Source code for indra.sources.signor.processor

An input processor for the SIGNOR database: a database of causal relationships
between biological entities.

See publication:

Perfetto et al., "SIGNOR: a database of causal relationships between
biological entities," Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 44, Issue D1, 4
January 2016, Pages D548-D554.
import re
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import Counter
from os.path import join, dirname
import tqdm
from indra.statements import *
from indra.util import read_unicode_csv
from indra.resources import get_resource_path
from indra.ontology.standardize import standardize_name_db_refs, \
from indra.sources.reach.processor import parse_amino_acid_string
from indra.databases import hgnc_client, uniprot_client, chebi_client
from indra.databases.identifiers import ensure_prefix

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _read_famplex_map():
    fname = get_resource_path('famplex_map.tsv')
    raw_map = read_unicode_csv(fname, '\t')

    m = {}
    for row in raw_map:
        m[(row[0], row[1])] = row[2]
    return m

famplex_map = _read_famplex_map()

_default_csv_file = join(dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'data',

_type_db_map = {
    ('antibody', None): None,
    ('protein', 'UNIPROT'): 'UP',
    ('complex', 'SIGNOR'): 'SIGNOR',
    ('proteinfamily', 'SIGNOR'): 'SIGNOR',
    ('smallmolecule', 'PUBCHEM'): 'PUBCHEM',
    ('pathway', None): None,
    ('phenotype', 'SIGNOR'): 'SIGNOR',
    ('stimulus', 'SIGNOR'): 'SIGNOR',
    ('chemical', 'PUBCHEM'): 'PUBCHEM',
    ('fusion protein', 'SIGNOR'): 'SIGNOR',
    ('chemical', 'ChEBI'): 'CHEBI',
    ('smallmolecule', 'ChEBI'): 'CHEBI',
    ('mirna', 'miRBase'): 'MIRBASE',
    ('antibody', 'DRUGBANK'): 'DRUGBANK',
    ('ncrna', 'RNAcentral'): 'RNACENTRAL',

_mechanism_map = {
    'catalytic activity': None,
    'oxidoreductase activity': None,
    'transcriptional activation': None,
    'transcriptional repression': None,
    'Farnesylation': Farnesylation,
    'gtpase-activating protein': Gap,
    'deacetylation': Deacetylation,
    'demethylation': Demethylation,
    'dephosphorylation': Dephosphorylation,
    'destabilization': DecreaseAmount,
    'guanine nucleotide exchange factor': Gef,
    'acetylation': Acetylation,
    'binding': Complex,
    'cleavage': None,
    'desumoylation': Desumoylation,
    'deubiquitination': Deubiquitination,
    'glycosylation': Glycosylation,
    'hydroxylation': Hydroxylation,
    'neddylation': None,
    'chemical activation': Activation,
    'chemical inhibition': Inhibition,
    'trimethylation': Methylation,
    'ubiquitination': Ubiquitination,
    'monoubiquitination': Ubiquitination,
    'polyubiquitination': Ubiquitination,
    'post transcriptional regulation': None,
    'relocalization': None, # TODO: Translocation,
    'small molecule catalysis': None,
    's-nitrosylation': None,
    'transcriptional regulation': None,
    'translation regulation': None,
    'tyrosination': None,
    'lipidation': None,
    'oxidation': None,
    'methylation': Methylation,
    'palmitoylation': Palmitoylation,
    'phosphorylation': Phosphorylation,
    'stabilization': IncreaseAmount,
    'sumoylation': Sumoylation,

_effect_map = {
    'down-regulates': Inhibition, # TODO: Need generic downregulation
    'down-regulates activity': Inhibition,
    'down-regulates quantity': DecreaseAmount,
    'down-regulates quantity by destabilization': DecreaseAmount,
    'down-regulates quantity by repression': DecreaseAmount,
    'form complex': Complex,
    'unknown': None,
    'up-regulates': Activation, # TODO: Need generic upregulation
    'up-regulates activity': Activation,
    'up-regulates quantity': IncreaseAmount,
    'up-regulates quantity by expression': IncreaseAmount,
    'up-regulates quantity by stabilization': IncreaseAmount

[docs]class SignorProcessor(object): """Processor for Signor dataset, available at Parameters ---------- data : iterator Iterator over rows of a SIGNOR CSV file. complex_map : dict A dict containing SIGNOR complexes, keyed by their IDs. Attributes ---------- statements : list[indra.statements.Statements] A list of INDRA Statements extracted from the SIGNOR table. stats : dict A dictionary containing statistics about the processing, useful for determining any unprocessed entries and debugging. """ def __init__(self, data, complex_map=None): self._data = data if complex_map is None: self.complex_map = {} else: self.complex_map = complex_map self.stats = {} # Process into statements self.statements = [] # Keys missing from FamPlex map self.stats['famplex_missing'] = [] # Counter listing the frequency of different mechanisms that are # not handled by the processor. self.stats['unhandled_mech_ctr'] = Counter() # List of SignorRow namedtuples # List of rows where no mechanism statements were generated. self.stats['no_mech_rows'] = [] for idx, row in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(self._data, desc='Processing SIGNOR rows')): row_stmts, no_mech = self._process_row(row) if row_stmts is None: continue if no_mech: self.stats['no_mech_rows'].append(row) self.statements.extend(row_stmts) # Counter listing the frequency of different MECHANISM types in the # list of no-mechanism rows. # No-mechanism rows by mechanism type no_mech_ctr = Counter([row.MECHANISM for row in self.stats['no_mech_rows']]) self.stats['no_mech_ctr'] = \ sorted([(k, v) for k, v in no_mech_ctr.items()], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Add a Complex statement for each Signor complex for complex_id in tqdm.tqdm(sorted(self.complex_map.keys()), desc='Processing SIGNOR complexes'): agents = self._get_complex_agents(complex_id) if len(agents) < 2:'Skipping Complex %s with less than 2 members' % complex_id) continue # If we returned with None, we skip this complex if not agents: continue ev = Evidence(source_api='signor', source_id=complex_id, text='Inferred from SIGNOR complex %s' % complex_id) s = Complex(agents, evidence=[ev]) self.statements.append(s) self._log_stats() def _log_stats(self): """Log statistics about the processing."""'Famplex mapping missing for %d families/complexes' % len(Counter(self.stats['famplex_missing'])))'No mechanism rows: %d' % len(self.stats['no_mech_rows']))'Unhandled mechanism types: %d' % len(self.stats['unhandled_mech_ctr'])) def _get_agent(self, ent_name, ent_type, id, database): # Returns a list of agents corresponding to this id # (If it is a signor complex, returns an Agent object with complex # constituents as BoundConditions name = ent_name if database == 'SIGNOR' and id in self.complex_map: components = self.complex_map[id] agents = self._get_complex_agents(id) # Return the first agent with the remaining agents as a bound # condition agent = agents[0] agent.bound_conditions = \ [BoundCondition(a, True) for a in agents[1:]] return agent elif ent_type == 'mirna' and id.startswith('URS'): db_refs = {'RNACENTRAL': id} return get_standard_agent(name, db_refs=db_refs) else: gnd_type = _type_db_map[(ent_type, database)] if gnd_type == 'UP': db_refs = process_uniprot_entry(id) # Map SIGNOR protein families to FamPlex families elif ent_type == 'proteinfamily': db_refs = {database: id} # Keep the SIGNOR family ID in db_refs key = (database, id) # Use SIGNOR name unless we have a mapping in FamPlex famplex_id = famplex_map.get(key) if famplex_id is None: logger.debug('Could not find %s in FamPlex map' % str(key)) self.stats['famplex_missing'].append(key[1]) else: db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_id # Other possible groundings are PUBCHEM, SIGNOR, etc. elif gnd_type is not None: if database not in ('PUBCHEM', 'SIGNOR', 'ChEBI', 'miRBase', 'DRUGBANK', 'RNAcentral'): raise ValueError('Unexpected database %s' % database) if database == 'PUBCHEM' and id.startswith('CID:'): # We take off the CID: prefix plus fix an issue with # SIGNOR's format in which it leaves extra spaces around # the ID, as in 'CID: 923' id = id[4:].strip() # In older releases PubChem substance IDs were used with # ChEBI as the source, these were later changed to use # PUBCHEM elif database in {'ChEBI', 'PUBCHEM'} \ and id.startswith('SID:'): gnd_type = 'PUBCHEM.SUBSTANCE' id = id[4:].strip() db_refs = {gnd_type: id} # If no grounding, include as an untyped/ungrounded node else: name = ent_name db_refs = {} return get_standard_agent(name, db_refs=db_refs) def _recursively_lookup_complex(self, complex_id): """Looks up the constitutents of a complex. If any constituent is itself a complex, recursively expands until all constituents are not complexes.""" assert complex_id in self.complex_map expanded_agent_strings = [] expand_these_next = [complex_id] while len(expand_these_next) > 0: # Pop next element c = expand_these_next[0] expand_these_next = expand_these_next[1:] # If a complex, add expanding it to the end of the queue # If an agent string, add it to the agent string list immediately assert c in self.complex_map for s in self.complex_map[c]: if s in self.complex_map and s != c: expand_these_next.append(s) else: expanded_agent_strings.append(s) return expanded_agent_strings def _get_complex_agents(self, complex_id): """Returns a list of agents corresponding to each of the constituents in a SIGNOR complex.""" agents = [] components = self._recursively_lookup_complex(complex_id) for c in components: db_refs = {} if c.startswith('CHEBI'): db_refs['CHEBI'] = c name = chebi_client.get_chebi_name_from_id(c) else: if not c.startswith('SIGNOR'): name = uniprot_client.get_gene_name(c, web_fallback=False) else: name = None if name is None: db_refs['SIGNOR'] = c else: db_refs['UP'] = c hgnc_id = uniprot_client.get_hgnc_id(c) if hgnc_id: name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id) db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id famplex_key = ('SIGNOR', c) if famplex_key in famplex_map: db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[famplex_key] if not name: # Set agent name to Famplex name if # the Uniprot name is not available name = db_refs['FPLX'] elif not name: # We neither have a Uniprot nor Famplex grounding logger.debug('Have neither a Uniprot nor Famplex grounding ' 'for "%s" in complex %s' % (c, complex_id)) self.stats['famplex_missing'].append(c) if not name: # Set the agent name to the Signor name if neither the # Uniprot nor Famplex names are available name = db_refs['SIGNOR'] assert name is not None agents.append(Agent(name, db_refs=db_refs)) return agents @staticmethod def _get_evidence(row): # Get epistemics (direct/indirect) epistemics = {} epistemics['direct'] = True if row.DIRECT == 'YES' else False # Get annotations _n = lambda s: s if s else None # TODO: Refactor to exclude keys that are just Nones annotations = { 'SEQUENCE': _n(row.SEQUENCE), 'MODULATOR_COMPLEX': _n(row.MODULATOR_COMPLEX), 'TARGET_COMPLEX': _n(row.TARGET_COMPLEX), 'MODIFICATIONA': _n(row.MODIFICATIONA), 'MODASEQ': _n(row.MODASEQ), 'MODIFICATIONB': _n(row.MODIFICATIONB), 'MODBSEQ': _n(row.MODBSEQ), 'NOTES': _n(row.NOTES), 'ANNOTATOR': _n(row.ANNOTATOR)} context = BioContext() if row.TAX_ID and row.TAX_ID != '-1': context.species = get_ref_context('TAXONOMY', row.TAX_ID) # NOTE: do we know if this is always a cell type, or can it be # a cell line? if row.CELL_DATA: # FIXME: we currently can't handle multiple pieces so we take # the first entry = row.CELL_DATA.split(';')[0] db_name, db_id = entry.split(':') context.cell_type = get_ref_context(db_name, db_id) # NOTE: is it okay to map this to organ? if row.TISSUE_DATA: # FIXME: we currently can't handle multiple pieces so we take # the first entry = row.TISSUE_DATA.split(';')[0] db_name, db_id = entry.split(':') context.organ = get_ref_context(db_name, db_id) # This is so that we don't add a blank BioContext as context and rather # just add None if not context: context = None # PMID is sometimes missing and sometimes other/Other, which we # don't represent if not row.PMID or row.PMID in {'other', 'Other'}: pmid = None text_refs = {} # These are regular PMIDs elif re.match(r'(\d+)', row.PMID): pmid = row.PMID text_refs = {'PMID': pmid} # Sometimes we get PMC IDs elif row.PMID.startswith('PMC'): pmid = None text_refs = {'PMCID': row.PMID} # Sometimes it's an NCBI Book elif row.PMID.startswith('NBK'): pmid = None text_refs = {'NCBIBOOK': row.PMID} # We log any other suspicious unhandled IDs else:'Invalid PMID: %s' % row.PMID) pmid = None text_refs = {} return Evidence(source_api='signor', source_id=row.SIGNOR_ID, pmid=pmid, text=row.SENTENCE, text_refs=text_refs, epistemics=epistemics, annotations=annotations, context=context) def _process_row(self, row): agent_a = self._get_agent(row.ENTITYA, row.TYPEA, row.IDA, row.DATABASEA) agent_b = self._get_agent(row.ENTITYB, row.TYPEB, row.IDB, row.DATABASEB) if not or not return None, None evidence = SignorProcessor._get_evidence(row) stmts = [] no_mech = False # First, check for EFFECT/MECHANISM pairs giving rise to a single # mechanism # Transcriptional regulation + (up or down) if row.MECHANISM == 'transcriptional regulation' and \ row.EFFECT in ('up-regulates', 'up-regulates quantity', 'up-regulates quantity by expression', 'down-regulates', 'down-regulates quantity', 'down-regulates quantity by repression'): stmt_type = IncreaseAmount if row.EFFECT.startswith('up') \ else DecreaseAmount # Since this is a transcriptional regulation, apply a # transcriptional activity condition to the subject ac = ActivityCondition('transcription', True) agent_a.activity = ac # Create the statement stmts.append(stmt_type(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # Stabilization + up elif row.MECHANISM == 'stabilization' and \ row.EFFECT in ('up-regulates', 'up-regulates quantity', 'up-regulates quantity by stabilization'): stmts.append(IncreaseAmount(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # Destabilization + down elif row.MECHANISM == 'destabilization' and \ row.EFFECT in ('down-regulates', 'down-regulates quantity', 'down-regulates quantity by destabilization'): stmts.append(DecreaseAmount(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # Chemical activation + up elif row.MECHANISM == 'chemical activation' and \ row.EFFECT in ('up-regulates', 'up-regulates activity'): stmts.append(Activation(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # Chemical inhibition + down elif row.MECHANISM == 'chemical inhibition' and \ row.EFFECT in ('down-regulates', 'down-regulates activity'): stmts.append(Inhibition(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # Binding + Form complex elif row.MECHANISM == 'binding' and row.EFFECT == 'form complex': stmts.append(Complex([agent_a, agent_b], evidence=evidence)) # The above mechanism/effect combinations should be the only types # giving rise to statements of the same type with same args. # They also can't give rise to any active form statements; therefore # we have gotten all the statements we will get and can return. if stmts: return (stmts, False) # If we have a different effect/mechanism combination, we can now make # them separately without risk of redundancy. # Get the effect statement type: effect_stmt_type = _effect_map[row.EFFECT] # Get the mechanism statement type. if row.MECHANISM: if row.MECHANISM not in _mechanism_map: logger.debug('Unhandled mechanism type: %s' % row.MECHANISM) self.stats['unhandled_mech_ctr'][row.MECHANISM] += 1 mech_stmt_type = None else: mech_stmt_type = _mechanism_map[row.MECHANISM] else: mech_stmt_type = None # (Note that either or both effect/mech stmt types may be None at this # point.) # First, create the effect statement: if effect_stmt_type == Complex: stmts.append(effect_stmt_type([agent_a, agent_b], evidence=evidence)) elif effect_stmt_type: stmts.append(effect_stmt_type(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # For modifications, we create the modification statement as well as # the appropriate active form. no_mech = False # Utility function for getting the polarity of the active form def af_is_activation(stmt, row): assert isinstance(stmt, Modification) # Get polarity of modification statement if isinstance(stmt, RemoveModification): stmt_polarity = -1 else: stmt_polarity = 1 # Get polarity of the effect if row.EFFECT.startswith('up'): effect_polarity = 1 else: effect_polarity = -1 return True if stmt_polarity * effect_polarity > 0 else False if mech_stmt_type and issubclass(mech_stmt_type, Modification): if not row.RESIDUE: # Modification mod_stmt = mech_stmt_type(agent_a, agent_b, None, None, evidence=evidence) stmts.append(mod_stmt) # ActiveForm if effect_stmt_type: af_agent = deepcopy(agent_b) af_agent.mods = [mod_stmt._get_mod_condition()] # TODO: Currently this turns any upregulation associated # with the modification into an ActiveForm (even # up/down-regulations associated with amounts). This should # be updated once we have a statement type relating Agent # states to effects on amounts. is_activation = af_is_activation(mod_stmt, row) stmts.append(ActiveForm(af_agent, 'activity', is_activation, evidence=evidence)) else: # Modification sites = _parse_residue_positions(row.RESIDUE) mod_stmts = [mech_stmt_type(agent_a, agent_b, site.residue, site.position, evidence=evidence) for site in sites] stmts.extend(mod_stmts) # Active Form if effect_stmt_type: mcs = [ms._get_mod_condition() for ms in mod_stmts] af_agent = deepcopy(agent_b) af_agent.mods = mcs # TODO: See above. is_activation = af_is_activation(mod_stmts[0], row) stmts.append(ActiveForm(af_agent, 'activity', is_activation, evidence=evidence)) # For Complex statements, we create an ActiveForm with a BoundCondition. elif mech_stmt_type == Complex: # Complex stmts.append(mech_stmt_type([agent_a, agent_b], evidence=evidence)) # ActiveForm af_agent = deepcopy(agent_b) af_bc_agent = deepcopy(agent_a) af_agent.bound_conditions = [BoundCondition(af_bc_agent, True)] if row.EFFECT.startswith('up'): stmts.append(ActiveForm(af_agent, 'activity', True, evidence=evidence)) elif row.EFFECT.startswith('down'): stmts.append(ActiveForm(af_agent, 'activity', False, evidence=evidence)) # Other mechanism statement types elif mech_stmt_type: stmts.append(mech_stmt_type(agent_a, agent_b, evidence=evidence)) # Mechanism statement type is None--marked as skipped else: no_mech = True return stmts, no_mech
def _parse_residue_positions(residue_field): # First see if this string contains two positions res_strs = [rs.strip() for rs in residue_field.split(';')] return [parse_amino_acid_string(rp) for rp in res_strs] def get_ref_context(db_ns, db_id): db_id = db_id.strip() if db_ns in {'BTO'}: db_id = ensure_prefix(db_ns, db_id) standard_name, db_refs = standardize_name_db_refs({db_ns: db_id}) return RefContext(standard_name, db_refs)
[docs]def process_uniprot_entry(up_id): """Process a UniProt entry ID into a db_refs structure.""" # In older versions of SIGNOR, the ID was formatted as # P12345_PRO_12345 or P12345-1. # As of 4/2023, the ID is formatted as P12345-PRO_12345 or P12345-1. if up_id == 'P17861_P17861-2': up_id = 'P17861-2' parts = up_id.split('-') if len(parts) == 1: return {'UP': up_id} elif parts[1].startswith('PRO'): return {'UP': parts[0], 'UPPRO': parts[1]} else: return {'UP': parts[0], 'UPISO': up_id}