Source code for

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict as _o
from datetime import timedelta

__all__ = ['Delta', 'QualitativeDelta', 'QuantitativeState']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Delta(object):
    """The parent class of all delta types."""
    def from_json(cls, json_dict):
        delta_type = json_dict.get('type')
        if delta_type == 'qualitative':
            return QualitativeDelta.from_json(json_dict)
        elif delta_type == 'quantitative':
            return QuantitativeState.from_json(json_dict)
            raise ValueError('Unknown delta type %s' % delta_type)

    def refinement_of(self, other):
        if type(self) != type(other):
            return False
        if self.polarity and not other.polarity:
            return True
        if self.polarity == other.polarity:
            return True

    def set_polarity(self, pol):
        self.polarity = pol

[docs]class QualitativeDelta(Delta): """Qualitative delta defining an Event. Parameters ---------- polarity : 1, -1 or None Polarity of an Event. adjectives : list[str] Adjectives describing an Event. """ def __init__(self, polarity=None, adjectives=None): self.polarity = polarity self.adjectives = adjectives if adjectives else [] def add_adjectives(self, adjectives): for adj in adjectives: self.adjectives.append(adj) def is_opposite(self, other): return ((self.polarity == 1 and other.polarity == -1) or (self.polarity == -1 and other.polarity == 1)) def equals(self, other): return (self.polarity == other.polarity and set(self.adjectives) == set(other.adjectives)) def to_json(self): json_dict = _o({'type': 'qualitative', 'polarity': self.polarity}) if self.adjectives: json_dict['adjectives'] = self.adjectives return json_dict @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_dict): polarity = json_dict.get('polarity') adjectives = json_dict.get('adjectives') delta = QualitativeDelta(polarity=polarity, adjectives=adjectives) return delta def __str__(self): return "%s(polarity=%s, adjectives=%s)" % (type(self).__name__, str(self.polarity), self.adjectives) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class QuantitativeState(Delta): """An object representing numerical value of something. Parameters ---------- entity : str An entity to capture the quantity of. value : float or int Quantity of a unit (or range?) unit : str Measurement unit of value (e.g. absolute, daily, percentage, etc.) modifier : str Modifier to value (e.g. more than, at least, approximately, etc.) text : str Natural language text describing quantitative state. polarity : 1, -1 or None Polarity of an Event. """ def __init__(self, entity=None, value=None, unit=None, modifier=None, text=None, polarity=None): self.entity = entity self.value = value if value else None self.unit = unit self.modifier = modifier self.text = text self.polarity = polarity def equals(self, other): return (self.entity == other.entity and self.value == other.value and self.unit == other.unit and self.modifier == other.modifier and self.text == other.text and self.polarity == other.polarity) def refinement_of(self, other): ref = super().refinement_of(other) if not ref: return False if self.entity != other.entity: return False if not other.value: return True elif not self.value: return False if self.value == other.value and self.unit == other.unit: return True else: return False def to_json(self): json_dict = {'type': 'quantitative', 'entity': self.entity if self.entity else None, 'value': self.value if self.value else None, 'unit': self.unit if self.unit else None, 'modifier': self.modifier if self.modifier else None, 'text': self.text if self.text else None, 'polarity': self.polarity if self.polarity else None} return json_dict @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_dict): entity = json_dict.get('entity') value = json_dict.get('value') unit = json_dict.get('unit') modifier = json_dict.get('modifier') text = json_dict.get('text') polarity = json_dict.get('polarity') return cls(entity=entity, value=value, unit=unit, modifier=modifier, text=text, polarity=polarity) def __str__(self): return ("QuantitativeState(entity=%s, value=%s, unit=%s, modifier=%s," " text=%s, polarity=%s)" % ( self.entity, str(self.value), self.unit, self.modifier, self.text, str(self.polarity))) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() # Arithmetic operations def __add__(self, other): # Return value and unit # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for addition") # If original units are the same, return the result in same unit if self.unit == other.unit: return ((self.value + other.value), self.unit) # Otherwise, return result per second values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') total_per_second = values[0] + values[1] # result is per second return (total_per_second, 'second') def __sub__(self, other): # Return value and unit # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for subtraction") # If original units are the same, return the result in same unit if self.unit == other.unit: return ((self.value - other.value), self.unit) # Otherwise, return result per second values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') diff_per_second = values[0] - values[1] # result is per second return (diff_per_second, 'second') def __gt__(self, other): # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for comparison") # Compare values right away if units are the same if self.unit == other.unit: return self.value > other.value # If units are different, convert to seconds first values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') return (values[0] > values[1]) def __ge__(self, other): # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for comparison") # Compare values right away if units are the same if self.unit == other.unit: return self.value >= other.value # If units are different, convert to seconds first values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') return (values[0] >= values[1]) def __lt__(self, other): # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for comparison") # Compare values right away if units are the same if self.unit == other.unit: return self.value < other.value # If units are different, convert to seconds first values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') return (values[0] < values[1]) def __le__(self, other): # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for comparison") # Compare values right away if units are the same if self.unit == other.unit: return self.value <= other.value # If units are different, convert to seconds first values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') return (values[0] <= values[1]) def __eq__(self, other): # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for comparison") # Compare values right away if units are the same if self.unit == other.unit: return self.value == other.value # If units are different, convert to seconds first values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') return (values[0] == values[1]) def __ne__(self, other): # Only proceed if entities are the same if not self.entity == other.entity: raise ValueError("Entities have to be the same for comparison") # Compare values right away if units are the same if self.unit == other.unit: return self.value != other.value # If units are different, convert to seconds first values = self._standardize_units(other, target_unit='second') return (values[0] != values[1]) # Unit conversions
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_unit(source_unit, target_unit, source_value, source_period=None, target_period=None): """Convert value per unit from source to target unit. If a unit is absolute, total timedelta period has to be provided. If a unit is a month or a year, it is recommended to pass timedelta period object directly, if not provided, the approximation will be used. """ if (target_unit == 'absolute' and not target_period) or \ (source_unit == 'absolute' and not source_period): raise ValueError('Absolute period needs to be provided.') return if not source_period: source_period = QuantitativeState._get_period_from_unit( source_unit) if not target_period: target_period = QuantitativeState._get_period_from_unit( target_unit) if source_unit == 'second': return QuantitativeState.from_seconds(source_value, target_period) if target_unit == 'second': return QuantitativeState.value_per_second( source_value, source_period) return round(source_value * (target_period / source_period))
[docs] @staticmethod def value_per_second(value, period): """Get value per second given total value per period and a timedelta period object.""" seconds = period.total_seconds() per_second = value / seconds return per_second
[docs] @staticmethod def from_seconds(value_per_second, period): """Get total value per given period given timedelta period object and value per second.""" seconds = period.total_seconds() total_value = value_per_second * seconds return total_value
def _standardize_units(self, other, target_unit='second', target_period=None): values = [] for state in [self, other]: if state.unit != target_unit: new_value = self.convert_unit(source_unit=state.unit, target_unit=target_unit, source_value=state.value, target_period=target_period) values.append(new_value) return values @staticmethod def _get_period_from_unit(unit): if unit == 'day': return timedelta(days=1) if unit == 'week': return timedelta(weeks=1) if unit == 'hour': return timedelta(hours=1) if unit == 'minute': return timedelta(minutes=1) if unit == 'second': return timedelta(seconds=1) if unit == 'month': logger.warning('Using approximate value 30 days for a month.') return timedelta(days=30) if unit == 'year': logger.warning('Using approximate value 365 days for a year.') return timedelta(days=365) if unit == 'absolute': logger.warning('Cannot derive absolute period, ' 'it needs to be provided.') return None