__all__ = ['shortest_simple_paths', 'bfs_search', 'find_sources',
'get_path_iter', 'bfs_search_multiple_nodes',
'_bidirectional_shortest_path', '_bidirectional_pred_succ',
import sys
import logging
from collections import deque, OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Set, Optional, Generator
import networkx as nx
import networkx.algorithms.simple_paths as simple_paths
from numpy import log as ln
from .util import get_sorted_neighbors, Node, Edge, EdgeFilter, SendType
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Copy from networkx.algorithms.simple_paths
# Added ignore_nodes and ignore_edges arguments
[docs]def shortest_simple_paths(G, source, target, weight=None, ignore_nodes=None,
ignore_edges=None, hashes=None,
const_c=1, const_tk=10):
"""Generate all simple paths in the graph G from source to target,
starting from shortest ones.
A simple path is a path with no repeated nodes.
If a weighted shortest path search is to be used, no negative weights
are allowed.
G : NetworkX graph
source : node
Starting node for path
target : node
Ending node for path
weight : string
Name of the edge attribute to be used as a weight. If None all
edges are considered to have unit weight. Default value None.
ignore_nodes : container of nodes
nodes to ignore, optional
ignore_edges : container of edges
edges to ignore, optional
hashes : list
hashes specifying (if not empty) allowed edges
ref_counts_function : function
function counting references and PMIDs of an edge from its
statement hashes
strict_mesh_id_filtering : bool
if true, exclude all edges not relevant to provided hashes
const_c : int
Constant used in MeSH IDs-based weight calculation
const_tk : int
Constant used in MeSH IDs-based weight calculation
path_generator: generator
A generator that produces lists of simple paths, in order from
shortest to longest.
If no path exists between source and target.
If source or target nodes are not in the input graph.
If the input graph is a Multi[Di]Graph.
>>> G = nx.cycle_graph(7)
>>> paths = list(nx.shortest_simple_paths(G, 0, 3))
>>> print(paths)
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 6, 5, 4, 3]]
You can use this function to efficiently compute the k shortest/best
paths between two nodes.
>>> from itertools import islice
>>> def k_shortest_paths(G, source, target, k, weight=None):
... return list(islice(nx.shortest_simple_paths(G, source, target,
... weight=weight), k))
>>> for path in k_shortest_paths(G, 0, 3, 2):
... print(path)
[0, 1, 2, 3]
[0, 6, 5, 4, 3]
This procedure is based on algorithm by Jin Y. Yen [1]_. Finding
the first $K$ paths requires $O(KN^3)$ operations.
See Also
.. [1] Jin Y. Yen, "Finding the K Shortest Loopless Paths in a
Network", Management Science, Vol. 17, No. 11, Theory Series
(Jul., 1971), pp. 712-716.
if source not in G:
s = source[0] if isinstance(source, tuple) else source
raise nx.NodeNotFound('source node %s not in graph' % s)
if target not in G:
t = target[0] if isinstance(target, tuple) else target
raise nx.NodeNotFound('target node %s not in graph' % t)
allowed_edges = []
if hashes:
if strict_mesh_id_filtering:
length_func = len
shortest_path_func = _bidirectional_shortest_path
for u, v in G.edges():
if ref_counts_function(G, u, v)[0]:
allowed_edges.append((u, v))
weight = 'context_weight'
def length_func(path):
return sum(G.adj[u][v][weight]
for (u, v) in zip(path, path[1:]))
def shortest_path_func(G, source, target, weight, ignore_nodes,
ignore_edges, force_edges):
return simple_paths._bidirectional_dijkstra(G, source, target,
for u, v, data, in G.edges(data=True):
ref_counts, total = \
ref_counts_function(G, u, v)
if not ref_counts:
ref_counts = 1e-15
data['context_weight'] = \
-const_c * ln(ref_counts / (total + const_tk))
if strict_mesh_id_filtering:
return []
if weight is None:
length_func = len
shortest_path_func = _bidirectional_shortest_path
def length_func(path):
return sum(G.adj[u][v][weight]
for (u, v) in zip(path, path[1:]))
def shortest_path_func(G, source, target, weight, ignore_nodes,
ignore_edges, force_edges):
return simple_paths._bidirectional_dijkstra(G, source, target,
culled_ignored_nodes = set() \
if ignore_nodes is None else set(ignore_nodes)
culled_ignored_edges = set() \
if ignore_edges is None else set(ignore_edges)
listA = list()
listB = simple_paths.PathBuffer()
prev_path = None
while True:
cur_ignore_nodes = culled_ignored_nodes.copy()
cur_ignore_edges = culled_ignored_edges.copy()
if not prev_path:
length, path = shortest_path_func(G, source, target, weight=weight,
listB.push(length, path)
for i in range(1, len(prev_path)):
root = prev_path[:i]
root_length = length_func(root)
for path in listA:
if path[:i] == root:
cur_ignore_edges.add((path[i - 1], path[i]))
length, spur = shortest_path_func(
G, root[-1], target, ignore_nodes=cur_ignore_nodes,
ignore_edges=cur_ignore_edges, weight=weight,
path = root[:-1] + spur
listB.push(root_length + length, path)
except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
if listB:
path = listB.pop()
rcvd_ignore_values = yield path
if rcvd_ignore_values is not None:
culled_ignored_nodes = culled_ignored_nodes.union(
culled_ignored_edges = culled_ignored_edges.union(
prev_path = path
# Implementation inspired by networkx's
# networkx.algorithms.traversal.breadth_first_search::generic_bfs_edges
[docs]def bfs_search(g: nx.DiGraph,
source_node: Node,
reverse: Optional[bool] = False,
depth_limit: Optional[int] = 2,
path_limit: Optional[int] = None,
max_per_node: Optional[int] = 5,
node_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None,
node_blacklist: Optional[Set[Node]] = None,
terminal_ns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
sign: Optional[int] = None,
max_memory: Optional[int] = int(2**29),
hashes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
allow_edge: Optional[Callable[[Node, Node], bool]] = None,
strict_mesh_id_filtering: Optional[bool] = False,
edge_filter: Optional[EdgeFilter] = None,
**kwargs) -> Generator[Tuple[Node], SendType, None]:
"""Do breadth first search from a given node and yield paths
An nx.DiGraph to search in. Can also be a signed node graph. It is
required that node data contains 'ns' (namespace) and edge data
contains 'belief'.
Node in the graph to start from.
If True go upstream from source, otherwise go downstream. Default:
Stop when all paths with this many edges have been found. Default: 2.
The maximum number of paths to return. Default: no limit.
The maximum number of paths to yield per parent node. If 1 is
chosen, the search only goes down to the leaf node of its first
encountered branch. Default: 5
The allowed namespaces (node attribute 'ns') for the nodes in the
A set of nodes to ignore. Default: None.
Force a path to terminate when any of the namespaces in this list
are encountered and only yield paths that terminate at these
If set, defines the search to be a signed search. Default: None.
The maximum memory usage in bytes allowed for the variables queue
and visited. Default: 1073741824 bytes (== 1 GiB).
List of hashes used (if not empty) to select edges for path finding
Function telling the edge must be omitted
If true, exclude all edges not relevant to provided hashes
If provided, must be a function that takes three arguments: a graph
g, and the nodes u, v of the edge between u and v. The function must
return a boolean. The function must return True if the edge is
allowed, otherwise False. Example of function that only allows edges
that have an edge belief above 0.75:
>>> g = nx.DiGraph({'CHEK1': {'FANC': {'belief': 1}}})
>>> def filter_example(g, u, v):
... return g.edges[u, v].get('belief', 0) > 0.75
>>> path_generator = bfs_search(g, source_node='CHEK1',
... edge_filter=filter_example)
Tuple[Node, ...]
Paths in the bfs search starting from `source`.
Raises StopIteration when no more paths are available or when the
memory limit is reached
int_plus = 0
int_minus = 1
if strict_mesh_id_filtering:
if hashes:
allowed_edges = [(u, v) for u, v in g.edges() if allow_edge(u, v)]
if edge_filter:
logger.info('Applying edge filter on list of allowed edges')
allowed_edges = [e for e in allowed_edges
if edge_filter(g, *e)]
# We can now set edge_filter to None, as we already have
# filtered all edges
edge_filter = None
if not allowed_edges:
logger.warning('No edges were allowed in strict mesh id '
return []
logger.warning('No hashes provided for context search')
return []
allowed_edges = []
queue = deque([(source_node,)])
visited = ({source_node}).union(node_blacklist) \
if node_blacklist else {source_node}
yielded_paths = 0
while queue:
cur_path = queue.popleft()
last_node = cur_path[-1]
# if last node is in terminal_ns, continue to next path
if terminal_ns and g.nodes[last_node]['ns'].lower() in terminal_ns \
and source_node != last_node:
sorted_neighbors = get_sorted_neighbors(G=g, node=last_node,
yielded_neighbors = 0
# for neighb in neighbors:
for neighb in sorted_neighbors:
neig_name = neighb[0] if isinstance(neighb, tuple) else neighb
# Check cycles
if sign is not None:
# Avoid signed paths ending up on the opposite sign of the
# same node
if (neig_name, int_minus) in cur_path or \
(neig_name, int_plus) in cur_path:
elif neighb in visited:
# Check namespace
if node_filter and len(node_filter) > 0:
if g.nodes[neighb]['ns'].lower() not in node_filter:
# Add to visited nodes and create new path
new_path = cur_path + (neighb,)
# Check yield and break conditions
if len(new_path) > depth_limit + 1:
elif not terminal_ns:
# Yield newest path and receive new ignore values
# Signed search yield
if sign is not None:
if reverse:
# Upstream signed search should not end in negative
# node
if new_path[-1][1] == int_minus:
ign_vals = None
ign_vals = yield new_path
yielded_paths += 1
yielded_neighbors += 1
# Downstream signed search has to end on node with
# requested sign
if new_path[-1][1] != sign:
ign_vals = None
ign_vals = yield new_path
yielded_paths += 1
yielded_neighbors += 1
# Unsigned search
ign_vals = yield new_path
yielded_paths += 1
yielded_neighbors += 1
# terminal_ns is not None: only yield if last node is in
# teminal_ns
# If terminal_ns
if g.nodes[neighb]['ns'].lower() in terminal_ns:
# If signed, reverse, negative start node OR
# signed, not reverse, wrong sign:
# don't yield this path
if sign is not None and \
reverse and \
new_path[-1][1] == int_minus \
or \
sign is not None and \
not reverse and \
new_path[-1][1] != sign:
ign_vals = None
ign_vals = yield new_path
yielded_paths += 1
yielded_neighbors += 1
ign_vals = None
# If new ignore nodes are received, update set
if ign_vals is not None:
ign_nodes, ign_edges = ign_vals
# Check max paths reached, no need to add to queue
if path_limit and yielded_paths >= path_limit:
# Append yielded path
# Check for memory
if sys.getsizeof(queue) + sys.getsizeof(visited) > max_memory:
logger.warning('Memory overflow reached: %d' %
(sys.getsizeof(queue) + sys.getsizeof(visited)))
raise StopIteration('Reached maximum allowed memory usage')
# Check if we've visited enough neighbors
# Todo: add all neighbors to 'visited' and add all skipped
# paths to queue? Currently only yielded paths are
# investigated deeper
if max_per_node and yielded_neighbors >= max_per_node:
# Check path limit again to catch the inner break for path_limit
if path_limit and yielded_paths >= path_limit:
[docs]def bfs_search_multiple_nodes(g, source_nodes, path_limit=None, **kwargs):
"""Do breadth first search from each of given nodes and yield paths
until path limit is met.
g : nx.Digraph
An nx.DiGraph to search in. Can also be a signed node graph. It is
required that node data contains 'ns' (namespace) and edge data
contains 'belief'.
source_nodes : list[node]
List of nodes in the graph to start from.
path_limit : int
The maximum number of paths to return. Default: no limit.
**kwargs : keyword arguments
Any kwargs to pass to bfs_search.
path : tuple(node)
Paths in the bfs search starting from `source`.
yielded_paths = 0
for n in source_nodes:
paths = bfs_search(g, n, path_limit=path_limit, **kwargs)
for p in paths:
yield p
yielded_paths += 1
if path_limit and yielded_paths >= path_limit:
if path_limit and yielded_paths >= path_limit:
[docs]def get_path_iter(graph, source, target, path_length, loop, dummy_target,
"""Return a generator of paths with path_length cutoff from source to
graph : nx.Digraph
An nx.DiGraph to search in.
source : node
Starting node for path.
target : node
Ending node for path.
path_length : int
Maximum depth of the paths.
loop : bool
Whether the path should be a loop. If True, source is appended to path.
dummy_target : bool
Whether provided target is a dummy node and should be removed from path
filter_func : function or None
A function to constrain the search. A function should take a node as
a parameter and return True if the node is allowed to be in a path and
False otherwise. If None, then no filtering is done.
path_generator: generator
A generator of the paths between source and target.
path_iter = simple_paths_with_constraints(
graph, source, target, path_length, False, filter_func)
for p in path_iter:
path = deepcopy(p)
# Remove common target from a path.
if dummy_target:
if loop:
# A path should contain at least one edge
if len(path) < 2:
yield path
except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
[docs]def find_sources(graph, target, sources, filter_func=None):
"""Get the set of source nodes with paths to the target.
Given a common target and a list of sources (or None if test statement
subject is None), perform a breadth-first search upstream from the
target to determine whether there are any sources that have paths to
the target. For efficiency, does not return the full path,
but identifies the upstream sources and the length of the path.
graph : nx.DiGraph
A DiGraph with signed nodes to find paths in.
target : node
The signed node (usually common target node) in the graph to start
looking upstream for matching sources.
sources : list[node]
Signed nodes corresponding to the subject or upstream influence
being checked.
filter_func : Optional[function]
A function to constrain the intermediate nodes in the path. A
function should take a node as a parameter and return True if the node
is allowed to be in a path and False otherwise.
generator of (source, path_length)
Yields tuples of source node and path length (int). If there are no
paths to any of the given source nodes, the generator is empty.
# Update filter function to not filter the sources
if sources is not None:
filter_func = filter_except(filter_func, sources)
# First, create a list of visited nodes
# Adapted from
# networkx.algorithms.traversal.breadth_first_search.bfs_edges
visited = set([target])
# Generate list of predecessor nodes with a sign updated according to
# the sign of the target node
# The queue holds tuples of "parents" (in this case downstream nodes)
# and their "children" (in this case their upstream influencers)
pred = graph.predecessors(target)
if filter_func:
pred = filter(filter_func, pred)
queue = deque([(target, pred, 0)])
while queue:
parent, children, path_length = queue[0]
# Get the next child in the list
child = next(children)
# Is this child one of the source nodes we're looking for? If
# so, yield it along with path length.
# Also make sure that found source is positive
if (sources is None or child in sources) and child[1] == 0:
logger.debug("Found path to %s from %s with length %d"
% (target, child, path_length+1))
yield (child, path_length+1)
# Check this child against the visited list. If we haven't
# visited it already (accounting for the path to the node),
# then add it to the queue.
if child not in visited:
pred = graph.predecessors(child)
if filter_func:
pred = filter(filter_func, pred)
(child, pred, path_length + 1))
# Once we've finished iterating over the children of the current
# node, pop the node off and go to the next one in the queue
except StopIteration:
# There was no path; this will produce an empty generator
def _bidirectional_shortest_path(G, source, target,
"""Returns the shortest path between source and target ignoring
nodes and edges in the containers ignore_nodes and ignore_edges.
This is a custom modification of the standard bidirectional shortest
path implementation at networkx.algorithms.unweighted
G : NetworkX graph
source : node
starting node for path
target : node
ending node for path
ignore_nodes : container of nodes
nodes to ignore, optional
ignore_edges : container of edges
edges to ignore, optional
weight : None
This function accepts a weight argument for convenience of
shortest_simple_paths function. It will be ignored.
force_edges : list
list specifying (if not empty) allowed edges
path: list
List of nodes in a path from source to target.
If no path exists between source and target.
See Also
# call helper to do the real work
results = _bidirectional_pred_succ(G, source, target, ignore_nodes,
ignore_edges, force_edges=force_edges)
pred, succ, w = results
# build path from pred+w+succ
path = []
# from w to target
while w is not None:
w = succ[w]
# from source to w
w = pred[path[0]]
while w is not None:
path.insert(0, w)
w = pred[w]
return len(path), path
def _bidirectional_pred_succ(G, source, target, ignore_nodes=None,
ignore_edges=None, force_edges=None):
"""Bidirectional shortest path helper.
Returns (pred,succ,w) where
pred is a dictionary of predecessors from w to the source, and
succ is a dictionary of successors from w to the target.
# does BFS from both source and target and meets in the middle
if ignore_nodes and (source in ignore_nodes or target in ignore_nodes):
raise nx.NetworkXNoPath("No path between %s and %s."
% (source, target))
if target == source:
return ({target: None}, {source: None}, source)
# handle either directed or undirected
if G.is_directed():
Gpred = G.predecessors
Gsucc = G.successors
Gpred = G.neighbors
Gsucc = G.neighbors
# support optional nodes filter
if ignore_nodes:
def filter_iter(nodes):
def iterate(v):
for w in nodes(v):
if w not in ignore_nodes:
yield w
return iterate
Gpred = filter_iter(Gpred)
Gsucc = filter_iter(Gsucc)
# support optional edges filter
if ignore_edges or force_edges:
if G.is_directed():
def filter_pred_iter(pred_iter):
def iterate(v):
if force_edges:
for w in pred_iter(v):
if (w, v) not in ignore_edges and (w, v)\
in force_edges:
yield w
for w in pred_iter(v):
if (w, v) not in ignore_edges:
yield w
return iterate
def filter_succ_iter(succ_iter):
def iterate(v):
if force_edges:
for w in succ_iter(v):
if (v, w) not in ignore_edges and (v, w)\
in force_edges:
yield w
for w in succ_iter(v):
if (v, w) not in ignore_edges:
yield w
return iterate
Gpred = filter_pred_iter(Gpred)
Gsucc = filter_succ_iter(Gsucc)
def filter_iter(nodes):
def iterate(v):
if force_edges:
for w in nodes(v):
if (v, w) not in ignore_edges \
and (w, v) not in ignore_edges \
and (v, w) in force_edges and (w, v)\
in force_edges:
yield w
for w in nodes(v):
if (v, w) not in ignore_edges \
and (w, v) not in ignore_edges:
yield w
return iterate
Gpred = filter_iter(Gpred)
Gsucc = filter_iter(Gsucc)
# predecesssor and successors in search
pred = {source: None}
succ = {target: None}
# initialize fringes, start with forward
forward_fringe = [source]
reverse_fringe = [target]
while forward_fringe and reverse_fringe:
if len(forward_fringe) <= len(reverse_fringe):
this_level = forward_fringe
forward_fringe = []
for v in this_level:
for w in Gsucc(v):
if w not in pred:
pred[w] = v
if w in succ:
# found path
return pred, succ, w
this_level = reverse_fringe
reverse_fringe = []
for v in this_level:
for w in Gpred(v):
if w not in succ:
succ[w] = v
if w in pred:
# found path
return pred, succ, w
raise nx.NetworkXNoPath("No path between %s and %s." % (source, target))
[docs]def open_dijkstra_search(g, start, reverse=False, path_limit=None,
node_filter=None, hashes=None,
ignore_nodes=None, ignore_edges=None,
terminal_ns=None, weight=None,
ref_counts_function=None, const_c=1,
"""Do Dijkstra search from a given node and yield paths
g : nx.Digraph
An nx.DiGraph to search in.
start : node
Node in the graph to start from.
reverse : bool
If True go upstream from source, otherwise go downstream. Default:
path_limit : int
The maximum number of paths to return. Default: no limit.
node_filter : list[str]
The allowed namespaces (node attribute 'ns') for the nodes in the
hashes : list
List of hashes used to set edge weights
ignore_nodes : container of nodes
nodes to ignore, optional
ignore_edges : container of edges
edges to ignore, optional
terminal_ns : list[str]
Force a path to terminate when any of the namespaces in this list
are encountered and only yield paths that terminate at these
weight : str
Name of edge's attribute used as its weight
ref_counts_function : function
function counting references and PMIDs of an edge from its
statement hashes
const_c : int
Constant used in MeSH IDs-based weight calculation
const_tk : int
Constant used in MeSH IDs-based weight calculation
path : tuple(node)
Paths in the bfs search starting from `source`.
def weights_sum(path):
return sum(g[u][v][weight]
for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
if hashes:
for u, v, data in g.edges(data=True):
ref_counts, total = ref_counts_function(g, u, v)
if not ref_counts:
ref_counts = 1e-15
data[weight] = \
-const_c * ln(ref_counts / (total + const_tk))
if reverse:
g = g.reverse(copy=False)
proper_nodes =\
(lambda p: not set(p).intersection(set(ignore_nodes)))\
if ignore_nodes else lambda p: True
proper_edges = \
(lambda p: not sum(1 for u, v in zip(p[:-1], p[1:])
if (u, v) in ignore_edges))\
if ignore_edges else lambda p: True
if terminal_ns: # If not set, terminal_ns will be an empty list []
def proper_path(path):
if not proper_nodes(path) or not proper_edges(path)\
or g.nodes[path[-1]]['ns'].lower() not in terminal_ns:
return False
for u in path[:-1]:
if g.nodes[u]['ns'].lower() in terminal_ns:
return False
return True
def proper_path(path):
return proper_nodes(path) and proper_edges(path)
paths = list(nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(g, start,
paths.sort(key=lambda x: weights_sum(x))
if path_limit is not None:
for p in paths:
path_limit -= 1
if proper_path(p):
yield p
if not path_limit:
for p in paths:
if proper_path(p):
yield p
# This code is adapted from nx.algorithms.simple_paths._all_simple_paths_graph
def simple_paths_with_constraints(G, source, target, cutoff=None,
allow_shorter=False, filter_func=None):
"""Find all simple paths between source and target with given constraints.
G : nx.Digraph
An nx.DiGraph to search in.
source : node
Starting node for path.
target : node
Ending node for path.
cutoff : Optional[int]
Maximum (if allow_shorter=False) or desired (if allow_shorter=True)
depth of the paths.
allow_shorter : Optional[bool]
If cutoff is provided, whether to allow paths shorter than cutoff.
NOTE: If cutoff is not provided, this is always reset to True.
filter_func : Optional[function]
A function to constrain the intermediate nodes in the path. A
function should take a node as a parameter and return True if the node
is allowed to be in a path and False otherwise.
path_generator: generator
A generator of the paths between source and target.
if cutoff is None:
cutoff = len(G) - 1
# If we didn't have a set cutoff, allow any paths
allow_shorter = True
# Update filter function to not filter target
filter_func = filter_except(filter_func, {target})
visited = OrderedDict.fromkeys([source])
new_nodes = iter(G[source])
if filter_func:
new_nodes = filter(filter_func, new_nodes)
stack = [new_nodes]
while stack:
children = stack[-1]
child = next(children, None)
if child is None:
elif len(visited) < cutoff:
# Get paths shorter than cutoff if allowed
if allow_shorter and child == target:
yield list(visited) + [target]
elif child not in visited:
visited[child] = None
new_nodes = iter(G[child])
if filter_func:
new_nodes = filter(filter_func, new_nodes)
else: # len(visited) == cutoff:
# This path will be exactly of cutoff length
if child == target or target in children:
yield list(visited) + [target]
def filter_except(filter_func, nodes_to_keep):
"""Update the filter function to keep some nodes.
filter_func : function
A function to constrain the intermediate nodes in the path. A
function should take a node as a parameter and return True if the node
is allowed to be in a path and False otherwise.
nodes_to_keep : iterable
A collection of nodes to keep regardless of filter function.
new_filter : function
Updated filter function that filters out everything according to
original filter_func except nodes_to_keep.
if filter_func is None:
return None
def new_filter(n):
if n in nodes_to_keep:
return True
return filter_func(n)
return new_filter