import re
import copy
import logging
import objectpath
from indra.statements import *
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class EidosProcessor(object):
"""This processor extracts INDRA Statements from Eidos JSON-LD output.
json_dict : dict
A JSON dictionary containing the Eidos extractions in JSON-LD format.
statements : list[indra.statements.Statement]
A list of INDRA Statements that were extracted by the processor.
def __init__(self, json_dict):
self.doc = EidosDocument(json_dict)
self.statements = []
def _extract_event_by_label(self, event_labels):
events = [e for e in self.doc.extractions if
event_labels & set(e['labels'])]
for event_entry in events:
event = self.get_event(event_entry)
evidence = self.get_evidence(event_entry)
event.evidence = [evidence]
if not event.context and evidence.context:
event.context = copy.deepcopy(evidence.context)
evidence.context = None
def get_event_by_id(self, event_id):
# Resolve coreferences by ID
event_id = self.doc.coreferences.get(event_id, event_id)
# Get the actual entity
event = self.doc.entities[event_id]
return self.get_event(event)
def get_event(self, event):
concept = self.get_concept(event)
states = event.get('states', [])
extracted_states = self.extract_entity_states(states)
polarity = extracted_states.get('polarity')
adjectives = extracted_states.get('adjectives')
delta = QualitativeDelta(polarity=polarity, adjectives=adjectives)
stmt = Event(concept, delta=delta)
return stmt
def get_causal_relation(self, relation):
# For now, just take the first source and first destination.
# Later, might deal with hypergraph representation.
subj_id = find_arg(relation, 'source')
obj_id = find_arg(relation, 'destination')
if subj_id is None or obj_id is None:
return None
subj = self.get_event_by_id(subj_id)
obj = self.get_event_by_id(obj_id)
evidence = self.get_evidence(relation)
# We also put the adjectives and polarities into annotations since
# they could otherwise get squashed upon preassembly
evidence.annotations['subj_polarity'] =
evidence.annotations['obj_polarity'] =
evidence.annotations['subj_adjectives'] =
evidence.annotations['obj_adjectives'] =
evidence.annotations['subj_context'] = subj.context.to_json() if \
subj.context else {}
evidence.annotations['obj_context'] = obj.context.to_json() if \
obj.context else {}
st = Influence(subj, obj, evidence=[evidence])
return st
[docs] def get_evidence(self, relation):
"""Return the Evidence object for the INDRA Statment."""
provenance = relation.get('provenance')
# First try looking up the full sentence through provenance
text = None
context = None
if provenance:
sentence_tag = provenance[0].get('sentence')
if sentence_tag and '@id' in sentence_tag:
sentence_id = sentence_tag['@id']
sentence = self.doc.sentences.get(sentence_id)
if sentence is not None:
text = _sanitize(sentence['text'])
# Here we try to get the title of the document and set it
# in the provenance
doc_id = provenance[0].get('document', {}).get('@id')
if doc_id:
title = self.doc.documents.get(doc_id, {}).get('title')
if title:
provenance[0]['document']['title'] = title
annotations = {'found_by': relation.get('rule'),
'provenance': provenance}
if self.doc.dct is not None:
annotations['document_creation_time'] = self.doc.dct.to_json()
epistemics = {}
negations = self.get_negation(relation)
hedgings = self.get_hedging(relation)
if hedgings:
epistemics['hedgings'] = hedgings
if negations:
# This is the INDRA standard to show negation
epistemics['negated'] = True
# But we can also save the texts associated with the negation
# under annotations, just in case it's needed
annotations['negated_texts'] = negations
# If that fails, we can still get the text of the relation
if text is None:
text = _sanitize(relation.get('text'))
ev = Evidence(source_api='eidos', text=text, annotations=annotations,
context=context, epistemics=epistemics)
return ev
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_negation(event):
"""Return negation attached to an event.
Example: "states": [{"@type": "State", "type": "NEGATION",
"text": "n't"}]
states = event.get('states', [])
if not states:
return []
negs = [state for state in states
if state.get('type') == 'NEGATION']
neg_texts = [neg['text'] for neg in negs]
return neg_texts
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_hedging(event):
"""Return hedging markers attached to an event.
Example: "states": [{"@type": "State", "type": "HEDGE",
"text": "could"}
states = event.get('states', [])
if not states:
return []
hedgings = [state for state in states
if state.get('type') == 'HEDGE']
hedging_texts = [hedging['text'] for hedging in hedgings]
return hedging_texts
def extract_entity_states(self, states):
if states is None:
return {'polarity': None, 'adjectives': []}
polarity = None
adjectives = []
for state in states:
if polarity is None:
if state['type'] == 'DEC':
polarity = -1
# Handle None entry here
mods = state.get('modifiers') if \
state.get('modifiers') else []
adjectives += [mod['text'] for mod in mods]
elif state['type'] == 'INC':
polarity = 1
mods = state.get('modifiers') if \
state.get('modifiers') else []
adjectives += [mod['text'] for mod in mods]
elif state['type'] == 'QUANT':
return {'polarity': polarity, 'adjectives': adjectives}
[docs] def get_groundings(self, entity):
"""Return groundings as db_refs for an entity."""
return {'TEXT': entity['text']}
[docs] def get_concept(self, entity):
"""Return Concept from an Eidos entity."""
# Use the canonical name as the name of the Concept
name = entity['canonicalName']
db_refs = self.get_groundings(entity)
concept = Concept(name, db_refs=db_refs)
return concept
[docs] def get_all_events(self):
"""Return a list of all standalone events from the existing list
of extracted statements.
Note that this method only operates on statements already extracted
into the processor's statements attribute. Note also that the evidences
for events created from Influences and Assocations here are propagated
from those statements; they are not equivalent to the original
evidences for the events themselves (see extract_all_events method).
events : list[indra.statements.Event]
A list of Events from original Events, and unrolled from
Influences and Associations.
events = []
for stmt in self.statements:
stmt = copy.deepcopy(stmt)
if isinstance(stmt, Influence):
for member in [stmt.subj, stmt.obj]:
member.evidence = stmt.evidence[:]
# Remove the context since it may be for the other member
for ev in member.evidence:
ev.context = None
elif isinstance(stmt, Association):
for member in stmt.members:
member.evidence = stmt.evidence[:]
# Remove the context since it may be for the other member
for ev in member.evidence:
ev.context = None
elif isinstance(stmt, Event):
return events
class EidosDocument(object):
def __init__(self, json_dict):
self.tree = objectpath.Tree(json_dict)
self.extractions = []
self.sentences = {}
self.entities = {}
self.documents = {}
self.coreferences = {}
self.dct = None
def _preprocess_extractions(self):
extractions = \
self.tree.execute("$.extractions[(@.@type is 'Extraction')]")
if not extractions:
# Listify for multiple reuse
self.extractions = list(extractions)
# Build a dictionary of entities
entities = [e for e in self.extractions if {'Concept', 'Quantifier'} &
set(e.get('labels', set()))]
self.entities = {entity['@id']: entity for entity in entities}
# Build a dictionary of sentences and document creation times (DCTs)
documents = self.tree.execute("$.documents[(@.@type is 'Document')]")
self.sentences = {}
for document in documents:
title = document.get('title')
self.documents[document['@id']] = {'title': title}
# We stash the DCT here as a TimeContext object
sentences = document.get('sentences', [])
for sent in sentences:
self.sentences[sent['@id']] = sent
# Build a dictionary of coreferences
for extraction in self.extractions:
if 'Coreference' in extraction['labels']:
reference = find_arg(extraction, 'reference')
anchor = find_arg(extraction, 'anchor')
self.coreferences[reference] = anchor
def _sanitize(text):
"""Return sanitized Eidos text field for human readability."""
d = {'-LRB-': '(', '-RRB-': ')'}
return re.sub('|'.join(d.keys()), lambda m: d[], text)
[docs]def find_arg(event, arg_type):
"""Return ID of the first argument of a given type"""
obj_ids = find_args(event, arg_type)
if not obj_ids:
return None
return obj_ids[0]
[docs]def find_args(event, arg_type):
"""Return IDs of all arguments of a given type"""
args = event.get('arguments', {})
obj_tags = [arg for arg in args if arg['type'] == arg_type]
if obj_tags:
return [o['value']['@id'] for o in obj_tags]
return []