import logging
from indra.config import get_config, has_config
from indra.ontology.standardize \
import standardize_agent_name
from .gilda import ground_agent
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# If the adeft disambiguator is installed, load adeft models to
# disambiguate acronyms and shortforms
from adeft import available_shortforms as available_adeft_models
from adeft.disambiguate import load_disambiguator
adeft_disambiguators = {}
for shortform in available_adeft_models:
adeft_disambiguators[shortform] = load_disambiguator(shortform)
except Exception:'Adeft will not be available for grounding disambiguation.')
adeft_disambiguators = {}
[docs]class DisambManager(object):
"""Manages running of disambiguation models
Has methods to run disambiguation with either adeft or gilda. Each instance
of this class uses a single database connection.
def __init__(self):
self.has_local_text_db = False
if has_config('INDRA_DB_LITE_LOCATION'):
from indra_db_lite import get_plaintexts_for_text_ref_ids
self.has_local_text_db = True
except Exception as e:
from indra_db.util.content_scripts import TextContentSessionHandler
self.__tc = TextContentSessionHandler()
except Exception as e:'INDRA DB is not available for text content '
'retrieval for grounding disambiguation.')
logger.debug('Could not connect to the DB: %s' % e)
self.__tc = None
[docs] def run_adeft_disambiguation(self, stmt, agent, idx, agent_txt):
"""Run Adeft disambiguation on an Agent in a given Statement.
This function looks at the evidence of the given Statement and attempts
to look up the full paper or the abstract for the evidence. If both of
those fail, the evidence sentence itself is used for disambiguation.
The disambiguation model corresponding to the Agent text is then
called, and the highest scoring returned grounding is set as the
Agent's new grounding.
The Statement's annotations as well as the Agent are modified in place
and no value is returned.
stmt : indra.statements.Statement
An INDRA Statement in which the Agent to be disambiguated appears.
agent : indra.statements.Agent
The Agent (potentially grounding mapped) which we want to
disambiguate in the context of the evidence of the given Statement.
idx : int
The index of the new Agent's position in the Statement's agent list
(needed to set annotations correctly).
True if disambiguation was successfully applied, and False
otherwise. Reasons for a False response can be the lack of
evidence as well as failure to obtain text for grounding
success = False
# If the Statement doesn't have evidence for some reason, then there is
# no text to disambiguate by
# NOTE: we might want to try disambiguating by other agents in the
# Statement
if not stmt.evidence:
return False
# Initialize annotations if needed so Adeft predicted
# probabilities can be added to Agent annotations
annots = stmt.evidence[0].annotations
if 'agents' in annots:
if 'adeft' not in annots['agents']:
annots['agents']['adeft'] = \
{'adeft': [None for _ in stmt.agent_list()]}
annots['agents'] = {'adeft': [None for _ in stmt.agent_list()]}
grounding_text = self._get_text_for_grounding(stmt, agent_txt)
def apply_grounding(agent, agent_txt, ns_and_id):
db_ns, db_id = ns_and_id.split(':', maxsplit=1)
if db_ns == 'CHEBI' and not db_id.startswith('CHEBI:'):
db_id = 'CHEBI:%s' % db_id
agent.db_refs = {'TEXT': agent_txt, db_ns: db_id} = standard_name
logger.debug('Disambiguated %s to: %s, %s:%s' %
(agent_txt, standard_name, db_ns, db_id))
standardize_agent_name(agent, standardize_refs=True)
def remove_grounding(agent, agent_txt): = agent_txt
agent.db_refs = {'TEXT': agent_txt}
if grounding_text:
da = adeft_disambiguators[agent_txt]
res = da.disambiguate([grounding_text])
ns_and_id, standard_name, disamb_scores = res[0]
# If grounding with highest score is not a positive label we
# explicitly remove grounding and reset the (potentially incorrectly
# standardized) name to the original text value.
# Ungrounded labels will lack a ':', an ungrounded label should
# never be a pos_label but we still check both if the label is
# positive and if it contains ':' for the sake of caution since
# pos_labels are determined by manual review.
# Otherwise if the Adeft model's precision for that particular
# grounding is greater than or equal to 0.5 or if there is a
# defining pattern for the ambiguous shortform in the text we
# update the db_refs with what we got from Adeft and set the
# standard name.
if ':' in ns_and_id and ns_and_id in da.pos_labels:
# Determine the precision associated with the given grounding
stats = da.classifier.stats
if stats and ns_and_id in stats:
precision = stats[ns_and_id]['pr']['mean']
# If there is no precision info, we fall back to a value that
# is < 0.5.
precision = .499
# With high enough precision or a defining pattern, we accept
# the grounding and set it.
if precision >= 0.5 or disamb_scores[ns_and_id] == 1:
apply_grounding(agent, agent_txt, ns_and_id)
annots['agents']['adeft'][idx] = disamb_scores
# Otherwise we remove any prior grounding.
remove_grounding(agent, agent_txt)
# In this case the entity is either ungrounded or not a positive
# label so we remove any prior grounding.
remove_grounding(agent, agent_txt)
success = True
return success
[docs] def run_gilda_disambiguation(self, stmt, agent, idx, agent_txt,
"""Run Gilda disambiguation on an Agent in a given Statement.
This function looks at the evidence of the given Statement and attempts
to look up the full paper or the abstract for the evidence. If both of
those fail, the evidence sentence itself is used for disambiguation.
The disambiguation model corresponding to the Agent text is then
called, and the highest scoring returned grounding is set as the
Agent's new grounding.
The Statement's annotations as well as the Agent are modified in place
and no value is returned.
stmt : indra.statements.Statement
An INDRA Statement in which the Agent to be disambiguated appears.
agent : indra.statements.Agent
The Agent (potentially grounding mapped) which we want to
disambiguate in the context of the evidence of the given Statement.
idx : int
The index of the new Agent's position in the Statement's agent list
(needed to set annotations correctly).
mode : Optional[str]
If 'web', the web service given in the GILDA_URL config setting or
environmental variable is used. Otherwise, the gilda package is
attempted to be imported and used. Default: web
True if disambiguation was successfully applied, and False
otherwise. Reasons for a False response can be the lack of
evidence as well as failure to obtain text for grounding
success = False
# If the Statement doesn't have evidence for some reason, then there is
# no text to disambiguate by
# NOTE: we might want to try disambiguating by other agents in the
# Statement
if not stmt.evidence:
return False
# Initialize annotations if needed so predicted
# probabilities can be added to Agent annotations
annots = stmt.evidence[0].annotations
if 'agents' in annots:
if 'gilda' not in annots['agents']:
annots['agents']['gilda'] = \
[None for _ in stmt.agent_list()]
annots['agents'] = {'gilda': [None for _ in stmt.agent_list()]}
grounding_text = self._get_text_for_grounding(stmt, agent_txt)
if grounding_text:
gilda_result = ground_agent(agent, agent_txt, grounding_text, mode)
if gilda_result:
logger.debug('Disambiguated %s to: %s' %
annots['agents']['gilda'][idx] = gilda_result
success = True
return success
def _get_text_for_grounding(self, stmt, agent_text):
"""Get text context for Adeft disambiguation
If the INDRA database is available, attempts to get the fulltext from
which the statement was extracted. If the fulltext is not available,
the abstract is returned. If the indra database is not available, uses
the pubmed client to get the abstract. If no abstract can be found,
falls back on returning the evidence text for the statement.
stmt : py:class:`indra.statements.Statement`
Statement with agent we seek to disambiguate.
agent_text : str
Agent text that needs to be disambiguated
text : str
Text for Adeft disambiguation
text = None
# First we will try to get content from a local text content DB if
# available since this is the fastest option
if self.has_local_text_db:
from indra_db_lite import get_plaintexts_for_text_ref_ids, \
refs = stmt.evidence[0].text_refs
trid = refs.get('TRID')
pmid = refs.get('PMID')
if trid:
text_content = get_plaintexts_for_text_ref_ids([trid])
_, content = next(text_content.trid_content_pairs())
if content:
return content
elif pmid:
mappings = get_text_ref_ids_for_pmids([int(pmid)])
if int(pmid) in mappings:
trid = mappings[int(pmid)]
text_content = get_plaintexts_for_text_ref_ids([trid])
_, content = next(text_content.trid_content_pairs())
if content:
return content
except Exception as e:'Could not get text from local DB: %s' % e)
# If the above is not available or fails, we try the INDRA DB
# if available.
if self.__tc is not None:
from indra.literature.adeft_tools import universal_extract_text
refs = stmt.evidence[0].text_refs
# Prioritize the pmid attribute if given
if stmt.evidence[0].pmid:
refs['PMID'] = stmt.evidence[0].pmid
logger.debug('Obtaining text for disambiguation with refs: %s'
% refs)
content = self.__tc.get_text_content_from_text_refs(refs)
if not content:
raise ValueError('Text obtained from DB is empty')
text = universal_extract_text(content, contains=agent_text)
if text:
return text
except Exception as e:'Could not get text for disambiguation from DB: %s'
% e)
# If that doesn't work, we try PubMed next trying to fetch an abstract
if text is None:
from indra.literature import pubmed_client
pmid = stmt.evidence[0].pmid
if pmid:
logger.debug('Obtaining abstract for disambiguation for PMID%s'
% pmid)
text = pubmed_client.get_abstract(pmid)
if text:
return text
# Finally, falling back on the evidence sentence
if text is None:'Falling back on sentence-based disambiguation')
text = stmt.evidence[0].text
return text
return None