Source code for indra.statements.agent

__all__ = ['Agent', 'BoundCondition', 'MutCondition', 'ModCondition',
           'ActivityCondition', 'default_ns_order']

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict as _o
from indra.statements.statements import modtype_conditions, modtype_to_modclass
from .concept import Concept
from .resources import get_valid_residue, activity_types, amino_acids

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

default_ns_order = ['FPLX', 'UPPRO', 'HGNC', 'UP', 'CHEBI', 'GO', 'MESH',
                    'MIRBASE', 'DOID', 'HP', 'EFO']

[docs]class Agent(Concept): """A molecular entity, e.g., a protein. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the agent, preferably a canonicalized name such as an HGNC gene name. mods : list of :py:class:`ModCondition` Modification state of the agent. bound_conditions : list of :py:class:`BoundCondition` Other agents bound to the agent in this context. mutations : list of :py:class:`MutCondition` Amino acid mutations of the agent. activity : :py:class:`ActivityCondition` Activity of the agent. location : str Cellular location of the agent. Must be a valid name (e.g. "nucleus") or identifier (e.g. "GO:0005634")for a GO cellular compartment. db_refs : dict Dictionary of database identifiers associated with this agent. """ def __init__(self, name, mods=None, activity=None, bound_conditions=None, mutations=None, location=None, db_refs=None): super(Agent, self).__init__(name, db_refs=db_refs) if mods is None: self.mods = [] # Promote to list elif isinstance(mods, ModCondition): self.mods = [mods] else: self.mods = mods if bound_conditions is None: self.bound_conditions = [] # Promote to list elif isinstance(bound_conditions, BoundCondition): self.bound_conditions = [bound_conditions] else: self.bound_conditions = bound_conditions if mutations is None: self.mutations = [] elif isinstance(mutations, MutCondition): self.mutations = [mutations] else: self.mutations = mutations self.activity = activity self.location = location
[docs] def matches_key(self): """Return a key to identify the identity and state of the Agent.""" key = (self.entity_matches_key(), self.state_matches_key()) return str(key)
[docs] def entity_matches_key(self): """Return a key to identify the identity of the Agent not its state. The key is based on the preferred grounding for the Agent, or if not available, the name of the Agent is used. Returns ------- str The key used to identify the Agent. """ db_ns, db_id = self.get_grounding() if db_ns and db_id: return str((db_ns, db_id)) return
[docs] def state_matches_key(self): """Return a key to identify the state of the Agent.""" # NOTE: Making a set of the mod matches_keys might break if # you have an agent with two phosphorylations at serine # with unknown sites. act_key = (self.activity.matches_key() if self.activity else None) key = (sorted([m.matches_key() for m in self.mods]), sorted([m.matches_key() for m in self.mutations]), act_key, self.location, len(self.bound_conditions), tuple((bc.agent.matches_key(), bc.is_bound) for bc in sorted(self.bound_conditions, key=lambda x: return str(key)
# Function to get the namespace to look in
[docs] def get_grounding(self, ns_order=None): """Return a tuple of a preferred grounding namespace and ID. Returns ------- tuple A tuple whose first element is a grounding namespace (HGNC, CHEBI, etc.) and the second element is an identifier in the namespace. If no preferred grounding is available, a tuple of Nones is returned. """ return get_grounding(self.db_refs, ns_order=ns_order)
def isa(self, other, ontology): # Get the namespaces for the comparison (self_ns, self_id) = self.get_grounding() (other_ns, other_id) = other.get_grounding() # If one of the agents isn't grounded to a relevant namespace, # there can't be an isa relationship if not all((self_ns, self_id, other_ns, other_id)): return False # Check for isa relationship return ontology.isa_or_partof(self_ns, self_id, other_ns, other_id) def refinement_of(self, other, ontology, entities_refined=False): from indra.databases import go_client # Make sure the Agent types match if type(self) != type(other): return False # ENTITIES # Check that the basic entity of the agent either matches or is related # to the entity of the other agent. If not, no match. # If the entities, match, then we can continue if not (entities_refined or (self.entity_matches(other) or self.isa(other, ontology))): return False # BOUND CONDITIONS # Now check the bound conditions. For self to be a refinement of # other in terms of the bound conditions, it has to include all of the # bound conditions in the other agent, and add additional context. # TODO: For now, we do not check the bound conditions of the bound # conditions. # Iterate over the bound conditions in the other agent, and make sure # they are all matched in self. used_idx = set() for bc_other in other.bound_conditions: # Iterate over the bound conditions in self to find a match bc_found = False for idx, bc_self in enumerate(self.bound_conditions): if (idx not in used_idx) and \ (bc_self.is_bound == bc_other.is_bound) and \ bc_self.agent.refinement_of(bc_other.agent, ontology): bc_found = True used_idx.add(idx) break # If we didn't find a match for this bound condition in self, then # no refinement if not bc_found: return False # MODIFICATIONS # Similar to the above, we check that self has all of the modifications # of other. # Here we need to make sure that a mod in self.mods is only matched # once to a mod in other.mods. Otherwise ('phoshporylation') would be # considered a refinement of ('phosphorylation', 'phosphorylation') matched_indices = [] # This outer loop checks that each modification in the other Agent # is matched. for other_mod in other.mods: mod_found = False # We need to keep track of indices for this Agent's modifications # to make sure that each one is used at most once to match # the modification of one of the other Agent's modifications. for ix, self_mod in enumerate(self.mods): if self_mod.refinement_of(other_mod, ontology): # If this modification hasn't been used for matching yet if ix not in matched_indices: # Set the index as used matched_indices.append(ix) mod_found = True break # If we didn't find an exact match for this mod in other, then # no refinement if not mod_found: return False # MUTATIONS # Similar to the above, we check that self has all of the mutations # of other. matched_indices = [] # This outer loop checks that each mutation in the other Agent # is matched. for other_mut in other.mutations: mut_found = False # We need to keep track of indices for this Agent's mutations # to make sure that each one is used at most once to match # the mutation of one of the other Agent's mutations. for ix, self_mut in enumerate(self.mutations): if self_mut.refinement_of(other_mut): # If this mutation hasn't been used for matching yet if ix not in matched_indices: # Set the index as used matched_indices.append(ix) mut_found = True break # If we didn't find an exact match for this mut in other, then # no refinement if not mut_found: return False # LOCATION # If the other location is specified and this one is not then self # cannot be a refinement if self.location is None: if other.location is not None: return False # If both this location and the other one is specified, we check the # hierarchy. elif other.location is not None: # If the other location is part of this location then # self.location is not a refinement sl = go_client.get_go_id_from_label(self.location) ol = go_client.get_go_id_from_label(other.location) if not ontology.isa_or_partof('GO', sl, 'GO', ol): return False # ACTIVITY if self.activity is None: if other.activity is not None: return False elif other.activity is not None: if not self.activity.refinement_of(other.activity, ontology): return False # Everything checks out return True def equals(self, other): matches = ( == and \ (self.activity == other.activity) and \ (self.location == other.location) and \ (self.db_refs == other.db_refs) if len(self.mods) == len(other.mods): for s, o in zip(self.mods, other.mods): matches = matches and s.equals(o) else: return False if len(self.mutations) == len(other.mutations): for s, o in zip(self.mutations, other.mutations): matches = matches and s.equals(o) else: return False if len(self.bound_conditions) == len(other.bound_conditions): for s, o in zip(self.bound_conditions, other.bound_conditions): matches = matches and s.agent.equals(o.agent) and \ s.is_bound == o.is_bound else: return False return matches def to_json(self): json_dict = _o({'name':}) if self.mods: json_dict['mods'] = [mc.to_json() for mc in self.mods] if self.mutations: json_dict['mutations'] = [mc.to_json() for mc in self.mutations] if self.bound_conditions: json_dict['bound_conditions'] = [bc.to_json() for bc in self.bound_conditions] if self.activity is not None: json_dict['activity'] = self.activity.to_json() if self.location is not None: json_dict['location'] = self.location json_dict['db_refs'] = self.db_refs return json_dict @classmethod def _from_json(cls, json_dict): name = json_dict.get('name') db_refs = json_dict.get('db_refs', {}) mods = json_dict.get('mods', []) mutations = json_dict.get('mutations', []) activity = json_dict.get('activity') bound_conditions = json_dict.get('bound_conditions', []) location = json_dict.get('location') if not name: logger.error('Agent missing name.') return None if not db_refs: db_refs = {} agent = Agent(name, db_refs=db_refs) agent.mods = [ModCondition._from_json(mod) for mod in mods] agent.mutations = [MutCondition._from_json(mut) for mut in mutations] agent.bound_conditions = [BoundCondition._from_json(bc) for bc in bound_conditions] agent.location = location if activity: agent.activity = ActivityCondition._from_json(activity) return agent def __str__(self): attr_strs = [] if self.mods: mod_str = 'mods: ' mod_str += ', '.join(['%s' % m for m in self.mods]) attr_strs.append(mod_str) if self.activity: if self.activity.is_active: attr_strs.append('%s' % self.activity.activity_type) else: attr_strs.append('%s: %s' % (self.activity.activity_type, self.activity.is_active)) if self.mutations: mut_str = 'muts: ' mut_str += ', '.join(['%s' % m for m in self.mutations]) attr_strs.append(mut_str) if self.bound_conditions: attr_strs += ['bound: [%s, %s]' % (, b.is_bound) for b in self.bound_conditions] if self.location: attr_strs += ['location: %s' % self.location] #if self.db_refs: # attr_strs.append('db_refs: %s' % self.db_refs) attr_str = ', '.join(attr_strs) agent_name = return '%s(%s)' % (agent_name, attr_str)
[docs]class BoundCondition(object): """Identify Agents bound (or not bound) to a given Agent in a given context. Parameters ---------- agent : :py:class:`Agent` Instance of Agent. is_bound : bool Specifies whether the given Agent is bound or unbound in the current context. Default is True. Examples -------- EGFR bound to EGF: >>> egf = Agent('EGF') >>> egfr = Agent('EGFR', bound_conditions=[BoundCondition(egf)]) BRAF *not* bound to a 14-3-3 protein (YWHAB): >>> ywhab = Agent('YWHAB') >>> braf = Agent('BRAF', bound_conditions=[BoundCondition(ywhab, False)]) """ def __init__(self, agent, is_bound=True): self.agent = agent self.is_bound = is_bound def matches(self, other): return (self.matches_key() == other.matches_key()) def matches_key(self): key = (self.agent.matches_key, self.is_bound) return str(key) def to_json(self): json_dict = _o({'agent': self.agent.to_json(), 'is_bound': self.is_bound}) return json_dict @classmethod def _from_json(cls, json_dict): agent_entry = json_dict.get('agent') if agent_entry is None: logger.error('BoundCondition missing agent.') return None agent = Agent._from_json(agent_entry) if agent is None: return None is_bound = json_dict.get('is_bound') if is_bound is None: logger.warning('BoundCondition missing is_bound, defaulting ' 'to True.') is_bound = True bc = BoundCondition(agent, is_bound) return bc
[docs]class MutCondition(object): """Mutation state of an amino acid position of an Agent. Parameters ---------- position : str Residue position of the mutation in the protein sequence. residue_from : str Wild-type (unmodified) amino acid residue at the given position. residue_to : str Amino acid at the position resulting from the mutation. Examples -------- Represent EGFR with a L858R mutation: >>> egfr_mutant = Agent('EGFR', mutations=[MutCondition('858', 'L', 'R')]) """ def __init__(self, position, residue_from, residue_to=None): self.position = position self.residue_from = get_valid_residue(residue_from) self.residue_to = get_valid_residue(residue_to) def matches(self, other): return (self.matches_key() == other.matches_key()) def matches_key(self): key = (str(self.position), str(self.residue_from), str(self.residue_to)) return str(key) def equals(self, other): pos_match = (self.position == other.position) residue_from_match = (self.residue_from == other.residue_from) residue_to_match = (self.residue_to == other.residue_to) return (pos_match and residue_from_match and residue_to_match) def to_json(self): json_dict = _o({'position': self.position, 'residue_from': self.residue_from, 'residue_to': self.residue_to}) return json_dict def to_hgvs(self): res_from = _aa_short_caps(self.residue_from) res_to = _aa_short_caps(self.residue_to) if res_to and res_from and self.position: hgvs_str = 'p.%s%s%s' % (res_from, self.position, res_to) elif res_to is None and res_from and self.position: hgvs_str = 'p.%s%s?' % (res_from, self.position) else: hgvs_str = 'p.?' return hgvs_str @classmethod def _from_json(cls, json_dict): position = json_dict.get('position') residue_from = json_dict.get('residue_from') residue_to = json_dict.get('residue_to') mc = cls(position, residue_from, residue_to) return mc def __str__(self): s = '(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.residue_from, self.position, self.residue_to) return s def __repr__(self): return 'MutCondition' + str(self) def refinement_of(self, other): from_match = (self.residue_from == other.residue_from or (self.residue_from is not None and other.residue_from is None)) to_match = (self.residue_to == other.residue_to or (self.residue_to is not None and other.residue_to is None)) pos_match = (self.position == other.position or (self.position is not None and other.position is None)) return (from_match and to_match and pos_match)
[docs]class ModCondition(object): """Post-translational modification state at an amino acid position. Parameters ---------- mod_type : str The type of post-translational modification, e.g., 'phosphorylation'. Valid modification types currently include: 'phosphorylation', 'ubiquitination', 'sumoylation', 'hydroxylation', and 'acetylation'. If an invalid modification type is passed an InvalidModTypeError is raised. residue : str or None String indicating the modified amino acid, e.g., 'Y' or 'tyrosine'. If None, indicates that the residue at the modification site is unknown or unspecified. position : str or None String indicating the position of the modified amino acid, e.g., '202'. If None, indicates that the position is unknown or unspecified. is_modified : bool Specifies whether the modification is present or absent. Setting the flag specifies that the Agent with the ModCondition is unmodified at the site. Examples -------- Doubly-phosphorylated MEK (MAP2K1): >>> phospho_mek = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[ ... ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'S', '202'), ... ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'S', '204')]) ERK (MAPK1) unphosphorylated at tyrosine 187: >>> unphos_erk = Agent('MAPK1', mods=( ... ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'Y', '187', is_modified=False))) """ def __init__(self, mod_type, residue=None, position=None, is_modified=True): if mod_type not in modtype_conditions: logger.warning('Unknown modification type: %s' % mod_type) self.mod_type = mod_type self.residue = get_valid_residue(residue) if isinstance(position, int): self.position = str(position) else: self.position = position self.is_modified = is_modified def refinement_of(self, other, ontology): if self.is_modified != other.is_modified: return False type_match = (self.mod_type == other.mod_type or ontology.isa('INDRA_MODS', self.mod_type, 'INDRA_MODS', other.mod_type)) residue_match = (self.residue == other.residue or (self.residue is not None and other.residue is None)) pos_match = (self.position == other.position or (self.position is not None and other.position is None)) return (type_match and residue_match and pos_match) def matches(self, other): return (self.matches_key() == other.matches_key()) def matches_key(self): key = (str(self.mod_type), str(self.residue), str(self.position), str(self.is_modified)) return str(key) def __str__(self): ms = '%s' % self.mod_type if self.residue is not None: ms += ', %s' % self.residue if self.position is not None: ms += ', %s' % self.position if not self.is_modified: ms += ', False' ms = '(' + ms + ')' return ms def __repr__(self): return str(self) def to_json(self): json_dict = _o({'mod_type': self.mod_type}) if self.residue is not None: json_dict['residue'] = self.residue if self.position is not None: json_dict['position'] = self.position json_dict['is_modified'] = self.is_modified return json_dict @classmethod def _from_json(cls, json_dict): mod_type = json_dict.get('mod_type') if not mod_type: logger.error('ModCondition missing mod_type.') return None if mod_type not in modtype_to_modclass.keys(): logger.warning('Unknown modification type: %s' % mod_type) residue = json_dict.get('residue') position = json_dict.get('position') is_modified = json_dict.get('is_modified') if is_modified is None: logger.warning('ModCondition missing is_modified, defaulting ' 'to True') is_modified = True mc = ModCondition(mod_type, residue, position, is_modified) return mc def equals(self, other): type_match = (self.mod_type == other.mod_type) residue_match = (self.residue == other.residue) pos_match = (self.position == other.position) is_mod_match = (self.is_modified == other.is_modified) return (type_match and residue_match and pos_match and is_mod_match) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.matches_key())
[docs]class ActivityCondition(object): """An active or inactive state of a protein. Examples -------- Kinase-active MAP2K1: >>> mek_active = Agent('MAP2K1', ... activity=ActivityCondition('kinase', True)) Transcriptionally inactive FOXO3: >>> foxo_inactive = Agent('FOXO3', ... activity=ActivityCondition('transcription', False)) Parameters ---------- activity_type : str The type of activity, e.g. 'kinase'. The basic, unspecified molecular activity is represented as 'activity'. Examples of other activity types are 'kinase', 'phosphatase', 'catalytic', 'transcription', etc. is_active : bool Specifies whether the given activity type is present or absent. """ def __init__(self, activity_type, is_active): if activity_type not in activity_types: logger.warning('Invalid activity type: %s' % activity_type) self.activity_type = activity_type self.is_active = is_active def refinement_of(self, other, ontology): if self.is_active != other.is_active: return False if self.activity_type == other.activity_type: return True if ontology.isa('INDRA_ACTIVITIES', self.activity_type, 'INDRA_ACTIVITIES', other.activity_type): return True def equals(self, other): type_match = (self.activity_type == other.activity_type) is_act_match = (self.is_active == other.is_active) return (type_match and is_act_match) def matches(self, other): return self.matches_key() == other.matches_key() def matches_key(self): key = (str(self.activity_type), str(self.is_active)) return str(key) def to_json(self): json_dict = _o({'activity_type': self.activity_type, 'is_active': self.is_active}) return json_dict @classmethod def _from_json(cls, json_dict): activity_type = json_dict.get('activity_type') is_active = json_dict.get('is_active') if not activity_type: logger.error('ActivityCondition missing activity_type, ' + 'defaulting to `activity`') activity_type = 'activity' if is_active is None: logger.warning('ActivityCondition missing is_active, ' + 'defaulting to True') is_active = True ac = ActivityCondition(activity_type, is_active) return ac def __str__(self): s = '%s' % self.activity_type if not self.is_active: s += ', False' s = '(' + s + ')' return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
def _aa_short_caps(res): if res is None: return None res_info = amino_acids.get(res) if not res_info: return None return res_info['short_name'].capitalize() def get_grounding(db_refs, ns_order=None): """Return a tuple of a preferred grounding namespace and ID. Parameters ---------- db_refs : dict A dict of namespace to ID references associated with an agent. ns_order : list A list of namespaces which are in order of priority. The first matched namespace will be used as the grounding. Returns ------- tuple A tuple whose first element is a grounding namespace (HGNC, CHEBI, etc.) and the second element is an identifier in the namespace. If no preferred grounding is available, a tuple of Nones is returned. """ if ns_order is None: ns_order = default_ns_order for db_ns in ns_order: db_id = db_refs.get(db_ns) if not db_id: continue if isinstance(db_id, (list, tuple)): db_id = db_id[0] return db_ns, db_id return None, None