 1), (b, 1)),
where (a, 0), (a, 1), (b, 0), (b, 1) are signed nodes. An edge (a, b,
1) with sign 1 (negative) will be represented as edges ((a, 0), (b,
1)) and ((a, 1), (b, 0)).
graph : networkx.MultiDiGraph
Graph with signed edges to convert. Can have multiple edges between
a pair of nodes.
prune_nodes : Optional[bool]
If True, iteratively prunes negative (with sign 1) nodes without
edge_signs : dict
A dictionary representing the signing policy of incoming graph. The
dictionary should have strings 'pos' and 'neg' as keys and integers
as values.
copy_edge_data : bool|set(keys)
Option for copying edge data as well from graph. If False (default),
no edge data is copied (except sign). If True, all edge data is
copied. If a set of keys is provided, only the keys appearing in the
set will be copied, assuming the key is part of a nested dictionary.
signed_nodes_graph : networkx.DiGraph
signed_nodes_graph = nx.DiGraph()
nodes = []
for node, node_data in graph.nodes(data=True):
nodes.append(((node, 0), node_data))
nodes.append(((node, 1), node_data))
edges = []
for u, v, edge_data in graph.edges(data=True):
copy_dict = deepcopy(edge_data)
edge_sign = copy_dict.pop('sign', None)
if edge_sign is None:
edge_dict = copy_dict if copy_edge_data == True else \
({k: v for k, v in copy_dict.items() if k in copy_edge_data} if
isinstance(copy_edge_data, set) else {})
if edge_sign == edge_signs['pos']:
edges.append(((u, 0), (v, 0), edge_dict))
edges.append(((u, 1), (v, 1), edge_dict))
elif edge_sign == edge_signs['neg']:
edges.append(((u, 0), (v, 1), edge_dict))
edges.append(((u, 1), (v, 0), edge_dict))
if prune_nodes:
signed_nodes_graph = prune_signed_nodes(signed_nodes_graph)
return signed_nodes_graph
[docs]def prune_signed_nodes(graph):
"""Prune nodes with sign (1) if they do not have predecessors."""
nodes_to_prune = [node for node, in_deg
in graph.in_degree()
if in_deg == 0 and node[1] == 1]
while nodes_to_prune:
# Make a list of nodes whose in degree is now 0
nodes_to_prune = [node for node, in_deg
in graph.in_degree()
if in_deg == 0 and node[1] == 1]
return graph