from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import dict, str
import re
import logging
import os.path
import requests
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import QName
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from indra.literature import pubmed_client
from indra.util import UnicodeXMLTreeBuilder as UTB
# Python 2
# Python 3
basestring = str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pmc_url = ''
pmid_convert_url = ''
# Paths to resource files
pmids_fulltext_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
pmids_oa_xml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
pmids_oa_txt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
pmids_auth_xml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
# Define global dict containing lists of PMIDs among mineable PMCs
# to be lazily initialized
pmids_fulltext_dict = {}
[docs]def id_lookup(paper_id, idtype=None):
"""Return PMID, DOI and PMCID based on an input ID.
This function takes a Pubmed ID, Pubmed Central ID, or DOI
and use the Pubmed ID mapping service and looks up all other IDs from one
of these. The IDs are returned in a dictionary.
paper_id : str
A PubMed ID, PubMed Central ID, or DOI.
idtype : Optional[str]
The type of the input ID. If not given, the function will try to
determine the type from the input ID. If given, it must be one of
'pmid', 'pmcid', or 'doi'.
A dictionary with keys 'pmid', 'pmcid', and 'doi' containing the
corresponding IDs, or an empty dict if lookup fails.
if idtype is not None and idtype not in ('pmid', 'pmcid', 'doi'):
raise ValueError("Invalid idtype %s; must be 'pmid', 'pmcid', "
"or 'doi'." % idtype)
if paper_id.upper().startswith('PMC'):
idtype = 'pmcid'
# Strip off any prefix
if paper_id.upper().startswith('PMID'):
paper_id = paper_id[4:]
elif paper_id.upper().startswith('DOI'):
paper_id = paper_id[3:]
data = {'ids': paper_id}
if idtype is not None:
data['idtype'] = idtype
tree = pubmed_client.send_request(pmid_convert_url, data)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Error looking up PMID in PMC: %s' % e)
return {}
if tree is None:
return {}
record = tree.find('record')
if record is None:
return {}
doi = record.attrib.get('doi')
pmid = record.attrib.get('pmid')
pmcid = record.attrib.get('pmcid')
ids = {'doi': doi,
'pmid': pmid,
'pmcid': pmcid}
return ids
def get_ids(search_term, retmax=1000):
return pubmed_client.get_ids(search_term, retmax=retmax, db='pmc')
[docs]def get_xml(pmc_id):
"""Returns XML for the article corresponding to a PMC ID."""
if pmc_id.upper().startswith('PMC'):
pmc_id = pmc_id[3:]
# Request params
params = {}
params['verb'] = 'GetRecord'
params['identifier'] = '' % pmc_id
params['metadataPrefix'] = 'pmc'
# Submit the request
res = requests.get(pmc_url, params)
if not res.status_code == 200:
logger.warning("Couldn't download %s" % pmc_id)
return None
# Read the bytestream
xml_bytes = res.content
# Check for any XML errors; xml_str should still be bytes
tree = ET.XML(xml_bytes, parser=UTB())
xmlns = ""
err_tag = tree.find('{%s}error' % xmlns)
if err_tag is not None:
err_code = err_tag.attrib['code']
err_text = err_tag.text
logger.warning('PMC client returned with error %s: %s'
% (err_code, err_text))
return None
# If no error, return the XML as a unicode string
return xml_bytes.decode('utf-8')
[docs]def filter_pmids(pmid_list, source_type):
"""Filter a list of PMIDs for ones with full text from PMC.
pmid_list : list of str
List of PMIDs to filter.
source_type : string
One of 'fulltext', 'oa_xml', 'oa_txt', or 'auth_xml'.
list of str
PMIDs available in the specified source/format type.
global pmids_fulltext_dict
# Check args
if source_type not in ('fulltext', 'oa_xml', 'oa_txt', 'auth_xml'):
raise ValueError("source_type must be one of: 'fulltext', 'oa_xml', "
"'oa_txt', or 'auth_xml'.")
# Check if we've loaded this type, and lazily initialize
if pmids_fulltext_dict.get(source_type) is None:
fulltext_list_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'pmids_%s.txt' % source_type)
with open(fulltext_list_path, 'rb') as f:
fulltext_list = set([line.strip().decode('utf-8')
for line in f.readlines()])
pmids_fulltext_dict[source_type] = fulltext_list
return list(set(pmid_list).intersection(
def _select_from_top_level(tree, tag):
"""Select direct children of the article element of a tree by tag.
Different versions of NLM XML place the article element in different
places. We cannot rely on a hard coded path to the article element. This
helper function helps select top level elements beneath article from their
tag name. We use this to pull out the front, body, and sub-article elements
of an article.
An assumption is made that there is only one article element in the input
XML tree. If this is not the case, only the firt article will be
tree : :py:class:`lxml.etree._Element`
lxml element for entire tree of a valid NLM XML
tag : str
Tag of top level elements to return
List containing lxml Element objects of selected top level elements.
Typically there is only one front and one body that are direct chilren
of the article element, but there can be multiple subarticles.
if tree.tag == 'article':
article = tree
article = tree.xpath('.//article')
if not len(article):
raise ValueError('Input XML contains no article element')
# Assume there is only one article
article = article[0]
output = []
xpath = './%s' % tag
for element in article.xpath(xpath):
return output
def _extract_from_front(front_element):
"""Return list of titles and paragraphs from front of NLM XML
front_element : :py:class:`lxml.etree._Element`
etree element for front of a valid NLM XML
list of str
List of relevant plain text titles and paragraphs taken from front
section of NLM XML. These include the article title, alt title,
and paragraphs within abstracts. Unwanted paragraphs such as
author statements are excluded.
output = []
title_xpath = './article-meta/title-group/article-title'
alt_title_xpath = './article-meta/title-group/alt-title'
abstracts_xpath = './article-meta/abstract'
for element in front_element.xpath(_xpath_union(title_xpath,
if element.tag == 'abstract':
# Extract paragraphs from abstracts
# No paragraphs in titles, Just strip tags
output.append(' '.join(element.itertext()))
return output
def _extract_from_body(body_element):
"""Return list of paragraphs from main article body of NLM XML
See DocString for extract_paragraphs for more info
return _extract_paragraphs_from_tree(body_element)
def _extract_from_subarticle(subarticle_element):
"""Return list of relevant paragraphs from a subarticle
See DocString for extract_paragraphs for more info.
# Get only body element
body = subarticle_element.xpath('./body')
if not body:
return []
body = body[0]
# Remove float elements. From observation these do not appear to
# contain any meaningful information within sub-articles.
for element in body.xpath(".//*[@position='float']"):
return _extract_paragraphs_from_tree(body)
def _remove_elements_by_tag(tree, *tags):
"""Remove elements with given tags
Removes all element along with all of its content.
Modifies input tree inplace
tree : :py:class:`lxml.etree._Element`
etree element for valid NLM XML
bad_xpath = _xpath_union(*['.//%s' % tag for tag in tags])
for element in tree.xpath(bad_xpath):
def _replace_unwanted_elements_with_their_captions(tree):
"""Replace all unwanted elements with their captions
Modifies input tree inplace.
tree : :py:class:`lxml.etree._Element`
etree element for valid NLM XML
floats_xpath = "//*[@position='float']"
figs_xpath = './/fig'
tables_xpath = './/table-wrap'
unwanted_xpath = _xpath_union(floats_xpath, figs_xpath, tables_xpath)
unwanted = tree.xpath(unwanted_xpath)
# Iterating through xpath nodes in reverse leads to processing these
# nodes from bottom up.
for element in unwanted[::-1]:
# Don't remove floats that are boxed-text elements. These often contain
# useful information
if element.tag == 'boxed-text':
captions = element.xpath('./caption')
captions_element = etree.Element('captions')
for caption in captions:
element.getparent().replace(element, captions_element)
def _retain_only_pars(tree):
"""Strip out all tags except title and p tags
Function also changes title tags into p tags. This is a helpful
preprocessing step that makes it easier to extract paragraphs in
the order of a pre-ordered traversal.
Modifies input tree inplace.
tree : :py:class:`lxml.etree._Element`
etree element for valid NLM XML
for element in tree.xpath('.//*'):
if element.tag == 'title':
element.tag = 'p'
for element in tree.xpath('.//*'):
parent = element.getparent()
if parent is not None and element.tag != 'p':
etree.strip_tags(element.getparent(), element.tag)
def _pull_nested_paragraphs_to_top(tree):
"""Flatten nested paragraphs in pre-ordered traversal
Requires _retain_only_pars to be run first.
Modifies input tree inplace.
tree : :py:class:`lxml.etree._Element`
etree element for valid NLM XML
# Since _retain_only_pars must be called first, input will contain only p
# tags except for possibly the outer most tag. p elements directly beneath
# the root will be called depth 1, those beneath depth 1 elements will be
# called depth 2 and so on. Proceed iteratively. At each step identify all
# p elements with depth 2. Cut all of the depth 2 p elements out of each
# parent and append them in order as siblings following the parent (these
# depth 2 elements may themselves be the parents of additional p elements).
# The algorithm terminates when there are no depth 2 elements remaining.
# Find depth 2 p elements
nested_paragraphs = tree.xpath('./p/p')
while nested_paragraphs:
# This points to the location where the next depth 2 p element will
# be appended
last = None
# Store parent of previously processed element to track when parent
# changes.
old_parent = None
for p in nested_paragraphs:
parent = p.getparent()
# When the parent changes last must be set to the new parent
# element. This ensures children will be appended in order
# after there parents.
if parent != old_parent:
last = parent
# Remove child element from its parent
# The parents text occuring after the current child p but before
# p's following sibling is stored in p.tail. Append this text to
# the parent's text and then clear out p.tail
if not parent.text and p.tail:
parent.text = p.tail
p.tail = ''
elif parent.text and p.tail:
parent.text += ' ' + p.tail
p.tail = ''
# Place child in its new location
last = p
nested_paragraphs = tree.xpath('./p/p')
def _extract_paragraphs_from_tree(tree):
"""Preprocess tree and return it's paragraphs."""
paragraphs = []
for element in tree.xpath('./p'):
paragraph = ''.join([x.strip() for x in element.itertext()])
return paragraphs
def _xpath_union(*xpath_list):
"""Form union of xpath expressions"""
return ' | '.join(xpath_list)
def get_title(pmcid):
xml_string = get_xml(pmcid)
if not xml_string:
tree = etree.fromstring(xml_string.encode('utf-8'))
# Remove namespaces if any exist
if tree.tag.startswith('{'):
for element in tree.getiterator():
# The following code will throw a ValueError for some
# exceptional tags such as comments and processing instructions.
# It's safe to just leave these tag names unchanged.
element.tag = etree.QName(element).localname
except ValueError:
# Strip out latex
_remove_elements_by_tag(tree, 'tex-math')
# Strip out all content in unwanted elements except the captions
# First process front element. Titles alt-titles and abstracts
# are pulled from here.
front_elements = _select_from_top_level(tree, 'front')
title_xpath = './article-meta/title-group/article-title'
for front_element in front_elements:
for element in front_element.xpath(title_xpath):
return ' '.join(element.itertext())