Source code for indra.literature.pubmed_client

Search and get metadata for articles in Pubmed.
import csv
import glob
import gzip
import os
import re
import time
import tqdm
import logging
import random
import subprocess
import requests
from time import sleep
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path
from functools import lru_cache
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from indra.resources import RESOURCES_PATH
from indra.util import UnicodeXMLTreeBuilder as UTB
from indra.util import batch_iter, pretty_save_xml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

pubmed_search = ''
pubmed_fetch = ''
pubmed_archive = ""
pubmed_archive_baseline = pubmed_archive + "/baseline/"
pubmed_archive_update = pubmed_archive + "/updatefiles/"
RETRACTIONS_FILE = os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, "pubmed_retractions.tsv")

# Send request can't be cached by lru_cache because it takes a dict
# (a mutable/unhashable type) as an argument. We cache the callers instead.
def send_request(url, data, retry_pause=1, max_tries=3):
        res = requests.get(url, params=data)
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
        logger.error('PubMed request timed out')
        logger.error('url: %s, data: %s' % (url, data))
        return None
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        logger.error('PubMed request exception')
        logger.error('url: %s, data: %s' % (url, data))
        return None
    if res.status_code in {400, 429, 502, 503} and max_tries > 0:
        # Increase the sleep time at random to avoid multiple clients
        # retrying at the same time for e.g. tests
        retry_pause += 0.5 + 1.5 * random.random()
        return send_request(url, data, retry_pause, max_tries - 1)
    if not res.status_code == 200:
        logger.error('Got return code %d from pubmed client.'
                     % res.status_code)
        return None
    tree = ET.XML(res.content, parser=UTB())
    return tree

[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=100) def get_ids(search_term, **kwargs): """Search Pubmed for paper IDs given a search term. Search options can be passed as keyword arguments, some of which are custom keywords identified by this function, while others are passed on as parameters for the request to the PubMed web service For details on parameters that can be used in PubMed searches, see Some useful parameters to pass are db='pmc' to search PMC instead of pubmed reldate=2 to search for papers within the last 2 days mindate='2016/03/01', maxdate='2016/03/31' to search for papers in March 2016. PubMed, by default, limits returned PMIDs to a small number, and this number can be controlled by the "retmax" parameter. This function uses a retmax value of 10,000 by default (the maximum supported by PubMed) that can be changed via the corresponding keyword argument. Note also the retstart argument along with retmax to page across batches of IDs. PubMed's REST API makes it difficult to retrieve more than 10k PMIDs systematically. See the `get_all_ids` function in this module for a way to retrieve more than 10k IDs using the PubMed edirect CLI. Parameters ---------- search_term : str A term for which the PubMed search should be performed. use_text_word : Optional[bool] If True, the "[tw]" string is appended to the search term to constrain the search to "text words", that is words that appear as whole in relevant parts of the PubMed entry (excl. for instance the journal name or publication date) like the title and abstract. Using this option can eliminate spurious search results such as all articles published in June for a search for the "JUN" gene, or journal names that contain Acad for a search for the "ACAD" gene. See also: Default : True kwargs : kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to the PubMed search as parameters. """ use_text_word = kwargs.pop('use_text_word', True) if use_text_word: search_term += '[tw]' params = {'term': search_term, 'retmax': 10000, 'retstart': 0, 'db': 'pubmed', 'sort': 'pub+date'} params.update(kwargs) tree = send_request(pubmed_search, params) if tree is None: return [] if tree.find('ERROR') is not None: logger.error(tree.find('ERROR').text) return [] if tree.find('ErrorList') is not None: for err in tree.find('ErrorList'): logger.error('Error - %s: %s' % (err.tag, err.text)) return [] count = int(tree.find('Count').text) id_terms = tree.findall('IdList/Id') if id_terms is None: return [] ids = [idt.text for idt in id_terms] if count != len(ids): logger.warning('Not all ids were retrieved for search %s;\n' 'limited at %d.' % (search_term, params['retmax'])) return ids
[docs]def get_id_count(search_term): """Get the number of citations in Pubmed for a search query. Parameters ---------- search_term : str A term for which the PubMed search should be performed. Returns ------- int or None The number of citations for the query, or None if the query fails. """ params = {'term': search_term, 'rettype': 'count', 'db': 'pubmed'} tree = send_request(pubmed_search, params) if tree is None: return None else: count = list(tree)[0].text return int(count)
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=100) def get_ids_for_gene(hgnc_name, **kwargs): """Get the curated set of articles for a gene in the Entrez database. Search parameters for the Gene database query can be passed in as keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- hgnc_name : str The HGNC name of the gene. This is used to obtain the HGNC ID (using the hgnc_client module) and in turn used to obtain the Entrez ID associated with the gene. Entrez is then queried for that ID. """ from indra.databases import hgnc_client # Get the HGNC ID for the HGNC name hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_id(hgnc_name) if hgnc_id is None: raise ValueError('Invalid HGNC name.') # Get the Entrez ID entrez_id = hgnc_client.get_entrez_id(hgnc_id) if entrez_id is None: raise ValueError('Entrez ID not found in HGNC table.') # Query the Entrez Gene database params = {'db': 'gene', 'retmode': 'xml', 'id': entrez_id} params.update(kwargs) tree = send_request(pubmed_fetch, params) if tree is None: return [] if tree.find('ERROR') is not None: logger.error(tree.find('ERROR').text) return [] # Get all PMIDs from the XML tree id_terms = tree.findall('.//PubMedId') if id_terms is None: return [] # Use a set to remove duplicate IDs ids = list(set([idt.text for idt in id_terms])) return ids
[docs]def get_ids_for_mesh(mesh_id, major_topic=False, **kwargs): """Return PMIDs that are annotated with a given MeSH ID. Parameters ---------- mesh_id : str The MeSH ID of a term to search for, e.g., D009101. major_topic : bool If True, only papers for which the given MeSH ID is annotated as a major topic are returned. Otherwise all annotations are considered. Default: False **kwargs Any further PudMed search arguments that are passed to get_ids. """ from indra.databases import mesh_client mesh_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_name(mesh_id) if not mesh_name: logger.error('Could not get MeSH name for ID %s' % mesh_id) return [] suffix = 'majr' if major_topic else 'mh' search_term = '%s [%s]' % (mesh_name, suffix) ids = get_ids(search_term, use_text_word=False, **kwargs) if mesh_id.startswith('C') and not major_topic: # Get pmids for supplementary concepts as well search_term = '%s [nm]' % mesh_name ids2 = get_ids(search_term, use_text_word=False, **kwargs) ids = list(set(ids) | set(ids2)) return ids
[docs]def get_article_xml(pubmed_id): """Get the Article subtree a single article from the Pubmed database. Parameters ---------- pubmed_id : str A PubMed ID. Returns ------- xml.etree.ElementTree.Element The XML ElementTree Element that represents the Article portion of the PubMed entry. """ full_xml_tree = get_full_xml(pubmed_id) if full_xml_tree is None: return None article = full_xml_tree.find('PubmedArticle/MedlineCitation/Article') return article # May be none
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=100) def get_full_xml(pubmed_id, fname=None): """Get the full XML tree of a single article from the Pubmed database. Parameters ---------- pubmed_id : str A PubMed ID. fname : Optional[str] If given, the XML is saved to the given file name. Returns ------- xml.etree.ElementTree.Element The root element of the XML tree representing the PubMed entry. The root is a PubmedArticleSet with a single PubmedArticle element that contains the article metadata. """ if pubmed_id.upper().startswith('PMID'): pubmed_id = pubmed_id[4:] params = {'db': 'pubmed', 'retmode': 'xml', 'id': pubmed_id} tree = send_request(pubmed_fetch, params) if fname: pretty_save_xml(tree, fname) return tree
[docs]def get_title(pubmed_id): """Get the title of an article in the Pubmed database.""" article = get_article_xml(pubmed_id) if article is None: return None return _get_title_from_article_element(article)
def _get_title_from_article_element(article): title_tag = article.find('ArticleTitle') title = None if title_tag is not None: title = title_tag.text if hasattr(title_tag, 'itertext'): title = ''.join(list(title_tag.itertext())) return title def _abstract_from_article_element(article, prepend_title=False): abstract = article.findall('Abstract/AbstractText') if abstract is None: return None abstract_text = ' '.join(['' if not hasattr(abst, 'itertext') else ' '.join(list(abst.itertext())) for abst in abstract]) if prepend_title: title = _get_title_from_article_element(article) if title is not None: if not title.endswith('.'): title += '.' abstract_text = title + ' ' + abstract_text return abstract_text
[docs]def get_abstract(pubmed_id, prepend_title=True): """Get the abstract of an article in the Pubmed database.""" article = get_article_xml(pubmed_id) if article is None: return None return _abstract_from_article_element(article, prepend_title)
# A function to get the text for the element, or None if not found def _find_elem_text(root, xpath_string): elem = root.find(xpath_string) return None if elem is None else elem.text def _get_issue_info(journal: ET.Element): # Issue info issue = journal.find('JournalIssue') issue_volume = _find_elem_text(issue, 'Volume') issue_issue = _find_elem_text(issue, 'Issue') issue_pub_date = issue.find('PubDate') if issue_pub_date is not None: # Get issue year issue_year = _find_elem_text(issue_pub_date, 'Year') issue_year = int(issue_year) if issue_year else None else: issue_year = None return { "volume": issue_volume, "issue": issue_issue, "year": issue_year }
[docs]def get_issn_info( medline_citation: ET.Element, get_issns_from_nlm: str = "never" ): """Given a medline citation, get the issn info from the article Parameters ---------- medline_citation : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element The MedlineCitation element of the PubMed XML tree. get_issns_from_nlm : Literal['never', 'missing', 'always'] Whether to recover ISSN values from the NLM catalog. Options are 'never', 'missing', and 'always'. If 'missing', then the ISSN values will be recovered from the NLM catalog if they are not found in the XML. If 'always', then the ISSN values will be recovered from the NLM catalog regardless of whether they are found in the XML. Default is 'never' (i.e., never recover from NLM catalog regardless of whether they are found in the XML). Returns ------- dict A dictionary journal, issue, and ISSN info. The structure is as follows: { "journal_title": str, "journal_abbrev": str, "journal_nlm_id": str, "issn_dict": { "issn": str, "issn_l": str, "type": "print"|"electronic"|"other", }, "issue_dict": { "volume": str, "issue": str, "year": int } } """ if get_issns_from_nlm not in ['never', 'missing', 'always']: raise ValueError("get_issns_from_nlm must be one of 'never', " "'missing', or 'always'") # Journal info journal = medline_citation.find('Article/Journal') journal_title = _find_elem_text(journal, 'Title') journal_abbrev = _find_elem_text(journal, 'ISOAbbreviation') # Issue info issue_info = _get_issue_info(journal) # Get the ISSN from the article record issn_dict = {} issn_element = journal.find("ISSN") if issn_element is not None: issn_type = issn_element.attrib.get("IssnType", "other").lower() issn = issn_element.text issn_dict["issn"] = issn issn_dict["type"] = issn_type # Get the linking ISSN from the article record issn_linking = _find_elem_text(medline_citation, "MedlineJournalInfo/ISSNLinking") if issn_linking: issn_dict["issn_l"] = issn_linking nlm_id = _find_elem_text(medline_citation, 'MedlineJournalInfo/NlmUniqueID') # Get ISSN values from the NLM catalog if nlm_id and ( get_issns_from_nlm == 'always' or get_issns_from_nlm == 'missing' and not any(issn_dict.values()) ): nlm_issn_list = get_issns_for_journal(nlm_id) if nlm_issn_list: issn_dict['alternate_issns'] = nlm_issn_list return { "journal_title": journal_title, "journal_abbrev": journal_abbrev, "journal_nlm_id": nlm_id, "issn_dict": issn_dict, "issue_dict": issue_info, }
def _get_journal_info(medline_citation, get_issns_from_nlm: bool): # Journal info journal = medline_citation.find('Article/Journal') journal_title = _find_elem_text(journal, 'Title') journal_abbrev = _find_elem_text(journal, 'ISOAbbreviation') # Issue info issue_info = _get_issue_info(journal) # Add the ISSN from the article record issn_set = set() issn = _find_elem_text(journal, 'ISSN') if issn: issn_set.add(issn) # Add the Linking ISSN from the article record issn_linking = _find_elem_text(medline_citation, 'MedlineJournalInfo/ISSNLinking') if issn_linking: issn_set.add(issn_linking) # Now get the list of ISSNs from the NLM Catalog nlm_id = _find_elem_text(medline_citation, 'MedlineJournalInfo/NlmUniqueID') if nlm_id and get_issns_from_nlm: nlm_issn_list = get_issns_for_journal(nlm_id) if nlm_issn_list: issn_set.update(v for _, v in nlm_issn_list) # Remove any duplicate issns issn_list = list(issn_set) return { 'journal_title': journal_title, 'journal_abbrev': journal_abbrev, 'issn_list': issn_list, 'issn_l': issn_linking, 'journal_nlm_id': nlm_id, 'issue': issue_info['issue'], 'volume': issue_info['volume'], 'year': issue_info['year'], } def _get_pubmed_publication_date(pubmed_data): date_dict = dict.fromkeys(['year', 'month', 'day']) # Order potential statuses in order of preferences status_list = ['pubmed', 'accepted', 'revised', 'received', 'entrez'] # Look for various statuses, in order of preference as PubStatus in # PubmedPubDate for status in status_list: pubmed_pub_date = \ pubmed_data.find('./History/PubMedPubDate[@PubStatus="%s"]' % status) if pubmed_pub_date is not None: break else: logger.warning("Could not find pub date in: \n%s" % ET.tostring(pubmed_data).decode('utf-8')) return date_dict def _find_date(element): value = _find_elem_text(pubmed_pub_date, element) return int(value) if value else None # Get date elements from extracted pubmed_pub_date element for date_elem in ['Year', 'Month', 'Day']: date_dict[date_elem.lower()] = _find_date(date_elem) return date_dict def _parse_author(author_info, include_details=False): if not include_details: last_name = author_info.find("LastName") if last_name is None: return None return last_name.text parsed_info = { "last_name": None, "first_name": None, "initials": None, "suffix": None, "identifier": None, "affiliations": None, } affiliations = [] for element in author_info.findall("*"): if element.tag == "AffiliationInfo": affiliation_name = element.find("Affiliation").text identifiers = [e.text for e in element.findall("Identifier")] affiliations.append({"name": affiliation_name, "identifiers": identifiers}) elif element.tag == "LastName": parsed_info["last_name"] = element.text elif element.tag == "ForeName": parsed_info["first_name"] = element.text elif element.tag == "Initials": parsed_info["initials"] = element.text elif element.tag == "Suffix": parsed_info["suffix"] = element.text elif element.tag == "Identifier": parsed_info["identifier"] = element.text # This happens for some working groups credited as authors elif element.tag == "CollectiveName": parsed_info["collective_name"] = element.text parsed_info["affiliations"] = affiliations return parsed_info def _get_references(reference_list, only_pmid=True): """Return a list of references for an article.""" if reference_list is None: return None references = [] for reference in reference_list.findall('Reference'): pmid = _find_elem_text(reference, '*/ArticleId[@IdType="pubmed"]') if only_pmid: references.append(pmid) else: ref_dict = { 'pmid': pmid, 'doi': _find_elem_text(reference, '*/ArticleId[@IdType="doi"]'), 'pmcid': _find_elem_text(reference, '*/ArticleId[@IdType="pmcid"]'), 'citation': _find_elem_text(reference, 'Citation'), } references.append(ref_dict) return references def _get_article_info(medline_citation, pubmed_data, detailed_authors=False): article = medline_citation.find('Article') pmid = _find_elem_text(medline_citation, './PMID') pii = _find_elem_text(article, './ELocationID[@EIdType="pii"][@ValidYN="Y"]') # Look for the DOI in the ELocationID field... doi = _find_elem_text(article, './ELocationID[@EIdType="doi"][@ValidYN="Y"]') # ...and if that doesn't work, look in the ArticleIdList if doi is None: doi = _find_elem_text(pubmed_data, './/ArticleId[@IdType="doi"]') # Try to get the PMCID pmcid = _find_elem_text(pubmed_data, './/ArticleId[@IdType="pmc"]') # Title title = _get_title_from_article_element(article) # Author list author_elems = article.findall('AuthorList/Author') author_names = None if author_elems is None \ else [_parse_author(au, detailed_authors) for au in author_elems] # Get the page number entry page = _find_elem_text(article, 'Pagination/MedlinePgn') return {'pmid': pmid, 'pii': pii, 'doi': doi, 'pmcid': pmcid, 'title': title, 'authors': author_names, 'page': page}
[docs]def get_metadata_from_xml_tree(tree, get_issns_from_nlm=False, get_abstracts=False, prepend_title=False, mesh_annotations=True, detailed_authors=False, references_included=None): """Get metadata for an XML tree containing PubmedArticle elements. Documentation on the XML structure can be found at: - - Parameters ---------- tree : xml.etree.ElementTree ElementTree containing one or more PubmedArticle elements. get_issns_from_nlm : Optional[bool] Look up the full list of ISSN number for the journal associated with the article, which helps to match articles to CrossRef search results. Defaults to False, since it slows down performance. get_abstracts : Optional[bool] Indicates whether to include the Pubmed abstract in the results. Default: False prepend_title : Optional[bool] If get_abstracts is True, specifies whether the article title should be prepended to the abstract text. Default: False mesh_annotations : Optional[bool] If True, extract mesh annotations from the pubmed entries and include in the returned data. If false, don't. Default: True detailed_authors : Optional[bool] If True, extract as many of the author details as possible, such as first name, identifiers, and institutions. If false, only last names are returned. Default: False references_included : Optional[str] If 'detailed', include detailed references in the results. If 'pmid', only include the PMID of the reference. If None, don't include references. Default: None Returns ------- dict of dicts Dictionary indexed by PMID. Each value is a dict containing the following fields: 'doi', 'title', 'authors', 'journal_title', 'journal_abbrev', 'journal_nlm_id', 'issn_list', 'page', 'volume', 'issue', 'issue_pub_date'. """ # Iterate over the articles and build the results dict results = {} pm_articles = tree.findall('./PubmedArticle') for pm_article in pm_articles: medline_citation = pm_article.find('./MedlineCitation') pubmed_data = pm_article.find('PubmedData') # Build the result result = {} article_info = _get_article_info(medline_citation, pubmed_data, detailed_authors) result.update(article_info) journal_info = _get_journal_info(medline_citation, get_issns_from_nlm) result.update(journal_info) if mesh_annotations: context_info = _get_annotations(medline_citation) result.update(context_info) if references_included: references = _get_references(pubmed_data.find('ReferenceList'), only_pmid=(references_included == 'pmid')) result['references'] = references publication_date = _get_pubmed_publication_date(pubmed_data) result['publication_date'] = publication_date # Get the abstracts if requested if get_abstracts: abstract = _abstract_from_article_element( medline_citation.find('Article'), prepend_title=prepend_title ) result['abstract'] = abstract # Add to dict results[article_info['pmid']] = result return results
[docs]def get_mesh_annotations(pmid): """Return a list of MeSH annotations for a given PubMed ID. Parameters ---------- pmid : str A PubMed ID. Returns ------- list of dict A list of dicts that represent MeSH annotations with the following keys: "mesh" representing the MeSH ID, "text" the standrd name associated with the MeSH ID, "major_topic" a boolean flag set depending on whether the given MeSH ID is assigned as a major topic to the article, and "qualifier" which is a MeSH qualifier ID associated with the annotation, if available, otherwise None. """ full_xml_tree = get_full_xml(pmid) if not full_xml_tree: return None medline_citation = full_xml_tree.find('PubmedArticle/MedlineCitation') if not medline_citation: return None annotations = _get_annotations(medline_citation) return annotations.get('mesh_annotations')
def _get_annotations(medline_citation): def _major_topic(e): if e is not None and e.get('MajorTopicYN').upper() == 'Y': return True return False info = [] for elem in medline_citation.findall('.//MeshHeading'): dname = elem.find('DescriptorName') qualifier_elems = elem.findall('QualifierName') mid = dname.attrib['UI'] major = _major_topic(dname) or any(_major_topic(qual) for qual in qualifier_elems) qualifiers = [{'text': qual.text, 'mesh': qual.attrib['UI']} for qual in qualifier_elems] qual = qualifiers[0] if qualifiers else None info.append({'type': 'main', 'mesh': mid, 'text': dname.text, 'major_topic': major, # This is only here for backwards compatibility with # INDRA DB which expects a single qualifier or None and # turns the single qualifier into an int internally, so # we can't easily put a joined string of multiple # qualifiers here. 'qualifier': qual, # This is the proper full list of qualifiers 'qualifiers': qualifiers}) for elem in medline_citation.findall('.//SupplMeshList/SupplMeshName'): info.append({'type': 'supplementary', 'mesh': elem.attrib['UI'], 'text': elem.text, 'qualifier': None, 'qualifiers': [], 'major_topic': False}) return {'mesh_annotations': info}
[docs]def get_metadata_for_ids(pmid_list, get_issns_from_nlm=False, get_abstracts=False, prepend_title=False, detailed_authors=False, references_included=None): """Get article metadata for up to 200 PMIDs from the Pubmed database. Parameters ---------- pmid_list : list of str Can contain 1-200 PMIDs. get_issns_from_nlm : bool Look up the full list of ISSN number for the journal associated with the article, which helps to match articles to CrossRef search results. Defaults to False, since it slows down performance. get_abstracts : bool Indicates whether to include the Pubmed abstract in the results. prepend_title : bool If get_abstracts is True, specifies whether the article title should be prepended to the abstract text. detailed_authors : bool If True, extract as many of the author details as possible, such as first name, identifiers, and institutions. If false, only last names are returned. Default: False references_included : Optional[str] If 'detailed', include detailed references in the results. If 'pmid', only include the PMID of the reference. If None, don't include references. Default: None Returns ------- dict of dicts Dictionary indexed by PMID. Each value is a dict containing the following fields: 'doi', 'title', 'authors', 'journal_title', 'journal_abbrev', 'journal_nlm_id', 'issn_list', 'page'. """ if len(pmid_list) > 200: raise ValueError("Metadata query is limited to 200 PMIDs at a time.") params = {'db': 'pubmed', 'retmode': 'xml', 'id': pmid_list} tree = send_request(pubmed_fetch, params) if tree is None: return None return get_metadata_from_xml_tree(tree, get_issns_from_nlm, get_abstracts, prepend_title, detailed_authors=detailed_authors, references_included=references_included)
[docs]def get_metadata_for_all_ids(pmid_list, get_issns_from_nlm=False, get_abstracts=False, prepend_title=False, detailed_authors=False, references_included=None): """Get article metadata for up to 200 PMIDs from the Pubmed database. Parameters ---------- pmid_list : list of str Can contain any number of PMIDs. get_issns_from_nlm : bool Look up the full list of ISSN number for the journal associated with the article, which helps to match articles to CrossRef search results. Defaults to False, since it slows down performance. get_abstracts : bool Indicates whether to include the Pubmed abstract in the results. prepend_title : bool If get_abstracts is True, specifies whether the article title should be prepended to the abstract text. detailed_authors : bool If True, extract as many of the author details as possible, such as first name, identifiers, and institutions. If false, only last names are returned. Default: False references_included : Optional[str] If 'detailed', include detailed references in the results. If 'pmid', only include the PMID of the reference. If None, don't include references. Default: None Returns ------- dict of dicts Dictionary indexed by PMID. Each value is a dict containing the following fields: 'doi', 'title', 'authors', 'journal_title', 'journal_abbrev', 'journal_nlm_id', 'issn_list', 'page'. """ all_metadata = {} for ids in tqdm.tqdm(batch_iter(pmid_list, 200), desc='Retrieving metadata', total=len(pmid_list)//200+1): time.sleep(0.1) metadata = get_metadata_for_ids(list(ids), get_issns_from_nlm=get_issns_from_nlm, get_abstracts=get_abstracts, prepend_title=prepend_title, detailed_authors=detailed_authors, references_included=references_included) if metadata is not None: all_metadata.update(metadata) return all_metadata
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1000) def get_issns_for_journal(nlm_id): """Get a dict of the ISSN numbers for a journal given its NLM ID. Information on NLM XML DTDs is available at """ params = {'db': 'nlmcatalog', 'retmode': 'xml', 'id': nlm_id} tree = send_request(pubmed_fetch, params) if tree is None: return None issn_list = [(e.attrib.get("IssnType", "other").lower(), e.text) for e in tree.findall('.//ISSN')] issn_linking = tree.find('.//ISSNLinking') if issn_linking: issn_list.append(("linking", issn_linking.text)) # No ISSNs found! if not any(v for k, v in issn_list): return None return issn_list
[docs]def expand_pagination(pages): """Convert a page number to long form, e.g., from 456-7 to 456-457.""" # If there is no hyphen, it's a single page, and we're good to go parts = pages.split('-') if len(parts) == 1: # No hyphen, so no split return pages elif len(parts) == 2: start = parts[0] end = parts[1] # If the end is the same number of digits as the start, then we # don't change anything! if len(start) == len(end): return pages # Otherwise, replace the last digits of start with the digits of end num_end_digits = len(end) new_end = start[:-num_end_digits] + end return '%s-%s' % (start, new_end) else: # More than one hyphen, something weird happened logger.warning("Multiple hyphens in page number: %s" % pages) return pages
[docs]def get_substance_annotations(pubmed_id: str) -> List[str]: """Return substance MeSH ID for a given PubMedID. Note that substance annotations often overlap with MeSH annotations, however, there are cases where a substance annotation is not available under MeSH annotations. Parameters ---------- pubmed_id : PubMedID ID whose substance MeSH ID will be returned. Returns ------- : Substance MeSH IDs corresponding to the given PubMed paper or if None present or a failed query, an empty list will be returned. """ root = get_full_xml(pubmed_id) nodes = root.findall('.//MedlineCitation/ChemicalList') if len(nodes) == 0: logger.error('Could not retrieve substance MeSH IDs for %s' % pubmed_id) return [] uid = [b.attrib.get('UI') for node in nodes for c in list(node) for b in c.iter('*') if 'UI' in b.attrib] return uid
[docs]def get_all_ids(search_term): """Return all PMIDs for a search term using the edirect CLI. This function complements the `get_id` function which uses the PubMed REST API but is limited to 10k results and is very difficult to generalize to systematically fetch all IDs if there are more than 10k results. This function uses the edirect CLI which implements logic for paging over results. This function only works if edirect is installed and is on your PATH. See for instructions. Parameters ---------- search_term : str A term for which the PubMed search should be performed. Returns ------- list[str] A list of PMIDs for the given search term. """ cmd = f'esearch -db pubmed -query "{search_term}" | efetch -format uid' res = subprocess.getoutput(cmd) if not isinstance(res, str) or "not found" in res: raise RuntimeError("The esearch utility could not be found. " "This function only works if edirect is " "installed and is visible on your PATH. " "See " "for instructions.") # Output is divided by new lines elements = res.split('\n') # If there are more than 10k IDs, the CLI outputs a . for each # iteration, these have to be filtered out pmids = [e for e in elements if '.' not in e] return pmids
[docs]def get_publication_types(article: ET.Element): """Return the set of PublicationType for the article Parameters ---------- article : The XML element for the article. Typically, this is a PubmedArticle node. Returns ------- : set[str] A set of publication type """ return {pt.text for pt in article.find('.//PublicationTypeList')}
[docs]def is_retracted(pubmed_id: str) -> bool: """Return True if the article with the given PMID has been retracted. Parameters ---------- pubmed_id : The PMID of the paper to check. Returns ------- : True if the paper has been retracted, False otherwise. """ return retractions.is_retracted(pubmed_id)
[docs]def generate_retractions_file(xml_path: str, download_missing: bool = False): """Generate a CSV file of retracted papers from the PubMed XML. Parameters ---------- xml_path : Path to the directory holding the PubMed XML files. The files will be globbed from this directory using the pattern 'pubmed*.xml.gz'. download_missing : If True, download any missing XML files from the PubMed FTP server. Default: False. Note: A full download of the PubMed XML files takes up to 5 hours. """ if download_missing: ensure_xml_files(xml_path) retractions = set() files = glob.glob(os.path.join(xml_path, 'pubmed*.xml.gz')) if not files: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No PubMed XML files found in {xml_path}") for xml_file in tqdm.tqdm(files, desc="Processing PubMed XML files"): xml_str = tree = ET.XML(xml_str, parser=UTB()) for article in tree.findall('.//PubmedArticle'): pub_types = get_publication_types(article) if "Retracted Publication" in pub_types: pmid = article.find('.//PMID').text retractions.add(pmid) if not retractions: logger.warning(f"No retractions found from {len(files)} XML files") return"Writing {len(retractions)} retractions to {RETRACTIONS_FILE}") with open(RETRACTIONS_FILE, 'w') as fh: fh.write('\n'.join(sorted(retractions)))
[docs]def ensure_xml_files(xml_path: str, retries: int = 3): """Ensure that the XML files are downloaded and up to date. Parameters ---------- xml_path : Path to the directory holding the PubMed XML files. The files will be globbed from this directory using the pattern 'pubmed*.xml.gz'. retries : Number of times to retry downloading an individual XML file if there is an HTTP error. Default: 3. """ xml_path = Path(xml_path) xml_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) basefiles = [u for u in _get_urls(pubmed_archive_baseline)] updatefiles = [u for u in _get_urls(pubmed_archive_update)] # Count successfully downloaded files for xml_url in tqdm.tqdm( basefiles + updatefiles, desc="Downloading PubMed XML files" ): xml_file_path = xml_path.joinpath(xml_url.split("/")[-1]) if not xml_file_path.exists(): success = _download_xml_gz(xml_url, xml_file_path, retries=retries) if not success: tqdm.tqdm.write(f"Error downloading {xml_url}, skipping")
def _get_urls(url: str): """Get the paths to all XML files on the PubMed FTP server.""" from bs4 import BeautifulSoup"Getting URL paths from %s" % url) # Get page response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() # Make soup # Todo: see if it's possible to get the lists of files directly from the # FTP server, rather than scraping the HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser") # Append trailing slash if not present url = url if url.endswith("/") else url + "/" # Loop over all links for link in soup.find_all("a"): href = link.get("href") # yield if href matches # 'pubmed<2 digit year>n<4 digit file index>.xml.gz' # but skip the md5 files if href and href.startswith("pubmed") and href.endswith(".xml.gz"): yield url + href def _download_xml_gz(xml_url: str, xml_file: Path, md5_check: bool = True, retries: int = 3) -> bool: try: resp = requests.get(xml_url) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if retries > 0: tqdm.tqdm.write(f"Error downloading {xml_url}, retrying." + str(e)) sleep(1) return _download_xml_gz(xml_url, xml_file, md5_check, retries - 1) else: tqdm.tqdm.write(f"Error downloading {xml_url}, skipping") return False if md5_check: from hashlib import md5 md5_resp = requests.get(xml_url + ".md5") checksum = md5(resp.content).hexdigest() expected_checksum = r"[0-9a-z]+(?=\n)", md5_resp.content.decode("utf-8") ).group() if checksum != expected_checksum: logger.warning( f"Checksum mismatch for {xml_url}, skipping download" ) raise ValueError("Checksum mismatch") # Write the file xml.gz file with"wb") as fh: fh.write(resp.content) return True class Retractions: def __init__(self): self.retractions = None def is_retracted(self, pmid): if self.retractions is None: with open(RETRACTIONS_FILE, 'r') as fh: self.retractions = set( return pmid in self.retractions retractions = Retractions()