Source code for

"""This module exposes functions that annotate websites (including
PubMed and PubMedCentral pages, or any other text-based website) with INDRA
Statements through Features include reading the content of the
website 'de-novo', and generating new INDRA Statements for annotation, and
fetching existing statements for a paper from the INDRA DB and using
those for annotation."""
import logging
import requests
from indra.sources import indra_db_rest
from indra.literature import pubmed_client
from indra.pipeline import AssemblyPipeline
from indra.statements import stmts_from_json
from indra.sources.hypothesis import upload_statement_annotation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def annotate_paper_from_db(text_refs, assembly_pipeline=None): """Upload INDRA Statements as annotations for a given paper based on content for that paper in the INDRA DB. Parameters ---------- text_refs : dict A dict of text references, following the same format as the INDRA Evidence text_refs attribute. assembly_pipeline : Optional[json] A list of pipeline steps (typically filters) that are applied before uploading statements to as annotations. """ ref_priority = ['TRID', 'PMCID', 'PMID'] for ref_ns in ref_priority: ref_id = text_refs.get(ref_ns) if ref_id: break else:'Could not find appropriate text refs') return ip = indra_db_rest.get_statements_for_paper([(ref_ns.lower(), ref_id)]) stmts = ip.statements # Cut down evidences to ones just from this paper for stmt in stmts: stmt.evidence = [ev for ev in stmt.evidence if ev.text_refs.get(ref_ns) == ref_id] if assembly_pipeline: ap = AssemblyPipeline(assembly_pipeline) stmts ='Uploading %d statements to' % len(stmts)) for stmt in stmts: upload_statement_annotation(stmt, annotate_agents=True)
[docs]def read_and_annotate(text_refs, text_extractor=None, text_reader=None, assembly_pipeline=None): """Read a paper/website and upload annotations derived from it to Parameters ---------- text_refs : dict A dict of text references, following the same format as the INDRA Evidence text_refs attribute. text_extractor : Optional[function] A function which takes the raw content of a website (e.g., HTML) and extracts clean text from it to prepare for machine reading. This is only used if the text_refs is a URL (e.g., a Wikipedia page), it is not used for PMID or PMCID text_refs where content can be pre-processed and machine read directly. Default: None Example: html2text.HTML2Text().handle text_reader : Optional[function] A function which takes a single text string argument (the text extracted from a given resource), runs reading on it, and returns a list of INDRA Statement objects. Due to complications with the PMC NXML format, this option only supports URL or PMID resources as input in text_refs. Default: None. In the default case, the INDRA REST API is called with an appropriate endpoint that runs Reach and processes its output into INDRA Statements. assembly_pipeline : Optional[json] A list of assembly pipeline steps that are applied before uploading statements to as annotations. Example: [{'function': 'map_grounding'}] """ api_url = '' ref_priority = ['PMCID', 'PMID', 'URL'] if not text_reader \ else ['PMID', 'URL'] for ref_ns in ref_priority: ref_id = text_refs.get(ref_ns) if ref_id: break else:'Could not find appropriate text refs') return'Selected the following paper ID: %s:%s' % (ref_ns, ref_id)) # Get text content and the read the text if ref_ns == 'PMCID': res = + 'process_pmc', json={'pmc_id': ref_id}) stmts = stmts_from_json(res.json().get('statements')) elif ref_ns == 'PMID': abstract = pubmed_client.get_abstract(ref_id) if not abstract:'Could not get abstract from PubMed') return'Got abstract') if text_reader: stmts = text_reader(abstract) else: res = + 'process_text', json={'text': abstract}) stmts = stmts_from_json(res.json().get('statements')) elif ref_ns == 'URL': site_content = requests.get(ref_id).text if not site_content:'Could not get content from website') return if text_extractor: text = text_extractor(site_content)'Extracted text of length %d from site content' % len(text)) else: text = site_content if text_reader: stmts = text_reader(text) else: res = + 'process_text', json={'text': text}) stmts = stmts_from_json(res.json().get('statements')) else: return'Got %d statements from reading' % len(stmts)) if not stmts: return if assembly_pipeline: ap = AssemblyPipeline(assembly_pipeline) stmts ='Uploading %d statements to' % len(stmts)) for stmt in stmts: for ev in stmt.evidence: if ref_ns == 'PMID': ev.pmid = ref_id ev.text_refs[ref_ns] = ref_id upload_statement_annotation(stmt, annotate_agents=True)