from urllib.parse import unquote
import re
import os
import glob
import time
import shutil
import tempfile
import logging
from math import floor
import gilda
import lxml.etree
import collections
from indra.databases import go_client, mesh_client
from indra.statements import *
from indra.databases.chebi_client import get_chebi_id_from_cas, \
from indra.databases.hgnc_client import get_hgnc_from_entrez, get_uniprot_id, \
from indra.util import read_unicode_csv
from indra.sources.reach.processor import ReachProcessor, Site
from .fix_csxml_character_encoding import fix_character_encoding
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MedscanEntity = collections.namedtuple('MedscanEntity', ['name', 'urn', 'type',
'ch_start', 'ch_end'])
MedscanProperty = collections.namedtuple('MedscanProperty',
['type', 'name', 'urn'])
def _read_famplex_map():
fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
famplex_map = {}
csv_rows = read_unicode_csv(fname, delimiter='\t')
for row in csv_rows:
source_ns = row[0]
source_id = row[1]
be_id = row[2]
famplex_map[(source_ns, source_id)] = be_id
return famplex_map
famplex_map = _read_famplex_map()
def _fix_different_refs(a1, a2, ref_key):
if all(ref_key in a.db_refs for a in [a1, a2]) \
and a1.db_refs[ref_key] != a2.db_refs[ref_key]: = a1.db_refs[ref_key] = a2.db_refs[ref_key]
return True
return False
def _is_statement_in_list(new_stmt, old_stmt_list):
"""Return True of given statement is equivalent to on in a list
Determines whether the statement is equivalent to any statement in the
given list of statements, with equivalency determined by Statement's
equals method.
new_stmt : indra.statements.Statement
The statement to compare with
old_stmt_list : list[indra.statements.Statement]
The statement list whose entries we compare with statement
in_list : bool
True if statement is equivalent to any statements in the list
for old_stmt in old_stmt_list:
if old_stmt.equals(new_stmt):
return True
elif old_stmt.evidence_equals(new_stmt) and old_stmt.matches(new_stmt):
# If we're comparing a complex, make sure the agents are sorted.
if isinstance(new_stmt, Complex):
agent_pairs = zip(old_stmt.sorted_members(),
agent_pairs = zip(old_stmt.agent_list(), new_stmt.agent_list())
# Compare agent-by-agent.
for ag_old, ag_new in agent_pairs:
s_old = set(ag_old.db_refs.items())
s_new = set(ag_new.db_refs.items())
# If they're equal this isn't the one we're interested in.
if s_old == s_new:
# If the new statement has nothing new to offer, just ignore it
if s_old > s_new:
return True
# If the new statement does have something new, add it to the
# existing statement. And then ignore it.
if s_new > s_old:
return True
# If this is a case where different CHEBI ids were mapped to
# the same entity, set the agent name to the CHEBI id.
if _fix_different_refs(ag_old, ag_new, 'CHEBI'):
# Check to make sure the newly described statement does
# not match anything.
return _is_statement_in_list(new_stmt, old_stmt_list)
# If this is a case, like above, but with UMLS IDs, do the same
# thing as above. This will likely never be improved.
if _fix_different_refs(ag_old, ag_new, 'UMLS'):
# Check to make sure the newly described statement does
# not match anything.
return _is_statement_in_list(new_stmt, old_stmt_list)
logger.warning("Found an unexpected kind of duplicate. "
"Ignoring it.")
return True
# This means all the agents matched, which can happen if the
# original issue was the ordering of agents in a Complex.
return True
elif old_stmt.get_hash(True, True) == new_stmt.get_hash(True, True):
# Check to see if we can improve the annotation of the existing
# statement.
e_old = old_stmt.evidence[0]
e_new = new_stmt.evidence[0]
if e_old.annotations['last_verb'] is None:
e_old.annotations['last_verb'] = e_new.annotations['last_verb']
# If the evidence is "the same", modulo annotations, just ignore it
if e_old.get_source_hash(True) == e_new.get_source_hash(True):
return True
return False
[docs]class ProteinSiteInfo(object):
"""Represent a site on a protein, extracted from a StateEffect event.
site_text : str
The site as a string (ex. S22)
object_text : str
The protein being modified, as the string that appeared in the original
def __init__(self, site_text, object_text):
self.site_text = site_text
self.object_text = object_text
[docs] def get_sites(self):
"""Parse the site-text string and return a list of sites.
sites : list[Site]
A list of position-residue pairs corresponding to the site-text
st = self.site_text
suffixes = [' residue', ' residues', ',', '/']
for suffix in suffixes:
if st.endswith(suffix):
st = st[:-len(suffix)]
assert(not st.endswith(','))
# Strip parentheses
st = st.replace('(', '')
st = st.replace(')', '')
st = st.replace(' or ', ' and ') # Treat end and or the same
sites = []
parts = st.split(' and ')
for part in parts:
if part.endswith(','):
part = part[:-1]
if len(part.strip()) > 0:
return sites
# These normalized verbs are mapped to IncreaseAmount statements
INCREASE_AMOUNT_VERBS = ['ExpressionControl-positive',
# These normalized verbs are mapped to DecreaseAmount statements
DECREASE_AMOUNT_VERBS = ['ExpressionControl-negative',
# These normalized verbs are mapped to Activation statements (indirect)
ACTIVATION_VERBS = ['UnknownRegulation-positive',
# These normalized verbs are mapped to Activation statements (direct)
D_ACTIVATION_VERBS = ['DirectRegulation-positive',
'DirectRegulation-positive--direct interaction']
# All activation verbs
# These normalized verbs are mapped to Inhibition statements (indirect)
INHIBITION_VERBS = ['UnknownRegulation-negative',
# These normalized verbs are mapped to Inhibition statements (direct)
D_INHIBITION_VERBS = ['DirectRegulation-negative',
'DirectRegulation-negative--direct interaction']
# All inhibition verbs
PMID_PATT = re.compile('info:pmid/(\d+)')
[docs]class MedscanProcessor(object):
"""Processes Medscan data into INDRA statements.
The special StateEffect event conveys information about the binding
site of a protein modification. Sometimes this is paired with additional
event information in a seperate SVO. When we encounter a StateEffect, we
don't process into an INDRA statement right away, but instead store
the site information and use it if we encounter a ProtModification
event within the same sentence.
statements : list<str>
A list of extracted INDRA statements
sentence_statements : list<str>
A list of statements for the sentence we are currently processing.
Deduplicated and added to the main statement list when we finish
processing a sentence.
num_entities : int
The total number of subject or object entities the processor attempted
to resolve
num_entities_not_found : int
The number of subject or object IDs which could not be resolved by
looking in the list of entities or tagged phrases.
last_site_info_in_sentence : SiteInfo
Stored protein site info from the last StateEffect event within the
sentence, allowing us to combine information from StateEffect and
ProtModification events within a single sentence in a single INDRA
statement. This is reset at the end of each sentence
def __init__(self):
self.statements = []
self.sentence_statements = []
self.num_entities_not_found = 0
self.num_entities = 0
self.last_site_info_in_sentence = None
self.files_processed = 0
self._gen = None
self._tmp_dir = None
self._pmids_handled = set()
self._sentences_handled = set()
self.__f = None
def iter_statements(self, populate=True):
if self._gen is None and not self.statements:
raise InputError("No generator has been initialized. Use "
"`process_directory` or `process_file` first.")
if self.statements and not self._gen:
for stmt in self.statements:
yield stmt
for stmt in self._gen:
if populate:
yield stmt
def process_directory(self, directory_name, lazy=False):
# Process each file
glob_pattern = os.path.join(directory_name, '*.csxml')
files = glob.glob(glob_pattern)
self._gen = self._iter_over_files(files)
if not lazy:
for stmt in self._gen:
def _iter_over_files(self, files):
# Create temporary directory into which to put the csxml files with
# normalized character encodings
self.__tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('indra_medscan_processor')
tmp_file = os.path.join(self.__tmp_dir, 'fixed_char_encoding')
num_files = float(len(files))
percent_done = 0
start_time_s = time.time()"%d files to read" % int(num_files))
for filename in files:'Processing %s' % filename)
fix_character_encoding(filename, tmp_file)
with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as self.__f:
for stmt in self._iter_through_csxml_file_from_handle():
yield stmt
percent_done_now = floor(100.0 * self.files_processed / num_files)
if percent_done_now > percent_done:
percent_done = percent_done_now
ellapsed_s = time.time() - start_time_s
ellapsed_min = ellapsed_s / 60.0
msg = 'Processed %d of %d files (%f%% complete, %f minutes)' % \
(self.files_processed, num_files, percent_done,
# Delete the temporary directory
[docs] def process_csxml_file(self, filename, interval=None, lazy=False):
"""Processes a filehandle to MedScan csxml input into INDRA
The CSXML format consists of a top-level `<batch>` root element
containing a series of `<doc>` (document) elements, in turn containing
`<sec>` (section) elements, and in turn containing `<sent>` (sentence)
Within the `<sent>` element, a series of additional elements appear in
the following order:
* `<toks>`, which contains a tokenized form of the sentence in its text
* `<textmods>`, which describes any preprocessing/normalization done to
the underlying text
* `<match>` elements, each of which contains one of more `<entity>`
elements, describing entities in the text with their identifiers.
The local IDs of each entities are given in the `msid` attribute of
this element; these IDs are then referenced in any subsequent SVO
* `<svo>` elements, representing subject-verb-object triples. SVO
elements with a `type` attribute of `CONTROL` represent normalized
regulation relationships; they often represent the normalized
extraction of the immediately preceding (but unnormalized SVO
element). However, in some cases there can be a "CONTROL" SVO
element without its parent immediately preceding it.
filename : string
The path to a Medscan csxml file.
interval : (start, end) or None
Select the interval of documents to read, starting with the
`start`th document and ending before the `end`th document. If
either is None, the value is considered undefined. If the value
exceeds the bounds of available documents, it will simply be
lazy : bool
If True, only create a generator which can be used by the
`get_statements` method. If True, populate the statements list now.
if interval is None:
interval = (None, None)
tmp_fname = tempfile.mktemp(os.path.basename(filename))
fix_character_encoding(filename, tmp_fname)
self.__f = open(tmp_fname, 'rb')
self._gen = self._iter_through_csxml_file_from_handle(*interval)
if not lazy:
for stmt in self._gen:
def _iter_through_csxml_file_from_handle(self, start=None, stop=None):
pmid = None
sec = None
tagged_sent = None
doc_idx = 0
entities = {}
match_text = None
in_prop = False
last_relation = None
property_entities = []
property_name = None
# Go through the document again and extract statements
good_relations = []
skipping_doc = False
skipping_sent = False
for event, elem in lxml.etree.iterparse(self.__f,
events=('start', 'end'),
if elem.tag in ['attr', 'toks']:
# If opening up a new doc, set the PMID
if event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'doc':
if start is not None and doc_idx < start:"Skipping document number %d." % doc_idx)
skipping_doc = True
if stop is not None and doc_idx >= stop:"Reach the end of the allocated docs.")
uri = elem.attrib.get('uri')
re_pmid = PMID_PATT.match(uri)
if re_pmid is None:
logger.warning("Could not extract pmid from: %s." % uri)
skipping_doc = True
pmid =
pmid_num = int(pmid)
if pmid_num in self._pmids_handled:
logger.warning("Skipping repeated pmid: %s from %s."
% (pmid,
skipping_doc = True
# If getting a section, set the section type
elif event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'sec' and not skipping_doc:
sec = elem.attrib.get('type')
# Set the sentence context
elif event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'sent' and not skipping_doc:
tagged_sent = elem.attrib.get('msrc')
h = hash(tagged_sent)
if h in self._sentences_handled:
skipping_sent = True
skipping_sent = False
# Reset last_relation between sentences, since we will only be
# interested in the relation immediately preceding a CONTROL
# statement but within the same sentence.
last_relation = None
entities = {}
elif event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'sent' and not skipping_doc \
and not skipping_sent:
# End of sentence; deduplicate and copy statements from this
# sentence to the main statements list
for s in self.sentence_statements:
yield s
self.sentence_statements = []
good_relations = []
# Reset site info
self.last_site_info_in_sentence = None
elif event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'match' and not skipping_doc\
and not skipping_sent:
match_text = elem.attrib.get('chars')
match_start = int(elem.attrib.get('coff'))
match_end = int(elem.attrib.get('clen')) + match_start
elif event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'entity' \
and not skipping_doc and not skipping_sent:
if not in_prop:
ent_id = elem.attrib['msid']
ent_urn = elem.attrib.get('urn')
ent_type = elem.attrib['type']
entities[ent_id] = MedscanEntity(match_text, ent_urn,
ent_type, {},
match_start, match_end)
ent_type = elem.attrib['type']
ent_urn = elem.attrib['urn']
ent_name = elem.attrib['name']
property_entities.append(MedscanEntity(ent_name, ent_urn,
ent_type, None,
None, None))
elif event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'svo' and not skipping_doc \
and not skipping_sent:
subj = elem.attrib.get('subj')
verb = elem.attrib.get('verb')
obj = elem.attrib.get('obj')
svo_type = elem.attrib.get('type')
# Aggregate information about the relation
relation = MedscanRelation(pmid=pmid, sec=sec, uri=uri,
entities=entities, subj=subj,
verb=verb, obj=obj,
if svo_type == 'CONTROL':
self.process_relation(relation, last_relation)
# Sometimes a CONTROL SVO can be after an unnormalized SVO
# that is a more specific but less uniform version of the
# same extracted statement.
last_relation = relation
elif event == 'start' and elem.tag == 'prop' and not skipping_doc \
and not skipping_sent:
in_prop = True
property_name = elem.attrib.get('name')
property_entities = []
elif event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'prop' and not skipping_doc \
and not skipping_sent:
in_prop = False
entities[ent_id].properties[property_name] = property_entities
elif event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'doc':
doc_idx += 1
# Give a status update
if doc_idx % 100 == 0:"Processed %d documents" % doc_idx)
self._sentences_handled = set()
# Solution for memory leak found here:
self.files_processed += 1
def _add_statement(self, stmt):
if not _is_statement_in_list(stmt, self.sentence_statements):
[docs] def process_relation(self, relation, last_relation):
"""Process a relation into an INDRA statement.
relation : MedscanRelation
The relation to process (a CONTROL svo with normalized verb)
last_relation : MedscanRelation
The relation immediately proceding the relation to process within
the same sentence, or None if there are no preceding relations
within the same sentence. This proceeding relation, if available,
will refer to the same interaction but with an unnormalized
(potentially more specific) verb, and is used when processing
protein modification events.
subj_res = self.agent_from_entity(relation, relation.subj)
obj_res = self.agent_from_entity(relation, relation.obj)
if subj_res is None or obj_res is None:
# Don't extract a statement if the subject or object cannot
# be resolved
subj, subj_bounds = subj_res
obj, obj_bounds = obj_res
# Make evidence object
untagged_sentence = _untag_sentence(relation.tagged_sentence)
if last_relation:
last_verb = last_relation.verb
last_verb = None
# Get the entity information with the character coordinates
annotations = {'verb': relation.verb, 'last_verb': last_verb,
'agents': {'coords': [subj_bounds, obj_bounds]}}
epistemics = dict()
epistemics['direct'] = False # Overridden later if needed
ev = [Evidence(source_api='medscan', source_id=relation.uri,
pmid=relation.pmid, text=untagged_sentence,
annotations=annotations, epistemics=epistemics)]
if relation.verb in INCREASE_AMOUNT_VERBS:
# If the normalized verb corresponds to an IncreaseAmount statement
# then make one
self._add_statement(IncreaseAmount(subj, obj, evidence=ev))
elif relation.verb in DECREASE_AMOUNT_VERBS:
# If the normalized verb corresponds to a DecreaseAmount statement
# then make one
self._add_statement(DecreaseAmount(subj, obj, evidence=ev))
elif relation.verb in ALL_ACTIVATION_VERBS:
# If the normalized verb corresponds to an Activation statement,
# then make one
if relation.verb in D_ACTIVATION_VERBS:
ev[0].epistemics['direction'] = True
self._add_statement(Activation(subj, obj, evidence=ev))
elif relation.verb in ALL_INHIBITION_VERBS:
# If the normalized verb corresponds to an Inhibition statement,
# then make one
if relation.verb in D_INHIBITION_VERBS:
ev[0].epistemics['direct'] = True
self._add_statement(Inhibition(subj, obj, evidence=ev))
elif relation.verb == 'ProtModification':
# The normalized verb 'ProtModification' is too vague to make
# an INDRA statement. We look at the unnormalized verb in the
# previous svo element, if available, to decide what type of
# INDRA statement to construct.
if last_relation is None:
# We cannot make a statement unless we have more fine-grained
# information on the relation type from a preceding
# unnormalized SVO
# Map the unnormalized verb to an INDRA statement type
if last_relation.verb == 'TK{phosphorylate}':
statement_type = Phosphorylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{dephosphorylate}':
statement_type = Dephosphorylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{ubiquitinate}':
statement_type = Ubiquitination
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{acetylate}':
statement_type = Acetylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{methylate}':
statement_type = Methylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{deacetylate}':
statement_type = Deacetylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{demethylate}':
statement_type = Demethylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{hyperphosphorylate}':
statement_type = Phosphorylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{hydroxylate}':
statement_type = Hydroxylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{sumoylate}':
statement_type = Sumoylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{palmitoylate}':
statement_type = Palmitoylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{glycosylate}':
statement_type = Glycosylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{ribosylate}':
statement_type = Ribosylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{deglycosylate}':
statement_type = Deglycosylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{myristylate}':
statement_type = Myristoylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{farnesylate}':
statement_type = Farnesylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{desumoylate}':
statement_type = Desumoylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{geranylgeranylate}':
statement_type = Geranylgeranylation
elif last_relation.verb == 'TK{deacylate}':
statement_type = Deacetylation
# This unnormalized verb is not handled, do not extract an
# INDRA statement
obj_text = obj.db_refs['TEXT']
last_info = self.last_site_info_in_sentence
if last_info is not None and obj_text == last_info.object_text:
for site in self.last_site_info_in_sentence.get_sites():
r = site.residue
p = site.position
s = statement_type(subj, obj, residue=r, position=p,
self._add_statement(statement_type(subj, obj, evidence=ev))
elif relation.verb == 'Binding':
# The Binding normalized verb corresponds to the INDRA Complex
# statement.
Complex([subj, obj], evidence=ev)
elif relation.verb == 'ProtModification-negative':
pass # TODO? These occur so infrequently so maybe not worth it
elif relation.verb == 'Regulation-unknown':
pass # TODO? These occur so infrequently so maybe not worth it
elif relation.verb == 'StateEffect-positive':
# self._add_statement(
# ActiveForm(subj, obj, evidence=ev)
# )
# TODO: disabling for now, since not sure whether we should set
# the is_active flag
elif relation.verb == 'StateEffect':
self.last_site_info_in_sentence = \
[docs] def agent_from_entity(self, relation, entity_id):
"""Create a (potentially grounded) INDRA Agent object from a given
Medscan entity describing the subject or object.
Uses helper functions to convert a Medscan URN to an INDRA db_refs
grounding dictionary.
If the entity has properties indicating that it is a protein with
a mutation or modification, then constructs the needed ModCondition
or MutCondition.
relation : MedscanRelation
The current relation being processed
entity_id : str
The ID of the entity to process
agent : indra.statements.Agent
A potentially grounded INDRA agent representing this entity
# Extract sentence tags mapping ids to the text. We refer to this
# mapping only if the entity doesn't appear in the grounded entity
# list
tags = _extract_sentence_tags(relation.tagged_sentence)
if entity_id is None:
return None
self.num_entities += 1
entity_id = _extract_id(entity_id)
if entity_id not in relation.entities and \
entity_id not in tags:
# Could not find the entity in either the list of grounded
# entities of the items tagged in the sentence. Happens for
# a very small percentage of the dataset.
self.num_entities_not_found += 1
return None
if entity_id not in relation.entities:
# The entity is not in the grounded entity list
# Instead, make an ungrounded entity, with TEXT corresponding to
# the words with the given entity id tagged in the sentence.
entity_data = tags[entity_id]
db_refs = {'TEXT': entity_data['text']}
ag = Agent(normalize_medscan_name(db_refs['TEXT']),
return ag, entity_data['bounds']
entity = relation.entities[entity_id]
bounds = (entity.ch_start, entity.ch_end)
prop =
if len(prop.keys()) == 2 and 'Protein' in prop \
and 'Mutation' in prop:
# Handle the special case where the entity is a protein
# with a mutation or modification, with those details
# described in the entity properties
protein = prop['Protein']
assert(len(protein) == 1)
protein = protein[0]
mutation = prop['Mutation']
assert(len(mutation) == 1)
mutation = mutation[0]
db_refs, db_name = _urn_to_db_refs(protein.urn)
if db_refs is None:
return None
db_refs['TEXT'] =
if db_name is None:
agent_name = db_refs['TEXT']
agent_name = db_name
# Check mutation.type. Only some types correspond to situations
# that can be represented in INDRA; return None if we cannot
# map to an INDRA statement (which will block processing of
# the statement in process_relation).
if mutation.type == 'AASite':
# Do not handle this
# Example:
# MedscanEntity(name='D1', urn='urn:agi-aa:D1',
# type='AASite', properties=None)
return None
elif mutation.type == 'Mutation':
# Convert mutation properties to an INDRA MutCondition
r_old, pos, r_new = _parse_mut_string(
if r_old is None:
logger.warning('Could not parse mutation string: ' +
# Don't create an agent
return None
cond = MutCondition(pos, r_old, r_new)
ag = Agent(normalize_medscan_name(agent_name),
db_refs=db_refs, mutations=[cond])
return ag, bounds
except BaseException:
logger.warning('Could not parse mutation ' +
'string: ' +
return None
elif mutation.type == 'MethSite':
# Convert methylation site information to an INDRA
# ModCondition
res, pos = _parse_mod_string(
if res is None:
return None
cond = ModCondition('methylation', res, pos)
ag = Agent(normalize_medscan_name(agent_name),
db_refs=db_refs, mods=[cond])
return ag, bounds
# Example:
# MedscanEntity(name='R457',
# urn='urn:agi-s-llid:R457-2185', type='MethSite',
# properties=None)
elif mutation.type == 'PhosphoSite':
# Convert phosphorylation site information to an INDRA
# ModCondition
res, pos = _parse_mod_string(
if res is None:
return None
cond = ModCondition('phosphorylation', res, pos)
ag = Agent(normalize_medscan_name(agent_name),
db_refs=db_refs, mods=[cond])
return ag, bounds
# Example:
# MedscanEntity(name='S455',
# urn='urn:agi-s-llid:S455-47', type='PhosphoSite',
# properties=None)
elif mutation.type == 'Lysine':
# Ambiguous whether this is a methylation or
# demethylation; skip
# Example:
# MedscanEntity(name='K150',
# urn='urn:agi-s-llid:K150-5624', type='Lysine',
# properties=None)
return None
logger.warning('Processor currently cannot process ' +
'mutations of type ' + mutation.type)
# Handle the more common case where we just ground the entity
# without mutation or modification information
db_refs, db_name = _urn_to_db_refs(entity.urn)
if db_refs is None:
return None
db_refs['TEXT'] =
if db_name is None:
agent_name = db_refs['TEXT']
agent_name = db_name
ag = Agent(normalize_medscan_name(agent_name),
return ag, bounds
[docs]class MedscanRelation(object):
"""A structure representing the information contained in a Medscan
SVO xml element as well as associated entities and properties.
pmid : str
The URI of the current document (such as a PMID)
sec : str
The section of the document the relation occurs in
entities : dict
A dictionary mapping entity IDs from the same sentence to MedscanEntity
tagged_sentence : str
The sentence from which the relation was extracted, with some tagged
phrases and annotations.
subj : str
The entity ID of the subject
verb : str
The verb in the relationship between the subject and the object
obj : str
The entity ID of the object
svo_type : str
The type of SVO relationship (for example, CONTROL indicates
that the verb is normalized)
def __init__(self, pmid, uri, sec, entities, tagged_sentence, subj, verb, obj,
self.pmid = pmid
self.uri = uri
self.sec = sec
self.entities = entities
self.tagged_sentence = tagged_sentence
self.subj = subj
self.verb = verb
self.obj = obj
self.svo_type = svo_type
[docs]def normalize_medscan_name(name):
"""Removes the "complex" and "complex complex" suffixes from a medscan
agent name so that it better corresponds with the grounding map.
name: str
The Medscan agent name
norm_name: str
The Medscan agent name with the "complex" and "complex complex"
suffixes removed.
suffix = ' complex'
for i in range(2):
if name.endswith(suffix):
name = name[:-len(suffix)]
return name
MOD_PATT = re.compile('([A-Za-z])+([0-9]+)')
def _parse_mod_string(s):
"""Parses a string referring to a protein modification of the form
(residue)(position), such as T47.
s : str
A string representation of a protein residue and position being
residue : str
The residue being modified (example: T)
position : str
The position at which the modification is happening (example: 47)
m = MOD_PATT.match(s)
assert m is not None
return m.groups()
MUT_PATT = re.compile('([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z]+)')
def _parse_mut_string(s):
A string representation of a protein mutation of the form
(old residue)(position)(new residue). Example: T34U.
s : str
The string representation of the protein mutation
old_residue : str
The old residue, or None of the mutation string cannot be parsed
position : str
The position at which the mutation occurs, or None if the mutation
string cannot be parsed
new_residue : str
The new residue, or None if the mutation string cannot be parsed
m = MUT_PATT.match(s)
if m is None:
# Mutation string does not fit this pattern, other patterns not
# currently supported
return None, None, None
return m.groups()
URN_PATT = re.compile('urn:([^:]+):([^:]+)')
def _urn_to_db_refs(urn):
"""Converts a Medscan URN to an INDRA db_refs dictionary with grounding
urn : str
A Medscan URN
db_refs : dict
A dictionary with grounding information, mapping databases to database
identifiers. If the Medscan URN is not recognized, returns an empty
db_name : str
The Famplex name, if available; otherwise the HGNC name if available;
otherwise None
# Convert a urn to a db_refs dictionary
if urn is None:
return {}, None
m = URN_PATT.match(urn)
if m is None:
return None, None
urn_type, urn_id = m.groups()
db_refs = {}
db_name = None
# TODO: support more types of URNs
if urn_type == 'agi-cas':
# Identifier is CAS, convert to CHEBI
chebi_id = get_chebi_id_from_cas(urn_id)
if chebi_id:
db_refs['CHEBI'] = chebi_id
db_name = get_chebi_name_from_id(chebi_id)
elif urn_type == 'agi-llid':
# This is an Entrez ID, convert to HGNC
hgnc_id = get_hgnc_from_entrez(urn_id)
if hgnc_id is not None:
db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id
# Convert the HGNC ID to a Uniprot ID
uniprot_id = get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id)
if uniprot_id is not None:
db_refs['UP'] = uniprot_id
# Try to lookup HGNC name; if it's available, set it to the
# agent name
db_name = get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
elif urn_type in ['agi-meshdis', 'agi-ncimorgan', 'agi-ncimtissue',
if urn_id.startswith('C') and urn_id[1:].isdigit():
# Identifier is probably UMLS
db_refs['UMLS'] = urn_id
# Identifier is MESH
urn_mesh_name = unquote(urn_id)
mesh_id, mesh_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_id_name(urn_mesh_name,
if mesh_id:
db_refs['MESH'] = mesh_id
db_name = mesh_name
matches = gilda.ground(urn_mesh_name, namespaces=['MESH'])
if matches:
for match_ns, match_id in matches[0].get_groundings():
if match_ns == 'MESH':
db_refs['MESH'] = match_id
db_name = matches[0].term.entry_name
db_name = urn_mesh_name
elif urn_type == 'agi-gocomplex':
# Identifier is GO
db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % urn_id
elif urn_type == 'agi-go':
# Identifier is GO
db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % urn_id
# If we have a GO or MESH grounding, see if there is a corresponding
# Famplex grounding
db_sometimes_maps_to_famplex = ['GO', 'MESH']
for db in db_sometimes_maps_to_famplex:
if db in db_refs:
key = (db, db_refs[db])
if key in famplex_map:
db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]
# If the urn corresponds to an eccode, groudn to famplex if that eccode
# is in the Famplex equivalences table
if urn.startswith('urn:agi-enz'):
tokens = urn.split(':')
eccode = tokens[2]
key = ('ECCODE', eccode)
if key in famplex_map:
db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]
# If the Medscan URN itself maps to a Famplex id, add a Famplex grounding
key = ('MEDSCAN', urn)
if key in famplex_map:
db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]
# If there is a Famplex grounding, use Famplex for entity name
if 'FPLX' in db_refs:
db_name = db_refs['FPLX']
elif 'GO' in db_refs:
db_name = go_client.get_go_label(db_refs['GO'])
return db_refs, db_name
TAG_PATT = re.compile('ID{([0-9,]+)=([^}]+)}')
JUNK_PATT = re.compile('(CONTEXT|GLOSSARY){[^}]+}+')
ID_PATT = re.compile('ID\\{([0-9]+)\\}')
def _extract_id(id_string):
"""Extracts the numeric ID from the representation of the subject or
object ID that appears as an attribute of the svo element in the Medscan
XML document.
id_string : str
The ID representation that appears in the svo element in the XML
document (example: ID{123})
id : str
The numeric ID, extracted from the svo element's attribute
(example: 123)
matches = ID_PATT.match(id_string)
assert matches is not None
def _untag_sentence(tagged_sentence):
"""Removes all tags in the sentence, returning the original sentence
without Medscan annotations.
tagged_sentence : str
The tagged sentence
untagged_sentence : str
Sentence with tags and annotations stripped out
untagged_sentence = TAG_PATT.sub('\\2', tagged_sentence)
clean_sentence = JUNK_PATT.sub('', untagged_sentence)
return clean_sentence.strip()
def _extract_sentence_tags(tagged_sentence):
"""Given a tagged sentence, extracts a dictionary mapping tags to the words
or phrases that they tag.
tagged_sentence : str
The sentence with Medscan annotations and tags
tags : dict
A dictionary mapping tags to the words or phrases that they tag.
untagged_sentence = _untag_sentence(tagged_sentence)
decluttered_sentence = JUNK_PATT.sub('', tagged_sentence)
tags = {}
# Iteratively look for all matches of this pattern
endpos = 0
while True:
match =, pos=endpos)
if not match:
endpos = match.end()
text =
text = text.replace('CONTEXT', '')
text = text.replace('GLOSSARY', '')
text = text.strip()
start = untagged_sentence.index(text)
stop = start + len(text)
tag_key =
if ',' in tag_key:
for sub_key in tag_key.split(','):
if sub_key == '0':
tags[sub_key] = {'text': text, 'bounds': (start, stop)}
tags[tag_key] = {'text': text, 'bounds': (start, stop)}
return tags