This module provides an input processor for information extracted using the
Geneways software suite, converting extraction data in Geneways format into
INDRA statements.
See publication:
Rzhetsky, Andrey, Ivan Iossifov, Tomohiro Koike, Michael Krauthammer, Pauline
Kra, Mitzi Morris, Hong Yu et al. "GeneWays: a system for extracting,
analyzing, visualizing, and integrating molecular pathway data."
Journal of biomedical informatics 37, no. 1 (2004): 43-53.
from indra.statements import Evidence, Agent
import indra.databases.hgnc_client as hgc
from indra.literature import *
from indra.statements import Complex, Phosphorylation
from indra.ontology.standardize import \
from indra.sources.geneways.action_parser import GenewaysActionParser
from indra.sources.geneways.find_full_text_sentence import FullTextMention
get_ft_mention = True
except ImportError:
logger.error('Install the nltk and stemming packages to extract full '
'text evidence for Geneways mentions.')
get_ft_mention = False
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This will take in an action and action mention and create a single statement
[docs]class GenewaysProcessor(object):
"""The GenewaysProcessors converts extracted Geneways action mentions into
INDRA statements.
search_path : list[str]
A list of directories in which to search for Geneways data
statements : list[indra.statements.Statement]
A list of INDRA statements converted from Geneways action
mentions, populated by calling the constructor
def __init__(self, search_path, get_evidence=True):
if get_evidence and get_ft_mention:
self.get_ft_mention = True
self.get_ft_mention = False
# Parse Geneways data. Will give an error if it can't find
# the Geneways data
logger.info('Loading Geneways extractions')
parser = GenewaysActionParser(search_path)
logger.info('Geneways extractions loaded')
actions = parser.actions
# Make a list of statements from the actions
self.statements = []
for action in actions:
for mention in action.action_mentions:
if mention.negative != '1':
new_statement = self.make_statement(action, mention)
if new_statement is not None:
[docs] def make_statement(self, action, mention):
"""Makes an INDRA statement from a Geneways action and action mention.
action : GenewaysAction
The mechanism that the Geneways mention maps to. Note that
several text mentions can correspond to the same action if they are
referring to the same relationship - there may be multiple
Geneways action mentions corresponding to each action.
mention : GenewaysActionMention
The Geneways action mention object corresponding to a single
mention of a mechanism in a specific text. We make a new INDRA
statement corresponding to each action mention.
statement : indra.statements.Statement
An INDRA statement corresponding to the provided Geneways action
mention, or None if the action mention's type does not map onto
any INDRA statement type in geneways_action_type_mapper.
(statement_generator, is_direct) = \
if statement_generator is None:
# Geneways statement does not map onto an indra statement
return None
# Try to find the full-text sentence
# Unfortunately, the sentence numbers in the Geneways dataset
# don't correspond to an obvious sentence segmentation.
# This code looks for sentences with the subject, object, and verb
# listed by the Geneways action mention table and only includes
# it in the evidence if there is exactly one such sentence
text = None
if self.get_ft_mention:
content, content_type = get_full_text(mention.pmid, 'pmid')
if content is not None:
ftm = FullTextMention(mention, content)
sentences = ftm.find_matching_sentences()
if len(sentences) == 1:
text = sentences[0]
except Exception:
logger.warning('Could not fetch full text for PMID ' +
# Make an evidence object
epistemics = dict()
epistemics['direct'] = is_direct
annotations = mention.make_annotation()
annotations['plo'] = action.plo # plo only in action table
evidence = Evidence(source_api='geneways',
pmid=mention.pmid, text=text,
# Construct the grounded and name standardized agents
# Note that this involves grounding the agent by
# converting the Entrez ID listed in the Geneways data with
# HGNC and UniProt
upstream_agent = get_agent(mention.upstream, action.up)
downstream_agent = get_agent(mention.downstream, action.dn)
# Make the statement
return statement_generator(upstream_agent, downstream_agent, evidence)
def get_agent(raw_name, entrez_id):
db_refs = {'TEXT': raw_name, 'EGID': entrez_id}
logger.debug('Looking up grounding data for Entrez #%s' % entrez_id)
hgnc_id = hgc.get_hgnc_from_entrez(entrez_id)
if hgnc_id:
db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id
agent = Agent(raw_name, db_refs=db_refs)
standardize_agent_name(agent, standardize_refs=True)
return agent
[docs]def geneways_action_to_indra_statement_type(actiontype, plo):
"""Return INDRA Statement corresponding to Geneways action type.
actiontype : str
The verb extracted by the Geneways processor
plo : str
A one character string designating whether Geneways classifies
this verb as a physical, logical, or other interaction
statement_generator :
If there is no mapping to INDRA statements from this action type
the return value is None.
If there is such a mapping, statement_generator is an anonymous
function that takes in the subject agent, object agent, and evidence,
in that order, and returns an INDRA statement object.
actiontype = actiontype.lower()
statement_generator = None
is_direct = (plo == 'P')
if actiontype == 'bind':
statement_generator = lambda substance1, substance2, evidence: \
Complex([substance1, substance2], evidence=evidence)
is_direct = True
elif actiontype == 'phosphorylate':
statement_generator = lambda substance1, substance2, evidence: \
Phosphorylation(substance1, substance2, evidence=evidence)
is_direct = True
return (statement_generator, is_direct)